OK I added pictures just cause

Jul 30, 2009

I want to always remember what I looked like and what I dont want to look like again. WOWSA! the backside was a shock totally. I have never taken a picture of my backside or side view.   and a long time since my front view! Yikes!!!!!  Im glad thats over!Whew!!!    Anyway.....................i went out today and got my hair cut off!!!! its cute and it is Sassy Like me! Made me feel pretty good today.  I also got my grandson a little toy cellphone that plays all sorts of music and a big elephant that you push his nose and he is like tickle me ELMO> shakes an makes sounds and a song and stuf. Its soooooooooooo funny. I brougt it home and put in front of Eli and he just looked at me with these huge brown eyes with a look? What the heck is that thing? I fell over laughing at him. Well at least he grabbed the cell phone toy and likes that part......

Still puny most days. After I eat each meal I get ill and lose all my energy and have to lie down. I need to have doctor check my blood sugar for something going on I think. I spend all my energy real fast and putter out...............like i am out of gas. Havent been able to walk or workout for over a week. No energy at all and nauseated/ bleh.

This too shall pass.
This too shall pass.
This too shall pass.
Three TImes. Then it means something!
Toodles all!

