LEARN CLASS WEEK # 5 - September 4th, 2008

Sep 04, 2008

Today was a pretty good day I must say.......well other than me being 5 mins late.  What?  My called for me to let them know.  LOL!

We discussed the surgery some and how us candidated are now required to speak to this Col Bean guy.  Who is not the nicest of people.....his bedside manner leaves tons to be desired.  A friend of mine met with him the other day and he was so rude to her that she was super duper upset when she got to my house to tell me about it.

So SSgt Rancourt is aware of his lack of bed side manner and some of the things that have gone on.  Also she has issues of her own to discuss with him, so she will be meeting with him this week about all that good stuff.  Thank God!

It's not easy to ask for Gastric.....at least it wasn't for me and then to have to walk in to talk to this guy and have him bully you to not want it is just horrible.  I know that there are some people out there who want the surgery purely for cosmetic reasons, but most of us need it.  Most of us want to live to see our kids graduate high school, see them get married, see our grandchildren, etc.

I hope Brenda and others can get this guy to chill out a bit.  I am not looking forward to having this guy belittle me.

I won't dwell on it too much though......that won't be happening for awhile still.  I've still got to get through the LEARN class and that won't be over until the end of October.

Moving on........

We also talked about exercise and caloric intake.  I learned that even if I can't make it to my 2000 calorie mark, I should always try to get at least 1500.   Good info!

I weighed in after class and I have FINALLY broke the 259 plateau!!!!!!!


I not only broke it, but I went down 2 pounds!  So I am now 257!  YES!!!!

I think I will end this blog on that great note!!!!

Yay for me!!!

Did You Know.....

Aug 28, 2008

  taking THREE 20 minute walks releases the same amount of serotonin in your body as Prozac?    Crazy huh?!?

Quick little factoid I thought I would share with you! 

LEARN CLASS WEEK # 4 - August 28th, 2008

Aug 28, 2008

Man, I can't believe that it's almost September.....it's just crazy how fast this year has gone by.  It feels like I was home for the new year, back in Germany for a short time, back home celebrating my daughter turning one, and now here I am back in Germany again and the year is almost over.  It's nuts!

But anyway........

Today is class my weigh in hadn't changed much at all.  I am still sitting at 259 pounds.  That's 3 weigh ins now that I've stayed the same.  I am not sure why this is happening.  Though it is how it seems to always go with me.  PLATEAU PRINCESS.....that's me!   LOL!

I record my meals like I am suppose to and watch what I eat very closely.  In fact, I am not always making it up to my 2000 cals a day.  Close but not always at 2000.  I don't want you to think that I am eating only 1000 cals and nothing more.  LOL!

So yeah, I am still at 259 pounds but am hoping to change that this week when I start walking around the base with my friend April.  She is a huge support for me as well.  Love that girl! 

We're looking to start walking tomorrow.....perhaps in the morning once she gets her son to school.  We'll go out with our girls and then take to a playground so they can play as well.  Fun for all!

As far as class went tonight, we just went over the food logs and any troubles we were having with them.
After that, we had a guest speaker named Julie (I think) Langager.  She is the Fitness Physiologist for the HAWC.

She talked about walking and how important it is even if it's just for 5 mins intervals.  She discussed the benefits to being physically active and we all had discussions about the different things she touched on.

It was a good day in class today.....Julie was super nice and really helped to motivate you!

We're starting a different food log this week.  This time it has the TIME (we ate), DESCRIPTION (of food), FEELINGS (while eating), ACTIVITY (while eating), LOCATION (where we ate), & CALORIES.
Plus the section where have to record the # of steps we took that day.

Should be interesting to see how the logs turn out this week.  Especially with having to take a look at what your doing and feeling while you eat.

Okay, well it's bedtime now.  Good night. 

Until next time............

LEARN CLASS WEEK # 3 - August 21st, 2008

Aug 24, 2008

First off it is a cold, rainy day here in Germany.  Nice and overcast too!

Moving on to the bloggy blog..........

Class went well as usual.  I really like my classmates alot!   It's such a comfortable place to be.

We discussed adding physical activity in our daily lives.  I choose walking because there is no running with boobies like mine.  OUCH!
I am in the process of getting a walking partner(s).  Always nicer when you have company.

Also Brenda (our instructor) looked at everyone's food logs from week one and put everyone on a personalized daily calorie intake plan based on the logs.  I am on 2000 calories a day.  Not too hard I suppose, it makes it a little difficult when all you have in the house before payday is pasta, pizza, and things that just jack it right up there.

I can't believe that a simple PB&J is over 400 calories

So I weighed in at 259.....no change from last week.  I guess it's better than going back up.  Hopefully at weigh in on Thursday, I will have dropped that pound.

Okay I am off for now....until the next blog.....

LEARN CLASS WEEK # 2 - August 14th, 2008

Aug 16, 2008

Down 1 pound from last week!!!  259 pounds.....and I am super shocked too! 
We were told not to change a thing in our diets and to document everything we ate.  So I did just that and yet I lost a pound.  The only explanation I can think of is that I was more aware of what I was eating and having to answer for it on the food log.  Which I knew would be read by my instructor.   
I like being held accountable for my actions in regards to eating.  It's helping me to control the amount of food I am eating and making me think more about the types of food I choose to eat.  I also like that I am starting to look at the nutrion facts and reading the labels.
I actually used my label knowledge today to buy hamburger buns......may not seem like such a big deal to some people, but for me it's a huge accomplishment.

So for this weeks homework we're reading chapter 2 in our LEARN books.  Which I've already done.   I've been reading ahead.  Yay me!
Also the food log has changed some.  Now we are keeping track of the amount of food we're eating (oz's.), where we are when we eat it, and the tme of day we're eating it. 
There is also a section where we enter how many steps we walked each day using our handy dandy pedometers that they gave us.

We learned that we as a class weigh 2,617 pounds, and set a class goal for ourselves.   To lose 10% of that by the end of our 13 weeks.  I'm all for the challenge.  Bring it on!

So yeah class was enjoyable as always and I can't wait for next week.

LEARN CLASS WEEK # 1 - August 7th, 2008

Aug 13, 2008

The LEARN Class I think will be a great experience.  Both physically & emotionally. 

We have a great group of people in there and lucky for me I have a friend who is also my upstairs neighbor in class, so that's some added support.

Basically for the first day we filled out a couple of papers.  Nothing too big.  Chit chatted about expectations and asked questions.

Looks like we get to cook too!  I love that! 

She asked up to read the introduction and Lesson One in our LEARN book.  DONE!  Also to keep a food log for every day....DONE!

Now I just have to think of what recipe to take tomorrow......she asked us to bring one of our favorite recipes from home, so she and another co-worker can try them out and then turn around and attempt to re-vamp them and make them more healthy. 

Other than the recipe thing (can't decide...), I am done with all my homework and am looking forward to class # 2 tomorrow!

About Me
Apr 24, 2008
Member Since

Friends 1

Latest Blog 6
LEARN CLASS WEEK # 5 - September 4th, 2008
Did You Know.....
LEARN CLASS WEEK # 4 - August 28th, 2008
LEARN CLASS WEEK # 3 - August 21st, 2008
LEARN CLASS WEEK # 2 - August 14th, 2008
LEARN CLASS WEEK # 1 - August 7th, 2008
