This is how it all started....

06/15/2004 I have an appointment with my PCP this week and I will be attending Dr. Singh's evening info session July 27th. I have done so much research on this whole process that I can say that I am anxious because I know that this is a lengthy journey. It has been very helpful to read everyones contribution in their profiles. The feedback has made me feel more comfortable and excited about my decision to persue the surgery.

A bit of back ground on my self... 30yrs old, happily married for almost four years, no childern..yet, but a 5 month old puppy that has become our child for the time being. My heavest weight was last fall at 330lbs. I have been trying to loose weight recently have lost some and gained some but today I am at 309lbs. Not really at a milestone but every little bit helps. I am in the health care proffession and it is really hard to tell your patients to loose weight and change eating habits when it looks as if I don't practice what you preach.

6/30/04 My PCP said that he thought I would make a good candidate for WLS! And he gave me info on Dr. Singh which I already had known since I had been doing the reasearch for about a month so that was not a surprise. He even said I could start looseing weight for the 10% pre-op and he would pass my progress on to Dr. Singh's office. SO I started.... I have been a member at the local curves for the last two years but never very faithful. So I started again with a greater purpose in mind. Actually I restarted going to curves in May. I have been trying to keep a personal journal to document my thoughts so if I get discouraged I can find the inspiration to move forward, or figure out what my pit falls are. I have reduced portion sizes and tried to watch what I am eating. I have begun to eat more salads especailly.

Neat thing is I weighed myself this morning and I was 302.5 at home. I hope the scale at Curves will say the same thing tomorrow. It is time for me to get measured and weighed. I really need to focus my energy on the day to day struggle and give myself mini goals. I had found that if I try to plan for the long term my goals, I become lost and get discouraged. So Today my goal is to reach 298, under 300lbs, that would be very cool! Today is a good day. Wishing everyone a safe a happy 4th of July. Hubby, dog and I will be camping in Lake Lazerne this weekend.

7/1/04 Just a quick note- I was weighed in at Curves and my actual weight is 305. When I restarted Curves in May I was 316 so that is a 9lb loss since the middle of May. yeah! :) So I'm starting off July on the right foot. My plans are to try and get more water and protein in to my diet. I want to be under 300 for the info meeting with Dr. Singh. Wish me luck :). Plus I will be checking out a local support group to try and get a jump on my pre-op homework.

7/28/04 Well I went to the info session in Albany last night. Happy to report no surprises all my research had paid off ;-) Dr. Singh seems like a very knowledgeable man and I am pleased with my decision to go forward in this process. I will see my PCP tomorrow for the referal to the next set of consults and a weigh in. Now I just have to sit down and remember all my past weight loss programs.... fun huh. My routine at curves has been getting more consistant. I can say I am there three or more times a week now. I will be weighing in there next week. I fell off the wagon this weekend at my husbands class reunion but I am right back on track.

7/30/04 Had a great meeting with my PCP, he is very supportive. We talked about the different doctors to go to and his staff worked very well to get the referals I requested. The weigh in went better than I had hoped, down to 302lbs. My PCP said that we could use the starting weight of 315 because I had been under his supervision this past year due to a thyroid issue that has been controled with medication. So as of today I have lost 13lbs of the necessary 10% (31.5) presurgery weight loss. Still trying to remember the weight loss programs that I failed or failed me. Still reading through the packet of material Dr. Singh handed out.:)

8/6/04 Well things have been moving along faster than I had expected. I have scheduled my appointment with the nutritionist, psychologist and upper endo all for next week. Did not really plan it that way, it is just how everyone's schedule was. So I decided to call Dr. Singh's office to schedule an appointment. They have got me on the books for September 16th. So I have about a month to finish any last items from my packet of info. Wow hard to believe that it is happening so fast. I tried to go to a support meeting last night but it was cancelled. Not fun since I have to drive an hour, I would recommend people call Albany med to verify the support group is still meeting the Thursday that they pick to go. Hit curves three times this week. Hoping to go four times next week. Counting calories but still enjoying the summer events.

