201 lbs. GONE!

Feb 04, 2009

Wow...  down to 177... 201 lbs down from my highest of 378.  Just crazy!   Wearing an 8/10/M now.  Only 27 more lbs to go til my goal and not quite 2 years out.  Bounced around in the 180's for quite a while, but finally losing again, slowly but surely.  I think I've finally found a routine for the vitamins that works.  I'd do great for a week or so then start forgetting...  I got a med minder for the month and programmed it into my phone calendar AND write it on my to-do list every night.  So far 3 weeks and no missed days:)  I really want to get my tummy and arms done, but might just have to wait a while if I can.  Starting to get really irritated in places & not much is helping.  I start college on the 24th.  Finally going back for Transcription & coding.  Will take a year, but I'll finally be back doing something that I love to do.  Otherwise, not much to report.  My best friend is going to have her bypass in March & I'm trying my best to be there for her from 3 hours away.  It will be the best gift she could ever give herself.  I know it was for me.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 24, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo

Friends 15

Latest Blog 24
SIZE 10!
Bouncing around...
One year down... 186 lbs. Lost:)
Bye Bye 200!!!!
175 lbs lost!
Creeping down to 200!
Slowly but surely
220's are gone!!!
