OH Atlanta Conference! A big WOW Moment

Nov 08, 2009

Hey all! I really enjoyed my first and not last OH Conference! What fun we had. What beautiful people I met!!! Gosh...so much shared, stories, funnies, small girl talk, what to do now, tips and tricks for snacks and food items, exercise and what counts as exercise, etc etc etc....so many things..

I really enjoyed this!
The speakers were phenomenal! They really care about us@ 

Big thanks and kudos to all the OH Staff that put this together! Without  you ALL, it would not be possible!

Bigger thanks to Eric................owner and beginning of the OH site!

Thanks for giving us something to use as an additional and very worthwhile tool for our success!!!!

To anyone thinking about this as part of your life journey..just take the first step. Go to a preop information seminar or doctor meeting and get facts. Educate yourself and immerse yourself in a sight like this one. Learn about it everyday! YOu wont regret it!

i know I am enjoying my journey! I cant wait to see what I am when I grow up(lose this weight and become the  Me that has always been here, but hiding behind weight, issues and a xxl shirt!)

To all my new buddies!  God bless you on your continued journeys!
Success starts with you, continues with you, and becomes you!

One day at a time.........one step at a time.........We can Do this!!!!!

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