3/11/06 **WOW** 4 years since I had the surgery! Life sure is different for me now vs. THEN! I can't even remember the pain of surgery, or the recuperation. It just seems so long ago... I think that I am a completely different person now and I no longer have to be the fat, loud, funny, obnoxious clown. I re-create myself every day and find out new things about myself. I really enjoy being STRONG now - mentally & physically, with confidence that I deserve something in life. I really can't believe that I weighed over 300lbs at one point before the surgery. One of the best things about losing so much weight is that I CHOSE to change from a desk job to a very phsyically challenging job at The Home Depot (by the way, YES, their insurance is TERIFFIC!!) I supervise 15 people in plumbing, kitchens, bath and appliances. I bend, stretch, kneel, lift, etc. all day long. I am confident enough to climb on a forklift, or lift a water heater at 40feet high. I didn't even have the confidence to barely leave the house 5 years ago, much less attempt to try a new job, a new hairstyle, dress in a color besides oh-so-slimming BLACK, or make any changes in my life. No my life now is not perfect, and I still have health issues (major anemia, serious bruising). But I can now keep up with my kids, tie my shoes, not be worried about being seen in public, or stress about embarassing my kids by being the "FAT Mom". Overall, life is great and I am so blessed!!!! BTW - Weight is steady 155.
11/01/05 Just another update after a long time away from this site.. I am doing great at 3 1/2 yrs post-op. I weigh about 148-152, just depending on the time of the month and/or what scale.. I have had some abnormal blood test results lately.. I've been anemic for over 6 months now and am actually going to a cancer specialist because my bloodwork is so out-of-whack.. my white blood count is low, red blood count - realllly low, and basically I've just been so weak, tired, etc. that I can barely drive myself to work without just feeling exhausted. I have been getting iron IVs for the last couple of weeks, but I'm really concerned that those just don't seem to be making a great impact on my blood numbers. Food is still not much of an issue with me.. however, I think I've been overeating a little lately because of the stress and/or maybe I just need to eat more because I feel so weak. Regardless, I feel that I'm still healthier than I was before the surgery, and would still recommend it to others. Hope everyone else is doing well!!
12/18/04 Back again just to post an update! I would really like to encourage those of you who are outside of the magical window of 18-24 months to not let that hold you back! I have lost a large amount of weight AFTER the 18-24 months window. I am now down to about 160 lbs.. I go for days/weeks without weighing, and food is hardly ever an issue for me. One of the best things to happen for me is that I no longer work at a desk job. I had worked at the headquarters for The Home Depot in Atlanta but I chose to transfer to work in a store and I walk much more and don't have the desk full of cookies/chips/etc. that I used to. I still indulge whenever I have a craving and I pretty much eat as much as I want to...my body lets me know when I am full, and then I STOP. I feel WONDERFUL!!
Hope you all are doing great too... Merry Christmas!!!
6/24/04 WOW -- it has been almost a year since i posted here!! I come back to visit every so often to get advice, post a question, etc. My weight is at about 175 lbs. At 5ft6 this means I still have my hips, butt and boobs - but my husband is always telling me how "dynamite" or "awesome" I look, so I guess the curves are in all the right places. I have lost the last 25 lbs mostly AFTER the magical 18-24 month "window". Hey, I'll take it any way I can get it!!
Our family went to Dolly's Splash Country waterpark for Father's Day this year. I wore a two piece short/bikini top combo that I bought in XL bottoms(husband said they were way too big!) and L top at Wal-Mart. Yes, my scar showed, but I didn't feel like anyone was looking, and believe me, I'm self-conscious enough to be able to tell when someone is looking at me! We also went to an amusement park in GA, and I was able to fit in all the rides with my kids. We had a great time.. and yes, GOD IS GOOD!! I am so blessed to have better health and more stamina/energy than I had a little over 2 years ago. I don't know if I'll ever reach the 140s, but ya know? - life goes on.. Don't wait until "someday when i'm skinny" to take your kids to the beach, or "when i can fit on the rides" to take the little ones to DisneyLand. Life is so short!! What a blessing we have in every single day! Enjoy your life - at whatever weight you are!
