July 13- Approval letter received

I received my approval letter from the insurance company. I even called them to verify that it was true...they said yes it is true that I am approved.....YIPPEEE!

July 13 Picked up my CPAP new mask

Today, I went and picked up a new mask for the CPAP machine. It is called a nose pillow, I am sure this will be much more comfortable.

July 12 Horrible night sleeping

Woke up today with a terribel headache. I think it is from the straps on the back of my head. Pressure and pain. I am going to call tomorrow and check on a new peice that only has one strap and fits right in my nose, not over it.

July 11 Picked up my CPAP machine

Well, I picked up my machine today, hope it works wonders!

July 5 CPAP sleep study

I went to my CPAP sleep study and had a better time sleeping this time than the last. The crazy noze peice was to big and kept going into my mouth. Anyway, hope it works.

June 21 Sleep Study

Jun 22, 2007

I went to my sleep study last night and was absolutly miserable. I arrived at 9:00pm like I was supposed to but had to wait for 2 hours before I could get wired up.  (The tec was very busy due to somebody else running late.)
When I was finally wired up, I felt like I was ready to go to bed, but I guess not because I was still awake at  2:00am. At that time I had to go to the bathroom, but was to scared to yell out that I had to go.....finally I did because I couldn't hold it anymore. 
I finished up in the bathroom and went back to bed for what seemed like an eternity.......but was actually only 4 hours because the tec came in to wake me up at 6:00am.  Finally it was all over!

My skin was sooo tender from the tape because he used so much that it actually pulled off the top layer of skin when he pulled it off...OUCH!

June 14-Still Waiting

Jun 14, 2007

 Hurry Up Will the day ever come. Just waiting to hear from the doctor.  I've just been getting a little impatient.

June 5-Sleep study appointment

Jun 05, 2007

Nurse called and scheduled my sleep study for June 21.  I'm am so excited.

May 31-blood test results

Jun 01, 2007

The nurse from the surgeon's office called and said that I am vitiamin D deficient.  She called in a script and have to take it once a week for seven weeks, then retest. 
She told me that she is going to go forword with everything.....yippee

May 31- today's horoscope

May 31, 2007

The day ahead should be fairly positive,dear Libra, and you will begin to feel the faintest hints of a major change beginning.  This new phase will last seven months.  As it progresses, you will find greater freedom of expression, and you can expect to shift into high gear on subjects you used to avoid.

About Me
Battle Creek, MI
Surgery Date
May 24, 2007
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 34
April 24-Going to my 6 month check up!
March 24- 200 pounds
March 19 - New Photos and stall
