New Life Growing Inside

Sep 22, 2008

After losing 62lbs. I became pregnant. My pregnancy is nearing its end and so far I have gained 23lbs. I am so excited and soon as my daughter is born I will look forward to continuing my weight loss journey. As it stands right now I have no intention of having weight loss surgery. I did very well losing weight on my own. I am still a weight loss surgery advocate because I feel in many situations it is a necessary tool to achieve a more healthier weight. I am planning on going back to school to become a dietitian. I feel that I can fulfill 2 lifetime goals by doing so. 1. To help others, 2. To learn the best foods to eat to maintain maximum health. Because I have experienced being morbidly obese once I reach my weight goal I feel others will be inspired. I wish you all luck on your individual weight loss journeys. Be Blessed.


This Is Me

Dec 17, 2007

Its been a while since I've have updated my page. I have had so much going on with me but I am still here and still fighting. I am in limbo about having surgery which was brought on by financial issues but I have consistently been losing weight. I am now down to 286 I am feeling good. I am beginning to once again love that person looking back at me in the mirror. I have updated pic of me on my myspace page. Please feel free to check them out. I have lost a total of 62lbs. As of right now I am working to lose the weight on my own. I will be successful in this journey and I will win this war.


Stepping Stones to Success

Jul 30, 2007

I met with Dr. Bauman on 7-25-07. I really like him. He is very knowlegeable and personable. Even my Hubby was impressed. Not to mentionthat my hubby and Dr. Bauman talked for most of my appointment and I was left out... I guess its a man thing. Anyway the meeting was good. His staff is very helpful and they know thier stuff. I would definitely reccommend them.

Yesterday I had my first nutrition consultation. It was hell getting there though. It rained and there were several accidents on the highway. I was in traffic for over an hour. The office waited for me and I was so thankful because I did not feel like driving back there the next day. My appointment was at 4pm and I was 30 minutes late. 

It feels good to be making progress. Next stop H-pylori test and then I think everything will be ready to go to the insurance company. I can't wait.

Happy thoughts...

Jul 22, 2007

I will be meeting with my surgeon in two days. I am so excited. Luckily I was able to complete my psych evaluation and lab tests before our meeting. Shortly after I meet with the surgeon I will meet with my nutritionist. I really feel like I am making good progress. 

To add to the good news I lost 14lbs.  Down to 301. Since I have to get my BMI below 50 to get approval I have been fighting hard to eat good wholesome foods and watch my portions. I even fit into some new pants I bought in May that were too small. I couldn't zip or button them and even though they were stretchy they would not stretch enough to fit. I was estatic when they went on , zipped, and then buttoned. And just to think I was going to take them back for a larger size.

One more step taken....

Jul 04, 2007

Today I had my upper GI study done. I have to admit I was a little nervous about doing it but it was not bad at all. The tech and the Doctor were both very pleasant.  The barium was served chilled with a hint of strawberry. It was slightly bland but it was still not as bad as I thought. The study was done in less than 10 minutes. I was in and out in no time. That was one more hurdle that I overcame. Next I have my psych eval, nutrition and exercise eval, and of course the surgeon consultation. My goal is to have all of this completed by the end of this month.

Making Moves

Jul 01, 2007

Hello friends, I know that it has been a long time but I am still here. I decided to check out a different surgeon here in Charlotte and met a wonderful guy named Dr. Bauman. I have my first appointment to see him scheduled for 7-25-07. Prior to that meeting I am hoping to have almost all of my paperwork ready. I am seeing my PCP tomorrow to get all of the tests and bloodwork set up. Due to issues with my new insurance Empire BCBS I may have to work at losing weight to have the lap-band covered but I've known that for a while it has just been hard to get myself in the starvation mindset. I will have my psych eval done prior to my consultation. I will try to post more often and keep you all up to speed on my progress.

