Deanna B. 20 years, 10 months ago

Barry you are in my daily prayers. Barry I hope that you can get the support you need we love you! You have helped many people and obviously people love you enough to speak out for you when you can not do it your self. So here is a message of love and concern. You will be on my mind and in my heart each day that I hold you up in prayer. Set backs Happen, Dont let this drag you under! Take control of you life once again. Please come back where people understand where you have been and can give you the support you need.

James V. 21 years, 11 months ago

Barry needs your support and your prayers. Barry was my angel. I need help from all of you..... Barry needs to come back to the site and get back to basics. Barry has helped many from this site, and angeled for numerious people. He is affraid to ask for help at this point, and He needs it. Please help Me help him..... Lets leave Him a message that He is loved and thought about daily and that set backs are part of the program just as success is part of the program. Barry we love ya and your family is here dude, and we will support ya, love you unconditionally and watch the rest of the weight fall of ya. Come on back

kylakae 22 years ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="161" height="202"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font face="Lucida Sans" color="#E02B2F">Happy re-Birthday, Barry! Today marks the anniversary of your WLS. Congratulations on your awesome weight loss! I hope your journey has been everything you hoped for and that you are feeling happy and healthy. Please stop by and update your profile and share your reflections on being one year post-op!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

Doug E. 22 years, 9 months ago

Barry I really enjoyed reading your journey. I'm about 365 lbs and 5'8" with surgery scheduled for 8/16. Glad to hear you had a smooth recovery. Hope mine goes as well! Hope you get to ride those coasters soon! My goal is to water ski again for the first time in 30 years. Doug

Lori F. 22 years, 9 months ago

Dear Barry, You are my inspiration... I'm having surgery 8/24 I hope I feel as great as you do and without complications. Continue on your journey with Good Health, Love & Happiness

Barry R. 23 years ago

I made it to the other side on 4/13 and had my 2 1/2 week post-op check today. I have dropped 42 pounds forever. I have gone from 398 the day of my surgery to 356 today. I just can't beleive the second chance I have been given. I want to thank everyone for their e-mails and good wishes. For all of you pre-op I wish you the very best.

Barry R. 23 years ago

Hi everyone it is 9 days post-op and I can not beleive how well things have gone. The surgery was fine, pain was minimal and I already see a difference in my blood pressure and breathing. For those of you having the surgery just one thing. That first time they weigh you after the surgery do not be suprised with a 3-4 pound weight gain. No one had alerted me to this and boy was I shocked and disappointed. The weight gain is because of all the fluids you are getting thru your IV. By the time I left the hospital I was already down 5 pounds. Thank you everyone for your e-mails and prayers. I will keep you posted.

Happy B. 23 years ago

Barry, hope everything goes well and wish you a speedy recovery. God luck!

slenderella 23 years ago

Barry, Just wanted to say Good Luck & God Bless:) Chris

Mark and Beth C. 23 years ago

Hi Barry, I just wanted to say good luck and have fun. You are starting a whole new life, it takes some getting use to but it's worth it. I had my surgery on 3/7 and so far I am down 60 pounds as of yesterday. As guys we get to drop a little faster than the ladies. Just remeber to get active again as soon as possible it is the key to healing and don't worry too much about the post-op pain (it's just feels like you did too many tummy crunches. Email me if you need to talk to another guy about what your feeling or if you have any questions. Mark
About Me
Freehold, NJ
Surgery Date
Nov 20, 1999
Member Since
