immeagain56 posted a comment 12 years, 12 months ago
I have also reached my goal and was wondering how to stop losing...

immeagain56 posted a discussion topic 12 years, 12 months ago
I can't eat meat! -  I always get sick after eating meat. I chew it up and eat slowly and it still makes me sick. Of course I have never liked meat and was a vegetarian for years. Is this all in my he...

immeagain56 posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
New to this site - I am new to this site and I don't understand how you can get your profile pic on. It says mine are too large (and not because of my body size! LOL) How can you format a pic to fit...

immeagain56 posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
how to stop losing weight?? -  I have reached my goal weight but I don't know how to stop losing!  It has not been a year and I have been told I could keep on losing until then.  I do not want to consume larger...

immeagain56 posted a comment 13 years ago
I also have reached my goal and was wondering how you manage...

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About Me
May 31, 2011
Member Since
