Surgery was stopped

Mar 23, 2011

I am an emotional wreck.  I was under general anesthesia, intubated, and ventilated.  Then my lungs started to be difficult to ventilate manually.  They listened and heard very coarse breath sounds throughout both lungs.  They said it was the type of response they see when patients have an asthma attack.  They gave me treatments with albuterol and within a few minutes my coarse breath sounds went away but not completely.  my oxygen saturation in my blood was stable between 95%  to 100%.  After a short period my breath sounds began to coarsen again.  They used a video fiberoptic bronchoscope to see if there was anything anatomically wrong with my lungs.  They found nothing.  Both lungs were clear.  They gave me another nebulizer treatment and once again y breath sounds began to clear up.  At this point the anesthesiologist decided they should not proceed with the surgery.  Chest xrays they also performed did not show any obvious abnormality.

The anethesiologist does not know why I had the lung response that I did when placed under general anesthesia.  One possibility is an allergic reaction to one of the anesthetic drugs.  Aside from the lungs there was no other evidence of issue.

Now they want me to see a pulmonary specialist for a pulmonary evaluation to see if they can find something.  I am going to see my primary care physician today.  I am in so much pain.  Now I am coughing and wheezing.  My chest & stomach & sides are hurting.  My throat is sore & a bit hoarse.  I also have a huge bruised & swollen lip on the right side.  They said from the equipment used yesterday.

So....I'm on hold.  I don't know for how long.

I am devestated.  I haven't stopped crying yet.  I have gone to my dark place in my mind that I know will take me forever to get out of.  I never expected this.  I was not prepared for this.  I don't know how to handle this.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 27, 2011
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