Just my thoughts

Nov 27, 2009

I am so thankful I have my lap-band.  Wish I had done it years ago.  Would not have gone thru the yo-yo diets and the many attempts and just making myself feel worse than when I started.  Anywho......I am down 90lbs and feel great!  I am off all medications and my CPAP!!!  People don't recognize me that haven't seen me in awhile and that is kinda fun.  Shopping for "normal" size clothes is fun!!  Not being limited to were I can shop and trying on a size and needing a smaller one!! Woo Hoo

It has taken two years for my head to catch up with my lap-band.  I don't get excited about going out to eat or getting together for a "family dinner"  However, I do enjoy getting together with everyone at these occasions and being the one that talks alot!!  haha  Not so focused on the plate in front of me.  Learning to eat till I am full and taking the rest home for the next day!

Thanks lap-band, doctors, nurses, nutrientist, staff, and my family for the support and courage to do this.


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 21, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
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Jana Pre-OP

Friends 11

Latest Blog 9
Aust 11, 2008
5th Fill
4th Fill
3rd Fill
Jana's Lap-Band