8/13/04 Well I made to the end of the week. This has been a bit of a whorl wind expeience. I had my upper endo with Dr. Chase from GI group in Glens Falls which was a great facility but the procedure was interesting to say the least. I managed fine it was not that big of a deal. My psych eval got switched to Tuesday Dr.Klim in Albany, she was an easy person to talk with. Then I had had a scheduled apt with my nutritionist which went well also. She gave me a meal plan and I'm going to stick with it. And of course Thursday is a support group day so I figured I would attend my first meeting. It was very informative. So it was a busy week.

So I have documented weight loss of 15 of the necessary 32 lbs needed of the pre surgery 10% which is a nice cushion. So now I will wait for my clearances to come in the mail and continue to lose the next 17 lbs before my meeting with Dr. Singh on September 16th. That gives me four weeks. I'm gonna weigh in at curves at the end of the month their scale is heavier and I don't want to get discouraged.

I will put my life style changes to the test next week when we will be going on vacation to the NJ south shore. Wish me luck!

9/8/04 Well, the last of the summer trips have come to an end.:( I managed to maintain my weight but I think I have lost some inches. Next week just before my scheduled meeting with Dr. Singh, I'm going to get myself weighed and measured at Curves so I can bring that information with me. I have tried to keep a food journal but that is very hard. I need to try harder if I will be able to make the lifestyle changes needed.

I really need to commit more to this whole process. That is my goal for the next month. It is time to concentrate on making myself healthy. till next time. :)

9/15/2004 Tomorrow is the big appointment day with Dr. Singh, I have got my packet together and I have been "check'in it twice".

I had a funny story today for all of us who have struggled with anykind of weightloss process. I weighed in at curves in the morning and the scale showed I had gained 2-4 lbs since my last visit. I get really bummed if the scale doesn't change even a little... but I worked very hard these last few weeks and I could feel the changes. The lady at curves said she thought the scale may be off but was not sure of even how much. WELL, I couldn't stand it and I ran over to my PCP office and asked to use their scale. Mind you I had bike shorts on with a pair of loose pants over top. I do a quick look around and no one is paying any attention to me so I take my shoes off and drop trou. Hop on the scale and come to find out I weighed slightly less than 301. Curves said I weighed 307 that is a six pound diference. I let of a gasp of excitement that made everyone look at me as I was pulling up my pants, I sure I looked guilty :) But I was late for work so I was rushing out and a few patients had noticed me and wanted to know how I did so I shared my triumph and the nurses and office staff shouted as I left that they were routing for me. I was completely red as I left the office but very fulfilled that I have lost 20 of the 32lbs.

I am excited about tomorrow but a little nervous. I have been very happy with my experience thus far. Chat again later.

9/17/2004 I have returned from the consult with Dr. Singh. I really liked talking with him. He really wants to make sure you understand that this process (WLS) is based on understanding that you are the one in control and accountable for the WL after the surgery. The lifestyle change is what is necesary to be succesful. I have chosen the Lap-gastric banding technique. Although this technique is known to be responsible for only 50% loss of excess weight. I am challenging myself to show that banded people can loose more than that. I will need to have a gallbladder ultrasound to rule out stones and if everything is clear then he will go ahead with the surgery. I do have a check up with the Dr. in October to follow up with him. But the date I selected is November 17th. I know that is close to the holidays but I think it better to be done prior to the season than during.

I am still in slight disbelief that this is all really happening, I would not want this process to go any faster. I like to time to make the necessary changes in my lifestyle. I am very excited about where I will be a year from now. I was looking over past medical records from when I was a child... I could not believe if I lost 50-60% of my excess body weight I would weigh close to what I weighed when I was 14yrs old... what a thought. No 14yr old should weigh that much either... this has been a life long struggle.

So here is to everyone on the otherside I will be there soon :)

10/15/2004 Today was my monthly weighin at curves I have lost 5 lbs! yeah :) Plus 2 inches? Of course the scale there is all messed up (6lbs heavier than most other scales). At Curves I currently weight 302 but at home I'm under 300lbs and that to me is a big milestone (home scale said this morning 298.5). I am excited!

Plus I went to the mail box today and I received my approval letter from MVP. I have not had to bother anyone about approval for this procedure. I have had a great experience thus far in regards to Dr. Singh's office staff and insurance issues. I played it cool and I gave them time and did not bug their office. I made one call to touch base with Debbie about Pre-op appointment and mentioned ins, she said it had been sent and I left it at that. So I would say approval took roughly four weeks, which is what Debbie told me it would take. My best advise is let them (office staff) do their job but be a pro-active patient so you you are mindful of how the process is going. If you feel like you have been passed over be on top of it, but don't be aggressive from the get go. This will only lead to poor people relations.