7/02/03-Summer is here! I am now wearing size LG in most shirts, size 14 pants. So I'm not exactly Twiggy, but I feel comfortable in my body..Of course, I am still a work in progress and one day I PLAN (not hope, wish, dream.. but PLAN) on being in the 140s. I have really upped my protein and DRASTICALLY reduced my carbs, so I will update in a few weeks as to how that's going. I am going to admit to everyone here that I haven't followed the RULES that I should have been. I read profiles of people that lost all of their weight without exercising, not drinking water, etc., etc. I thought I could do that too..Granted, I still don't eat half of what I used to - but I was fooling myself by thinking that the surgery alone would take care of all of my weight. Yes, it's true -- high protein, low carbs, 64oz water, exercise 3-4x a week, IS required!! Imagine that - 15 months post-op for me to figure that out!! ... I'll keep you all posted!! ...
4/15/03-Everything is going well...but my weight loss has come to a screeching halt and I feel like MY window of opportunity must have been only 6 months!! I haven't lost any significant weight since about 6 months post-op, and the majority of the weight loss I had was during months 1-3... Feels so much better to be at 198 instead of in the 270s - but I would love to be at 130-140....
12/22/02-Christmas is almost here!!! I'm having a great time getting ready..decorating, shopping, spending time with the family! Feeling very blessed, very happy and can't wait for 2003!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!!
10/27/02-I looked in the mirror today and hardly recognized myself. I have always been able to carry an extra 20 lbs and look slender, but even now, at 198 lbs I look almost "normal". Have been getting attention from men alot lately... I could really care less - my HUSBAND tells me I'm BEAUTIFUL, and he is the father of my three wonderful children - how could I want ANYONE ELSE?? He has been so good to me and so very supportive from the very day I mentioned surgery.. I feel sad for the people who have to end their relationships after they lose weight, because they just weren't with the right person to begin with. I am so blessed to have found the right man for me and he accepted me, fat and all!! Plus, he is a real cutie and is 9 years younger than I am. I guess I just wanted to say how happy I am... slow weight loss, no weight loss, no matter what, I am BLESSED and thankful for all that I have! May God bless you all, too!!
10/18/02-FINALLY!! down to 200 ... clothes fit so much better!!
9/01/02-Down a couple more pounds to 203...I need to up my exercise to get this plateau moving!! Can't wait to get under 200!
8/15/02-Still at 205 and had even gained a couple of pounds for a few days. Another one of my infamous plateaus probably!! Oh well, I'm still feeling good, just been low on energy lately...the B-12 helps some. I really wanted to get to 199 by my birthday (August 30), not sure if I can lose 5lbs in the next 15 days, but I'm going to keep trying!
7/27/02-205 lbs!! - whoooppeee!! feeling great!
7/12/02-Down to 210!!! Guess I'm coming off of the plateau.. My hubby said, "hey..your butt is really getting small now"..I guess that was a compliment---hey, I'll take them any way I can get them!!!
7/09/02-Plateaus SUCK!! Have only lost 3 lbs in the last 4 weeks..*sigh*... Oh well, at least I'm not gaining! Officially, my weight is 212..13 more pounds and I'm under 200!!
6/13/02-A little over 13 weeks post-op and now at 215lbs!! Feeling good, finishing school next week and also starting a new job next week! Things are looking up!!
5/29/02-Now 11 weeks and 2 days post-op and down to 221--that's 41 lbs in 79 days. I had actually kind of given up for a few days and really didn't watch what I ate at all..then I lost 4lbs in 6 days!!...Anyway, things are going great and I'm now wearing pants (size 18) that I haven't worn in over 2 years!!
