Minor venting

Apr 03, 2012

Good morning family,

I hope all is well with you and yours. Yesterday, after leaving my hair appt, I was hungry so, I went to KFC, I entended to get an individual cole slaw, then go home to try this new chicken sausage I picked up over the weekend. A quick look at the clock revealed it was 8:30, way past my daughters bedtime, and too late for me to cook sausage. So I ordered 3 crispy chicken strips with an individual cole slaw. The cashier asked if I wanted to make it a combo, I replied "sure". I forgot they put biscuits in their combo's! When I saw the beautiful-golden-buttery taste of delight in my box, I became outraged. I had to walk away from the box to collect myself. I litterally had a conversation with myself to throw the biscuit in the TRASH! HEAVENS TO MURGATROYD  To add more pain to my meal, the cole slaw was nasty! So I ate the chickestrips and water.

This morning at work, my supervisor came to my desk while I was having breakfast; she proceeded to criticize my breakfast choice  It has always chapped my when people self appoint themselves to be the food police. I politely replied to her, "Well, Ms. Maam, I am doing something about my weight..." She said, "thats it, I am done, thats all the motivation I need" she walked away from my desk with my laughter echoing in her ears. That's right, get the H.E. Double Hockey Sticks away from my desk, irritating me first thing this morning.

 It also made me mad because, I know the changes I have made to loose 38lbs. Believe me, My food choices now are better than my standard, breakfast of a B.E.C. sandwhich, small cheese grits, and a pepsi OR a lunch of a double quater pounder meal with a large sweet tea. The slice of wheat toast with jelly, a scrambled egg, and turkey sausage, I ate this morning was nothing for her to speak about! (It feels good to blog, I can say things here that would get me in trouble in if I said them out loud at work)

Thank you for reading and allowing me to "wooooo saaaa"  I appreciate you  


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