I have my gallbladder US Oct 28th, I'm hoping all goes smoothly. Also, I have many Drs appointments in the up comming weeks to get ready for this whole process. I will up date again soon.

11/03/2004 I had the GB US and everthing went well, there is no need to have the extra surgery. So it is full speed ahead to the Lap-band 11/17. I have had every doctor in my life get a chance to poke and prod me before this surgery. Even had my yearly pap before this whole process begins.

So I am feeling excited but slightly nervous, I know I will be fine. I think I am more bummed about the lack of control...putting myself in someone elses hands. I believe Dr. Singh is the most knowledgeable doctor for this job, it is just a lack of control issue. Trying to get over a cold, PCP put me on some Antibtx so I should be over it quick. I'm just trying to go to all the support groups I can before the surgery happens. Update again soon.

11/09/2004 Just 8 more days until surgery. Excited but still anxious. Anixety over just getting the operation done with and starting to exercise again. I don't want to break good routines I have started, such as going to curves and indoor volleyball. Pre-op is this Thursday. I have got some questions to ask them so I hope they are ready for me.:) Happy to be under the 300lb mark for the last couple of weeks, but kinda bummed that it hasn't moved any further. Chat again soon.

11/26/2004 Well here I am POST-OP! I had the lapband surgery on 11/17 @ Albany Medical Center with Dr. Singh. I was scheduled to be there at 5:45am (fun). I arrived and was promtly taken in to pre-op room. From there I said goodbye to my hubby and was placed in a holding area. Here the anasthesiaologist and group did thier job, I was a bit anxious about the needles but they did their best to make me at ease. Once the drugs were in they wheeled me in the the OR. I help them move myself to the other gurney then they placed a mask on my face and that is really the last memory I have of the before.......... Then I woke up in the recovery room comfortable but soreness in my belly region. My body felt very heavy but I woke up quickly I thought. Then I had to wait for a bed that was the only bad part. I was fully awake reading (more like looking at pictures) of magazines but my family could not come in and see me until I was in a room. I was in the recovery room from 10:00am to 1:30pm. But thoses things happen. I really liked all my nurses and staff.

So once I was up in the room I got up a walked a few times with my family. I really felt thirsty or hungery I was not sure which. I was able to finally have ice chips but not until later that day. I was not in that much pain probably a 5 on th pain scale, hospital drugs are good though. :) I was restless in the night. I found it challenging to get up to go to the bathroom.

In the morning I was the last of the patients to have my esophagram done to check the position of the band. Yes the substance (clear liquid) they have you sip is OK at first then it is disgusting after the eighth time you sip it. Once everything is deamed "good to go". you consume a liter of fluid and hold it down and you can be discharged.

The night after the surgery I can tell you I was one of those patients that felt hungery after surgery. But then the next few days I felt more nausea than hunger. First night home was the roughest because I had a hard time taking my pain pills (I took them fine in the hospital). I literally got one stuck at 3:00am and I walked around for 15min and you could actually feel it come free. So then I went back to bed.

But everyday after that has been steady improvement. I have walked in town a number of times and become almost as active as I was before surgery. As for How I EAT...... Very little three times a day. The first week was clear liquids which I stuck to.(protein shake, SF Jello and broth) Thanksgiving was the start of my second week and I was able to move on to pured turkey, turnip, and two bites of pumpkin pie. And I was full. I do feel a restriction and I can only consume 1/4 of food at a time. So today I have started to experiment a bit. I weighed my self in on Wednesday one week after surgery- 283lbs I lost 12 lbs since surgery.

Things are going well i will be starting work next week. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. till next time.

12-28-2004 Things are going well. I had an incision site infection that is taking it's own sweet time to heal. It looks much better but is not completely healed. Yuck!! I would have to say the holidays are the most difficult. I have one last function to go to this weekend. I keep imagining if I was not banded how much worse the eating would have been. I try to be strong but I have not chosen wisely occasionally. But I try to stay positive and not spend time dwelling on what I ate but what my next step will be. Curves is still my exercise of choice only getting there about three times a week. Work is going well, only tired toward the end of the week. That's about all for now.