Food for Thought

May 20, 2007

I have been tip toeing around setting on the path to lose the necessary weight for my insurance to cover the lap-band. I have been tossing many thoughts back and forth in my mind. I know that this is something that must be done if I am to ever escape the bondage of being overweight. I keep thinking where I will be tomorrow once I do the proper things I need to.  This morning when I woke up I decided to go back to weight watchers to help me lose the weight. I know that it works and I was able to manage my eating while still enjoying great tasting food and not depriving myself of flavor which can be a major set back when trying to diet and lose weight. I will have the surgery this year. There is no other way so I am psyching myself up so I can succeed. Failure is not an option here, Success will be the outcome by any means necessary. 

That brings me to another thought. So many people pray and ask Our Creator for help. We ask for help to get healthy, to lose weight, to get a job, to be more compassionate. There is a neverending list of things that we bring to The Most High when in actuality The Divine has given us the necessary tools to survive and be the best that we can be. Unfortunately many of us forget that The Most High is the one who breathed life into us, molded us, created us in 'HIS' image. Jesus said and I quote "Ye are gods, not merely men". The difference between a god and a man is something so simple. Gods take responsibility for their actions and they take the necessary step to reach specific goals without allowing outside distractions, men fall into temptation. We may fall down, but we have the strength to get back up again and again, as long as we don't give up.

I am not the most religious person, I accept the truths of many spiritual paths. I just know that The Most High is real and lives in us the same way our ancestor live in us for we come from them. People don't give up and don't give in. It takes a lot to accept that going under the knife is the only way to successfully lose weight but it is trully a gift. Remembering and knowing that The Most High gives us what we need and this tool is something that many people need. Be encouraged people and do what ever it takes to reclaim your life.

Peace and Blessings

Treating each day as new beginning....

May 17, 2007

The past few days have been crazy and unpredictable for me. I attened my 3rd WLS seminar on May 7th. It was very infomative and gave me the added fuel needed to push on ahead. I decided that I want Dr. Vollinger to be my surgeon. He seems to be very personable and understanding not to mention off the bat when I presented a possible problem that we may have with my insurance he immediately offers solutions and ways we can get around the obstacles.....How wonderful. Since then I changed to a different insurance that covers the band the only thing is they require a BMI of less than 50. So I have some work to do. I would like to have my surgery before the big holidays roll around. Once I get my 'benjamins' together I will be able to schedule my initial meeting with Southeast Bariatrics, YIPEEE! I just can't wait to get there.

Life's ups and downs

Apr 26, 2007

Everyday we face many challenges and obstacles, some small and some 'big as hell'. When you wake up each day what problems are staring you in the face? Are you strong enough to get up and tell the problems that they will not keep you from accomplishing your goals? It is hard living overweight and miserable. Looking over your shoulder feeling insecure, wondering if anyone is watching you, it such an uncomfortable feeling. Panting from a simple walk down the hall, constantly trying to catch your breath, no wonder each day is hard. What makes it even harder is when the obstacles that you face are centered on your weight. You may feel unattractive while your significant other starts feeling the same way. It is not easy. 

I use to be a proud big girl. The onset of health problems, pain, and depression rudely awakened me into the reality that I cannot go on living as if it is ok being overweight. Then I must face the reality of how I will eliminate the problem. Unfortunately I can't magically eliminate PCOS or Hypothyroidism, my back pain is real and keeps me from exercising the way I should. The other problems will fade with weight loss but losing weight is not easy especially when there are problems like PCOS, slow metabolism, & Hypothyroidism that make it even harder to lose weight. Where do I turn? I know I can't give up in the fight. I have to be strong and I have to find the strength to succeed. I have to sacrifice my wants and desires that don't hold priority; I have to put hopes of carrying a new life inside me off until I conquer my war against weight. It is emotionally tolling but I have to stay focused.

I am not sure if anyone will visit my page or take the time to read my blog but I wanted to get these feelings off of my chest. And for those who understand what I am talking about lets be supportive to each other. It is harder to fight when no one has your back. Well I guess I will stop for now. I can wipe my tears and prepare for the next days battle, for everyday is a battle.

Peace & Blessings



About Me
Charlotte, NC
Jul 21, 2005
Member Since

Friends 62

Latest Blog 9
New Life Growing Inside
This Is Me
Stepping Stones to Success
Happy thoughts...
One more step taken....
Making Moves
Food for Thought
Treating each day as new beginning....
Life's ups and downs
