@ 17 weeks + 2 days...

Apr 27, 2011

i can't believe it's been a month already since i've posted.  i've been so very busy.  i'm now 25# from my personal goal and have lost 43 since surgery in 17 weeks!  i'm getting so many people now asking me if i've lost weight, which to me is enormously funny.  after 43# i'm just now looking like i lost weight??  really??  cracks me up. 

at any rate.  still feeling better every day.  new clothes are fun!  new shoes even more fun!  banana tummy and i are agreeing to disagree sometimes, but rarely.  the only real thing that i've found that bothers me are eggs.  fried, scrambled, or poached, doesn't matter.  it can set off an IBS episode.  most especially if the yolk is runny, that seems to be the most disagreeable. 

life it good on this side of vsg.

banana + me = bff&a


@ 13 weeks + 3 days....

Mar 31, 2011

with revised bmi goal now of 22.2:

happy dance!!!

overweight!! @ 13 weeks + 3 days!

Mar 30, 2011

it's happened!  it really really happened!  today, i'm overweight!!!

To find your BMI, fill out the form below:

Measurement system: imperial  metric
Your height:  4 feet 11 inches
Your weight:  148  pounds

  You have a BMI of 29.8. <<<<-----LOOK!!!!!!!!
This shows that you are moderately overweight.
Your BMI is not high enough to qualify you for bariatric surgery.
The table below shows value ranges and what they mean.

Range Meaning
less than 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Normal
25.0 - 29.9 Overweight
30.0 - 39.9 Obese
40.0 - 50 Extremely Obese
over 50 Super Obese



12 weeks and 0.4 to go to be overweight!

Mar 21, 2011

so hard to believe that it's been only 12 weeks!  in 12 weeks since surgery i've lost 27#.  i need new shoes, new bras, and am wearing new clothes!  i've lost from size 14+ pants (should have gone to 16 but was too stubborn and embarrassed) and xl shirt.  to now size 10 pants and med to lg shirts!!  wow!  to say i am feeling better is an understatement!

as of this morning my bmi is 30.4.  for me the cut off to be 'only' overweight is 30.0.  sooooo i've got 0.4 to go to just be overweight!  omg again!


omg!!! 0.7 to go to be 'only' overweight!!!

Mar 18, 2011

i may need to revise my bmi goal.  i just figured out that my first goal of bmi 20.0 will place me at 100#!!!  yeah, i don't think so.  not at 50 years old, even if i am only 4' 10.5" tall (short?).  my personal weight goal has always been 120-125#.  so, that seems much more realistic and achievable.  which means that my bmi will be 22.2.  in which case... if i revise it, i only have 8.5 to go.  hmmmmmmm.  need to think on this.

my weight is coming off ever so slowly.  i was averaging 2-3# week.  now, not so much.  it's still 2# per week average, but barely.  almost down to 1#.  so so so worried that i will just simply stop too soon and have to do something drastic... like, oh, uh, exercise??  haha.  ok, ok, i am exercising, but not routinely and faithfully.  yeah, yeah, i know, i'd probly be losing better if i did.  and, i can tell i'm getting a smidge of loose skin now, so i will be forced to begin exercising soon to build up some muscle mass for this skin. 

still loving this.  finally figuring out how to eat in public when i travel.  so far, not much has bothered me in the way of food (good and bad to know). 

feeling like a million.  so many good things happening.  i am now about to get out of 12's and into 10's full time.  my size 10's are fitting me quite nicely.  12's starting to be loose and uncomfortable by the end of the day.

hooray for VSG!!!  and banana tummies!!!  :)
1 comment

10 weeks today!!

Mar 07, 2011

i officially have ONLY 1.1 to go on my BMI until i will be ONLY "overweight"!  oh my gosh.  i am so elated.  i've been freed from my surgeon to eat "whatever" i can tolerate.  i tried steak, very very cautiously, this past weekend.  it was ok, but sat heavy.  on a separate day i had my first 'bad food' day where nothing went well and everything, literally everything sat heavy.  my first real vomitting episodes occurred.  i didn't overeat, may have eaten too fast and not chewed well, but didn't overeat.  either way, the banana master just did not feel well all day.  it has past now, so all is well. 


