Presbyterian Hospital

"The hospital prides itself on excellence. The nursing staff receives the Magnet Award on a regular basis. As for comfort, they go out of their way to make sure you have it. From the doctors all the way to the nutrition department, everyone wants to know what they can do to help. As I've said other places, Presbyterian Hospital treats you like a guest first and foremost. I won't go anywhere else. (I am not employed by this organization.)"

Calcium PLUS 500 Chewable

"The $40.00 covers a 1 month supply of a multivitamin and a calcium supplement. The taste is good, but they also come in capsules! I've also been told the chewable ones don't really have to be chewed. Dr. V says they can be broken and swallowed. "

David C. Voellinger

"My first impression of Dr. V was how laid back and easy going he was. I first met him 5 years ago when he was a general surgeon. He did my gallbladder removal. When I was ready for WLS and learned he had moved into that specialty, my mind was instantly made up. My husband and I have both had surgery with Dr.V. He's one of the kindest, caring doctors I've ever met. He has handpicked an amazing office staff, too. They all take time to listen to you, share your concerns, and several of them are also his patients. The only thing I like least about this office is that they're so busy, it can be a little hard to get an appointment. But, if you plan ahead, it makes things much easier on you and them.rnrnDr. V emphasizes aftercare as an essential part of the WLS journey. His structured program follows you very closely your first year, and then somewhat closely for years 2-5. He has a great support group run by his psychologist. She's awesome! He also provides nutrition and exercise support with an exercise physiologist and nutritionist on staff full time. The follow up is great, he even has you sign a \"promise\" that you'll allow him to follow up with you a minimum of 5 years. He's with you for the long haul. rnrnDr. V is also very good at expressing the risks of surgery. He explains the downsides (and we all know there are a couple) in plain, easy to understand conversation. He would never talk down to you. He is very forthcoming in letting you know what to expect after surgery as well, including how hard it can be to \"abandon\" food as the comfort it may have been to you. (This was a big issue for me.) For both me and my husband, he explained that yes, there is risk with any surgery and he reviewed those with us candidly. He also told us the benefits would outweigh the risks in our situations. Especially for my husband. He was consistent with both of us, and also consistent with my experience with him previously. rnrnOverall, I would have to rate Dr.V with 5 stars. The only thing I know of to improve is the wait time in office and for appointments. However, when you're one of the most popular surgeons in town and with the growing movement to WLS, the longer waits are to be expected. I'd much rather wait on him a little than go to someone else I've heard about.rnrnAs far as surgical competence and bedside manner, Dr. V has both. He was one of the first doctors in the country to do laproscopic by-pass. He is also skilled in performing the other types of WLS, offering gastric sleeve, duodenal switch, and lap-banding. He always allows his patients the ability to help choose their WLS option. He is head of the Board of Bariatric Services at what is to be considered (generally) the best hospital in town, and operates at both of the largest hospitals in the region. Dr. V is also involved in community events and awareness, sponsoring the Walk From Obesity in Charlotte, NC as well as other involvements. rnrnIn my opinion, Dr. V is one of the best. The only negative thing I can refer to is the busyness of his office. That's a small price to pay, however, when considering WLS. If you live in Charlotte, or the surrounding area, Dr. V is well worth the trip. Questions? Google his name and check his website, or just call the office and talk to one of the girls. They'll get you started on the path to a beautiful new life!"
About Me
Concord, NC
Sep 23, 2008
Member Since
