4+ Yrs Post Op
Down #170 to 227

I am scheduled for a LBL with Dr. Cederna at UM Hospital here in Ann Arbor.  I finally decided to start the reconstructive process.  I just needed to have it all right in my head before I could even start that process.

3+ Yrs Post Op
Down 162# to 235

I am still very pleased with the results of my WLS. Although I have gained back some weight (20#, totally my fault) I know that it is NOT a hopeless case and I will NOT continue to gain it. I own my own business now and it just seems to require a great deal of sitting! I'm very normal now. No one knows about my surgery unless I tell them. I don't think about it every day anymore. It is still a pretty awesome thing, and I feel COMPLETELY blessed that I was able to have it. Now I'm just waiting to get up the courage to have reconstructive surgery!

22 months post-op
Down 191# to 206

I thought I was done losing - but I herniated a disk and due to physical therapy and general blahs I lost even more weight. I'm now about 6# away from my personal goal of being under 200# SO MANY TIMES I thought the weight loss had stopped, but in small increments it just kept coming off. The DS rox!

19 months post-op
Down 170# to 227

What a YEAR! I got married, (I had him before the WLS, just FYI!!) I moved into a beautiful house, I own my own business now and life could not be BETTER! I go where I want and eat what I want. It's neat! I could eat better and excercise more - and possibly lose more weight but I am SO happy where I am right now :) It was never about a number or a weight or a goal - it was about being able to LIVE. FOr the first time in my life I'm living. I feel like I have so much to make up for..all the time I lost being 400#. I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

One year Post Op, Down 146# to 250

The DS has been GOOD to me. I cannot belive how easy it has been. I eat like a person with a normal appetite - and my life has improved SO MUCH. I fit wherever I want to go. I dont worry about being the fattest person in the place. I fit in booths, chairs, through turnstiles, down narrow hallways. WOW. I'm proud.

Nearly 7 Months Post-Op
Down 101# to 295

Wow - it's going to be an INCREDIBLE summer!! I'm struggling with some anemia right now, but the past couple days I think that the SlowFE has started to take effect. Wow. Sometimes I sit back and think - I had WLS! I did it! I did the thing that alot of people are too afraid to do! But I DID IT! Yeah, I lost some friends along the way - but I guess they weren't really friends to begin with.

6 Months Post-Op
Down 91# to 305

Six months out, down 100# and finally starting to have a life! I have so much energy! Clothes are fun to wear! I fit in most chairs now! I still have 150 or so more pounds to go - but life is great! I would not have traded my DS for ANYTHING! I eat what I want, lots of protein, occassional deserts and tasty things! You really need to decide what you can live with - dumping was not something I was interested in doing at all. THe DS is the way to GO! My gas and diarrhea are related to what I eat - and if I eat very well I have no problems at all!


Fifteen weeks out from my surgery, I've lost 55# so far. I was really hoping for more, but since I went back to work (6 weeks ago) it seems like I've been stuck on a plateau. It's a very scary thing, not knowing if you are ever going to start losing weight again!!! Argh!! I'm doing very well with eating - I'm lactose intolerant, but that's really no big deal. I see the surgeon next week, and hopefully I've lost more weight!! Clothes are finally starting to feel different on me.

Eleven days post op - and I'm doing GREAT! I never imagined that I would have bounced back so quickly! My mobility and flexibility is increasing by the day! And....I've lost 21# since surgery! I wont mention that I had to spend four more days in the hospital with a nasty case of cellulitis :( My surgeon is extra cautious, and wanted me there until my fever was down for 24 hours.

Wow! Six days and a wakeup! I'm so excited! I have a wonderful new person in my life, and he supports me 110% - I could not be any happier! I'm up waaay too late, thinking about everything that I need to do before next monday!!

I went to my first support group meeting today, and it was ok. There tends to be a very vocal few that dominate the whole thing. But I did learn alot. I have a date! December 9th has my name on it! Whoo hoo!!

Wooo!! I have made my appointment to meet with the surgeon - October 24th, and the internist on November 7th - and I have an appt with my therapist to get a clearance letter from her. Sweet!! Things are finally moving forward! I'm so excited! I'm starting to fantasize about what size I'll be, how I'll dress, what kinda sexy shoes I will be able to wear : ):) :)

Little did I know that they ONLY do the RNY at McLaren. Darn. Took a day off of work for nothing!! Oh well, back to square one. I'll be calling Bloomfield Bariatrics tomorrow, and get that ball a-rollin'. I'm only interested in having the DS - and have total family and friend support in my decision. I'm so thankful for this site, and everyone that posts so freely. I commend you all! *big hugs to all*

I'm going to an orientation tomorrow at McLaren Weight Management center in Flint, MI. I decided that BTC and the RNY just wasn't for me.

Appt with the surgeon went well, BTC was a very friendly and accessible place. I was allowed to bring my mom and my boyfriend, and that was nice. I'm struggling with my options right now - do I continue on with these plans? Or do I try to have a baby before surgery? I'm high risk either way, I understand this - but I'm a fairly healthy fat chix right now. I have no guarantee about my health after surgery.

I made my appointment with the surgeon @ BTC for August 2nd. Gotta whole list of stuff to bring with me. Seems like the past couple weeks I've been investigating WLS, it's triggered alot of depression - reading everyone's stories and all the pictures. I tried to join a couple of WLS groups at yahoo, but none of them seem very active.

I've think I've finally decided to do it! I got the packet in the mail yesterday, and I'm going to call to make an appt with the surgeon tomorrow :)

About Me
Ann Arbor, MI
Surgery Date
Jul 18, 2002
Member Since

Friends 1