5/23/02-I'm now 10 weeks and 3 days post-op. I had a nasty little plateau and didn't lose A SINGLE POUND for about 20 days. It was very depressing but I finally weighed again this morning and I am down to 225--which equals a 37 lb loss in 73 days. Not exactly what I was hoping for..I could say I've lost 48 lbs if I include the 11 lbs I gained in the hospital..but I'm just using my PRE-OP weight as a benchmark. Anyway, I'm still trying to stay away from the scales and keep my thoughts positive!! Hope to have a better update next time.
5/06/02-Today is eight weeks post-op for me. I've lost 34 lbs as of today. Feeling better lately, but notice that I bruise so easily. I wake up with bruises and don't know where they came from. Hopefully my insurance situation will improve soon so I can visit the doctor and have my blood work done. Anway, every day gets better!!
4/22/02-Six weeks post-op today and down 30 lbs!
4/19/02-Well, I'm 3 days shy of being 6 wks post-op and am down 28lbs! Okay--so no world records here, but I am feeling better and have had lots more energy. The B-12 shots make a world of difference to me..I "shoot up" bi-weekly for now and they make me feel so much BETTER. I would have never believed I could give myself a shot, but you learn how and it is very EASY.
4/14/02-It has been a pretty good week here, it was Spring Break for my son, Seth, so we took a few different mini-vacations to Mississippi (Vicksburg, Biloxi, Philadelphia) and we also went to Andersonville, GA to visit the site of the infamous Ft. Sumter prison from the Civil War. I'll be honest-I did NOT have alot of energy, but the fact that we actually went on a vacation when I was just at 4 wks post-op was very surprising to me. I tried to walk around alot, drink lots of fluids and stay away from the junk foods that the rest of the family had for the trip. When I got back home and weighed, I am now down 26 lbs at about 1 month post-op! Even though I originally wanted to lose 30lbs the 1st month, I'm still happy and grateful to God that I'm actually LOSING weight instead of GAINING!!
4/2/02-I am learning to definitely stay away from the scale!! I've found that my weight can fluctuate very easily...I can weigh in the morning and get upset that I've GAINED 5 lbs., then later in the afternoon after eating and drinking all day, the scale will show I've LOST 3-4 lbs. I think that one of my issues is that I do not go the restroom (bm) except for every 3-4 days. I'm doing really well on my water/fluids. Still working to eat the right foods, it seems like the "wrong" foods are alot easier to tolerate than the ones that are what I should be eating. I have vomitted 4 times, and it is NOT enjoyable. My sweet husband says he can already see the weight loss. So far, on my scales, I've lost about 23lbs. My goal is to lose 26lbs (10% of my starting weight)by the time I'm one month post-op (9days to lose 3lbs.). I am trying to make SMALL goals, instead of getting freaked out that I'm not losing 45lbs a month!
3/21/02-Today has been a better day. I went to see the nurse about pain under my left breast, she thinks it is just from where my rib-cage was "spread apart" (her words!). So she went ahead and gave me a B-12 shot while I was there and weighed me - I have lost the 11 lbs. I gained in the hospital from fluids, plus an additional 8 lbs. Officially, I'll say that I have lost 8 lbs in 9 days! I'm feeling much better and hoping to get out more during the next few days!!
3/15/02-Today, I am 4 days post-op. I came home yesterday after staying Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nite at the hospital. Overall, I didn't have alot of pain in the hospital, I used the epidural most of my stay. I was very surprised at the nursing care at Northside Hospital--although the nurses were generally "nice", they never seemed to act with a sense of urgency, and most requests took hours to get a response. I complained about my IV causing me pain..and complained..and complained..until finally (5 hours later) the nurse looked and noticed my hand had swollen to the size of a boxing glove. I really feel they overdid it with the IV, as I gained 11 lbs. in the hospital and my hand is still swollen. Anyway, since I've been home, I have had ALOT of pain, most of it has been manageable with the medicine Dr. prescribed for me. I'm very glad to be home. Today is my son's 1st birthday---I'm really glad we had his party before my surgery..today I don't have much energy for anything....More later...
