Tere C. 21 years, 11 months ago

LORRAINE K. 22 years, 4 months ago

Dear Tere~~~~Happy Anniversary and CONGRATULATIONS on your amazing progress. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers so that you may realize all your life goals. Be well. Lorraine

Ellen H. 22 years, 4 months ago

Tere, Happy Anniversary and Congratulations on your super weight loss!! Your post was terrific! You look fantastic. Have a great day, I know you will.

Tere C. 22 years, 4 months ago

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME ! What a difference a year makes. From a Size 26 to a 12/14. The best part...I feel wonderful, energetic, secure, and happier than I have been in my adult life. The last time I wore a 12/14 was in High School and I am 54. I am truly Blessed to have this new lease on life. I have basically no side effects from the surgery, other than sometimes I still forget and eat too fast or too much ! But Oh well ! imagine that eating too much ! The most glorious thing anyone has said to me in the last 25 years was said a week ago. You need to eat more and please don't lose anymore weight ! Can you imagine that? I still have trouble believing it. I am so grateful that I found this surgery and I am equally grateful for having found this web site. The support before and after my surgery was so wonderful and I thank all of you who cared enough to drop me a note. May you all find the happiness I have found in my re-birth. God Bless and Good Health...Tere

kylakae 22 years, 4 months ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="http://www.dwarfworks.com/kyla/pictures/balloon10.gif" width="95" height="116"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font color="#CC0099" face="Lucida Sans">Happy re-Birthday, Tere! Its been one year since your WLS. Congratulations on your awesome weight loss! You look fabulous! I hope this anniversary finds you feeling happy and healthy. Please stop by and update your profile and share your reflections on being one year post-op!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

Tina P. 22 years, 8 months ago

Tere, you look great!! Congratulations

Tere C. 22 years, 11 months ago

Hi Everyone ! I am now 5 months Post Op. Lost 80 Lbs and tomorrow I will be celebrating my Sweet Size 16 Birthday! I cannot believe that I am actually going to wear a pair of size 16 pants tomorrow and an XL Top. On February 5th I went to the hospital in a size 24/26 for my surgery. and Now on my 54th Birthday I am down 80 lbs. My Goodness , I may actually be in a size 12 for Christmas...That is MISSION IMPOSSIBLE !!!! Dreams do come true! God Bless the Surgeons that give us this hope for not just a Happier life but a Totally Healthy one ! My only wish is that I had done this when I was 30 instead of 50. Thanks to this site I was so encouraged and supported Before, During and After my surgery. I have had no problems. Thank You Dr. Nguyen at U.C. Davis.

Tere C. 23 years, 1 month ago

***Hello Everyone*** Wow what a difference a couple of months makes. I started out in Feb,2001 weighing 315 lbs (Size 24/26). Now Three months later I am 258 lbs and a size 18/20 And I feel great! What a blessing ! I started out really slow and miserable and now I am feeling fantastic and look pretty good too! What matters most is that I really feel good and have energy again! Never thought that being a "Loser" would be so wonderful. All of your Newbys...hang in there it gets better each day. I have made some wonderful friends on here as well, Rhonda, Candace, Susan and Sharon! We made it... and with flying colors! Thank you all for your Love, Care, Support and E-Mails during my Journey...especially the rough part. You were all so wonderful! May God Bless each and every one of you and may your Journey be a smooth and speedy healing......Tere

L A. 23 years, 3 months ago

Hi T.T. Hooney, Red in Roseville here . . . . So what's this I hear . . you're depressed, alone, you've made great sacrifices to lose weight, and it sucks? Yep, you're right it does suck, and welcome to my world! You're just out of the starting gate, and you have some serious catching up to do in the wonderful world of weight loss, my dear friend . . . hurry! Rememer what I told you . . . it doesn't matter if it's 5# or 500#, it's all they same pounds, right? (This is the part where you shake your head and say "Yes Hooney!"). This is your last demon, you've slayed the rest of them and they are all behind you. You're in the home stretch, so quit being a "whiner chick" (a taste of your own medicine, my dear!), and get off your ass! We have some shopping to do, girl, and I'm not waiting forever! You are the bravest, most hard working, loving, motivated, and all together groovy broad that I know . . . so STOP BEING SO HARD ON YOURSELF :) Easy for me to say, I know (stop swearing at me), but we're in your corner cheering you on. Go hooney go, go hooney go! We don't expect to see you in areobics class until next week anyway, so take it easy while you can. Isn't it a drag what you have to do to get a little time off of work? Just so you know, I told another friend of mine about you and she has already checked with her insurance company and is making inquiries. You have motivated another human being and you don't even realize it, do you! So please be a good role model, and don't make me look bad. Other people are counting on you to be their Angel, too. This to shall pass, I promise. "Hold on, I'm coming" . . . hee hee! Let me know when you want me to come up and force feed you. Love Your Guts, and I mean it - Red xoxo

Teri D. 23 years, 3 months ago

Tere,Welcome Home!! I was so thrilled to hear that your home and well...I'm so glad I was able to reach you by phone. Nice to put a voice with yur picture.I am saying a prayer for your speedy recovery! Take Good Care of Yourself.......
About Me
Cottonwood, CA
Surgery Date
Jan 04, 2001
Member Since