8 & 1/2 weeks out!!

Feb 24, 2011

saw my primary last week and had labs drawn for the first time since surgery. 

HgA1C NORMAL!!  liver enzymes NORMAL!! all other labs NORMAL with the exception of cholesterol which was just barely over the normal range!!!  i cried happy tears!

going well.  losing slow, but losing nonetheless.

6 weeks, 1 day!

Feb 08, 2011

yesterday was 6 weeks that have swoooshed by so very fast!  so much life has changed since.  i've had to re-learn how to swallow.  both drink (i used to guzzle water in big big gulps, not so much any more), and with food (small bites, chew, chew, chew, work up the bubble of air that is inevitable, walk if the discomfort won't go away, swallow one bite less than you want and wait to see if anything else might fit).

clothes are starting to really fit differently!  i've finally gone down a size in pants!  i lost a total of 10# before surgery and have lost 19# since surgery making a grand total of 29#!!  i'm a short woman so 29# is a significant loss.  feeling so much better physically AND mentally.  what a difference.

still batttling head hunger.  i'm not going to be one of the lucky ones that never gets hungry.  it's worse with stress, but always present. 

so happy with this decision and so very sad i didn't consider it sooner. 



5 weeks, 1 day!

Feb 01, 2011

yesterday was my 5 week post op day! 

i can certainly tell a difference.  i've not felt this good physically or mentally in well over a year.  my clothes are fitting differently (better!).  my only frustration is that i am still in my size 14 jeans and can't get down to at least the 12.  i'm losing weight all over, but much much slower in my tummy/hips area.  ugh, that is the precise area that needed it most.  so far, no real noted difference in bra size (the area i don't want to lose much if any in).  last friday though i noticed for the first time hair all over the counter.  if i lose much more, i'll be bald since my hair is unbearably thin to begin with. 

eating is fun again!!  i'm still afraid to try many things.  my surgeon's office gives confusing and conflicting information regarind advancing the diet.  my surgeon himself has advanced me farther than the paperwork says i can.  i'm eating fish pretty much every day.  i've tried chicken and it is ok.  tunafish not so much.  and eggs... yeah, no.  probly not on the list for a while if ever again.  something way wrong with the taste of eggs in any form for me.  i'm able to eat as spicy as i want.  oh, and turkey jerky is good food, i managed to chew to spit consistency and had no problems.  i've found "full" a limited number of times and only twice to the uncomfortable stage (i didn't try, this just happened when i swallowed to fast or big).  i don't ever want to do that again.  no bueno.  it wasn't unbearable or painful... but was highly uncomfortable.  no bueno!!!

issues with constipation.  otherwise, all health issues seem to be resolved.  my blood pressure is beautiful.  was supposed to see my doctor today to have blood drawn, but, here in TX we were iced in with a rare winter storm.  determined to find out that my blood sugars are now fixed also and i will not have to resume the metformin. 

peace and joy to all...  i am in love with my sleeve.  even if it does frustrate me at times.  i've done some mourning, but all in all, it's been a mentally healthy as well as physically healthy journey.  i am so very blessed.


4 weeks today!!!

Jan 24, 2011

bmi progress:


something happened last week with my math skills, i didn't add or subract right.  it's fixed now though.  this is the correct and true progress report.

today, i decided to wear some shoes that i thought i'd be able to now.  they are FALLING OFF my feet!  3 weeks ago they were still too tight.  omg! 

i feel better now than i've felt in over a year.  can't describe the difference other than to say i've found some renewed energy reserves, and i just feel better.  i'm almost 100% back to my 'normal' or 'usual' personality which has always always been upbeat and positive and just plain happy.  i know that it's because i'm no longer taking all those meds that were bringing me down. 

as of today i've lost 15# since surgery!  wow, just wow.  it's a slow steady loss of 1-2 # per week which, although is more than a little frustrating, is really for the best long term.  and, i've found my "FULL" limit on a couple of occasions.  not to the "want to die" degree, but certainly noteworthy.

life is finally becoming GOOD again!!!  i'm going to the gym today to push through some very low impact zumba so that i can start building up my strength and tolerance again for exercise.  can not wait!


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 02, 2010
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