Welcome 2005! I'm so glad the holiday's are over!!! I saw the nutritionist last week, blood values are great. Also, I was scheduled to see Dr. Singh and possibly get a fill. But he had an emergency so his appointments were canceled so I will see him Feb 10th. I can tell that I am able to eat more during a meal. I had a couple of bad weeks earlier this month but I feel more on track now. I really don't have a problem with any food except breads. I enjoy the ability to have variety with my food choices but it is the temptation to have thoses simple carbs that seem to do me in. Weight loss continues to be a struggle..daily struggle. My exercise needs to be increased. Curves is great but it is just not as challenging for me any more. So that is the next big hurdle... find and accept more exercise programs. Oh I'm still sticking to Curves but I need to suplement with something else.
I can notice the inches being lost and the body changing (shifting). I started at a size 28W now I'm in 24W so I am very pleased. Hair started to shed a bit the last week or so but things are going well. Talk again after the possible fill. :)

02/14/2005 Happy Valentine's Day! Things are going well. I had my first fill last week, it went very well. The port was in the correct location. Dr. Singh and the resident preformed the procedure. It did not hurt but it did feel unique. And my belly (abdominal muscles) were slightly sore for a few days after the procedure. Went back to liquids, then mushies and now I'm back to solids. Blood work was good also. Now Dr. S wants we to increase the exercise-more than curves. So that is my current challenge or homework sorta speak. But the fill had broke a plateau that I was on for about three weeks so that was a good thing. Thats about all for now.

03/24/05 Just had follow up with Dr. S and everything is going well in reguards to the surgery aspect of things. But I fell off the wagon sorta speak since my last visit with the doctor. I started to fall into old habits poor food choices, grazing and not getting in my exercise. So since my first fill in Feb I lost a few pounds then gained a few and have since lost a few more. The total loss was 6 lbs. But I'm not very proud of that because of the yo-yo effect I caused myself. Luckily I realized what was begining to happen so I joined a local Diet Workshop group with weekly meetings and got myself back under control.

The thing is I know what to do.. it is fighting the temptations to keep the momentom going. I have decided to make the time to do 30 mins of exercise everyday. That is my decision! (now that I have written it down I shall stick to it!) So tomorrow is another day, what I will do is wake up agin in the morning and continue to fight the weight loss battle. And keep my chin up because I will win over this problem. Till next time.

06/08/05 Well interesting things have been happening since I last repported. Because of the weight loss my mensus has been haywire (to say the least). I get some piece of mind my OBGYN decided to put me on the pill. Good idea we all thought until 8 days into it I broke out in cluster migraine headaches. For a month I felt like I had some kind of headache. My PCP and I are starting to get them under control with medication. The Meds are making each episode bareable, so I'm happy with that. I'm hoping that this is a transient situation.

So the weight loss since the last post was very slow partly d/t the headaches and myself. I haven't figured out how to get in all the exercise I need. This week has been different though I started to walk 30-45 min a day and continuing to do Curves daily. So what I need to do now is make sure I continue this habit for longer than seven days. That is a key problem I get excited at the loss then justify a poor food choice (soft calories). SO I HAVE TO STOP THAT!

I'm looking forward to posting in a month and we shall see if I can stick to my guns. to be continued.....

06-22-05 Happy Summer!
Things are moving bit better with this latest fill. Still having trouble with cluster migraines. I will be seeing a neurologist next week so he can check my head.... which I've always known is a bit scrambled :) When the headaches hit though it is hard to exercise. But I'm really watching the calorie intake and I'm working with a local weight loss group that is helping on a weekly basis. Three more pounds and I will be half way to my goal weight. My first goal weight is 175lbs. Then I will see if I want to go further. Happy fourth if I don't get back here. My husband and I along with another couple are going to NJ shore for the week. Last year I was 50lbs heavier, and the pictures are interesting to look at. I can't weight to see how this vacation feels at a lighter weight.

Hello all! Things have been kinda busy since I have last written. I know I need to document my journey to show you all out there that if you have a similar issue maybe my perspective can help shed some light on the subject. So lets begin where I left off....

At the end of 2005 I had had a third fill with Dr. S and he had to do it under floro. Not a bad procedure it is more comforable than him searching for the port blind. I continued to do curves and walk. The weight comes down to the lowest 240lbs, but then things get a bit crazy... I found out that we are pregnant. Which is what my husband and I had been working on prior the the WL journey.

