Lisa McDonald 14 years, 4 months ago

Hello....I am 3 days post surgery and I am doing well! Vitamins going down..Protein shakes and water water water. My first night was not the funnest time I have ever had but the next day was MUCH MUCH better. YOU MUST WALK WALK WALK WALK. Can not stress that enough! I promise you will not feel like it at first but get up and do it just as soon as you can. The more you walk the better you will feel. So far so good! Good luck!

Lisa McDonald 14 years, 4 months ago

Hello....I am 3 days post surgery and I am doing well! Vitamins going down..Protein shakes and water water water. My first night was not the funnest time I have ever had but the next day was MUCH MUCH better. YOU MUST WALK WALK WALK WALK. Can not stress that enough! I promise you will not feel like it at first but get up and do it just as soon as you can. The more you walk the better you will feel. So far so good! Good luck!

2bee.or.not2bee 14 years, 4 months ago

Hi Lisa, I was looking around this site, and saw that you were scheduled yo have your VSG a few days ago. I hope it went well. I hope to have the same in a week or two. Just wanted you to know that someone out there cares. Hope to hear that you are doing well! -CC
About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 09, 2010
Member Since
