Review Article from the Westport News, June 18, 2010

Jun 21, 2010


A Marathon of Changes: The Radical Transformation of A Boomer

Jun 13, 2010

On February 2nd, 2005, I sat in a real estate seminar. I was bored out of my mind. So, as I had done many times before, I took out a sheet of paper and wrote down my goals for the coming year.  Being the true procrastinator that I am, you will note that I waited until Feburary until I got around to my New Year's resolutions!!  They were:
(1)  I want to feel and become healthy.  I want my weight to be what it needs to be for me to feel fit;
(2)  I want to be financially independent;
(3)  I want to develop some very close trusting relationships with people;
(4)  I want to learn to feel and believe good things about myself;
(5)  I want to believe I deserve to have good things happen to me.

I have written A Marathon of Changes:  The Radical Transformation of A Baby Boomer  (Outskirts Press, 2010) to detail my struggles, triumphs, setbacks and my new life.  The purpose in writing the book was to help people and is not profit orientated.  You can find the book at or Barnes&  There is an inspiration Foreword by Senator and Astronaut John Glenn and a recent review states "The extraordinary story of one woman's struggle to find emotional, financial and physical peace.  An inspiration to anyone!" 

Jo Ann Miler

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