2006 starts with a bang continue to do curves, walk nutritionist and dietian meet with me every four weeks to make sure I'm getting what I need. OB apts are going well. Had a couple od Ultrasounds A) to verify that it is single baby not twins (9wk) and B) the big US where you could find the sex out but we choose not to (20wk).

To be honest I have had a breeze of a pregancy term. Very little morning sickness and tiredness in the first trimester. Have continued to do curves and walk. Second trimester I felt great only annoying thing was that I was back in a pair of "fat" pants that I had saved. Which was probably a smart thing because maternity clothes do not come in Plus sizes very often. I'm very glad I'm pregnant as a 2x/22W-24W rather than a 4x/32W-34W. I can't imagine what this would be like at that size.

Really that is the only hang up I have, is the weight gain that can and is suposed to happen for a healthly child. But I talk about it to my support system and get my head on straight and plug forward. Cause it has all been worth every step of the way that I have taken.

So today is week 23-24 out of 40. (for all you non pregnant folks) With a due date of around September 1st (give or take). We have no clue what it will be probably a boy or a girl. :) lol Talk to you all again soon.

Happy Holidays! It has been too long since I have updated my info. Things have been busy.... (which I know is no excuse) My husband and I have a bouncing baby boy- John who is now 4months old. Born on Aug 29th. Delivery went OK with the band. I had some problems after the delivery with reflux. But now has since gotten better. Now that it has been two years since the surgery some bad habits have formed that I am working on breaking down. Some such as grazing, eating higher calorie foods that tend to cheat the band and a hunger/appetite has returned. These are things I struggle with on a daily basis. We are excited for the holidays and looking forward to a relaxing weekend with John and Dog.
Talk again soon.

05-11-2007    Well it has taken some time to settle into the MOM routine and I only seemed to have gained a little weight, about 16 lbs. I had a fill yesterday. I'm back at 1.5cc which is interesting since there had been nothing in the band. I didn't realized that over time the band will loose the fluid. The band its self is a semi-permeable membrane. So today is a bit uncomfortable. We will see how this goes. I'm back on liquids, musheys then solids protocol. I have to remember the water!!! This time around I seem to have a bit more acid reflux than before the pregancy. So we shall see how I do this first week back on plan.

Stats over the past years:
9-2002 305lbs ediets
11-2002 312lbs ediets
3-2003 330lbs topped off weight :{
8-2003 320lbs ediets
11-2003 320lbs Decision for gastric pacer
4-2004 316lbs Decision for Lap-band procedure; Started seeing PCP about gastric surgery
6-4-2004 309lbs Restarted curves for the fourth time :0
7-26-2004 Dr. Singh's informational meeting
9-27-2004 300lbs
10-15-2004 298.5lbs
11-02-2004 297 OB/GYN & follow up with PCP (dropped 17lbs since their last record)
11-12-2004 295.5lbs pre op weight
11-24-2004 283lbs
12-28-2004 270lbs
01-28-2005 268lbs
02-10-2005 265lbs First fill 1cc
02-14-2005 261lbs
03-24-2005 259lbs Dr. S Apt no fill
06-02-2005 257lbs Dr. S filled to 1.5cc
06-22-2005 250lbs
11-15-2005 250lbs Dr. S filled under floro to 1.5-2cc
12-25-2005 was down to the lowest weight 240 But just found out we are pregnant Due Sept 1st
01-15-2006 248lbs Followup apt with Dr. Singh He said that he did not need to see me until after the baby was born. Late Sept 2006. He did recomend continued care with nutritionist.
01-20-2006 First OB Apt they clock me at 250lbs. So lets go with that figure.
05-05-2006 260lbs Begining of third trimester. I have done very well with a controled weight gain all drs are pleased.
08-29-2006 276lbs Prior to delivery of son 26lb weight gain with pregnancy
10-01-2006 246lbs lowest weight thus far
12-22-2006 257lbs Reality has returned with baby in tow ;) back on track
04-01-2007 266lbs YUCK!!!!
05-10-2007 266lbs Dr. Singh 1.5 cc fill under floro

About Me
Cambridge, NY
Surgery Date
Jun 07, 2004
Member Since