2/1/02-Went 2 days ago to have my upper GI and my gallbladder ultrasound. The ultrasound tech was very pleasant and went ahead and told me I had alot of gallstones and an enlarged gallbladder. She said this would probably explain the stomach pain I've been having for the last few months. The upper GI was gross and I've had a stomach ache since then -don't know what the results were exactly from that - they will let the surgeon know.
1/23/02-I have a date -- March 11, 2002!!!! I am so excited and nervous and 50 other emotions!! I feel like I have so much to do and so little time - but I DID ask for the earliest date they could arrange for me -- so in approximately 7 weeks I will be celebrating my "new" birthday (just 4 days before my son Caleb's 1st birthday).
1/17/02-Called Dr. W's office today...they said they will probably be able to let me know my surgery date soon--yippeee!!!Just wanted to let anyone who is reading this know that I feel so fortunate to be approved with relative ease - I am praying for those of you have had problems with your insurance company.
***May God work wonders for those of you in need!***
1/15/02-I've called Dr. W's office twice and they have not received the approval letter from BC/BS. I received my copy of the approval letter today in the mail.
On another note, I have been having bad stomach pains for the last few weeks so I had a barium swallow done a few days ago and just got the results. I have a hernia and have been placed on prevacid for a while. I don't know if/how this will affect my surgery, but at least I have the barium swallow results to give to Dr. if it is needed. I also had full blood work done last week, so I will have that ready, if they can use it.
1/10/02----I'm approved!!!---Called BC/BS of AL and they said that a pre-determination was made on 1/7/02 and that I am approved!! Dr. W's office says that they are booking dates in April :( -- so now I'm thinking about trying to maintain my weight for the next few months!
12/05/01-Contacted Dr. W's office today. They said all of my information was sent yesterday to BC/BS. I will follow-up with BC/BS early next week to see how everything is looking...I normally don't let thoughts thoroughly consume me - but I am having dreams about losing weight and how I will look, things I will do, how I will feel.. I visit this site very often and love to view the photos and profiles of pre and post-op members..
11/30/01-My appointment was yesterday - everything went well. Dr. W. seemed very professional, yet down to earth. He answered all of my questions and didn't seem to be in a big rush. At first I was worried by the fact that he doesn't offer RNY laproscopically. But my concern is not about the size or shape of my scars.. I just want healthy results. I took all of my paperwork (diet history, medical info, etc.) with me to the office yesterday. So now I am just going to wait for a response from Blue Cross.
11/10/01-I've been a travel consultant for the last 14 years ..it's an interesting job - but not a very active one. I am only 32 and I feel so OLD. I want to be able to run, play and keep up with my wonderful children. I would love to go out with my husband and feel confident and pretty. My husband is 9 yrs younger than I - he is adorable and we are a perfect match in spite of the age difference. I do not want to become a burden to him later in life because of my weight. I have an appointment for 11/29 and can't wait!


3/11/02: date of surgery!!
3/15/02: 273
3/21/02: 254
3/29/02: 242
4/19/02: 234
4/22/02: 232 (6 wks post-op and down 30 lbs!)
4/29/02: 230
5/01/02: 228
5/23/02: 225
5/29/02: 221
6/04/02: 218
6/11/02: 215 (3 months post-op--47 pounds gone, gone, gone!!)
7/09/02: 212
7/12/02: 210
7/22/02: 207
7/27/02: 205
8/15/02: 205
9/01/02: 203
9/11/02: 203 (6 months post-op..i'm definitely not a fast loser)
9/18/02: 203
12/18/04:160 (getting close to 3 yrs post op and can still LOSE)

About Me
Winston, GA
Nov 11, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Stretchy black pants size XXL - I thought they were SLIMMING!
285 3/02lbs
Alot lost AFTER 18-24 months
152 11/05lbs
