summewe 19 years, 5 months ago

Jeanine - Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your day!

summewe 20 years, 2 months ago

Jeanine - Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery on your TT. Please keep us posted on your recovery. -- Wendy

summewe 20 years, 5 months ago

Jeanine - Happy Anniversary!

summewe 20 years, 5 months ago

Jeanine - Congratulations on your PS approval!

JEANINE F. 21 years, 4 months ago

hello again well back to my story as you now i had the surgery on dec 16 all was well on the second day(please forgive my spelling sometimes in hit to wrong letter)i did the leak test that was horrible but i made it through than back to my room to rest and for the nurses to take the cathier out and for me to walk around some until i got tried. had some water and very very bad jello and i was ok. third day ok had mashed potatoes and gravy and tomato soup for lunch very good and dinner i had mashed potatoes and gravy with some kind of greens and meat pureed but i only ate the potatoes my doctor gave me the ok to go home yeah, i just needed the drainage tube out and i'm set to go. now out of the whole surgery this was the most, hmmm i just can't say what it was, painful,uncomfortable,hmmm but one of doctor's on the floor came in and pulled the tube out of me and said it will hurt ok she pulled this thing out of me and boy was this the most horrible thing to be pulled from your stomach to this day i still think about this. well as you know i home doing ok i stay weak sometime mostly in the morning by afternoon i'm ok my foods are going down good. i mostly eat canation instant breakfast with some peanut butter in it, and mashed potatoes and gravy, tuna fish and plenty of water i has crystal lite that's good and cream of wheat and oatmeal is good my frig is full of little containers with 4oz's of food in them i have more food in my frig now then i had but i had the surgery. all is well and will update on my 2 week post op god bless

JEANINE F. 21 years, 5 months ago

hello everyone want to said first to thank you to all who prayed for me. now to the good stuff surgery who on 12/16 as you know was up until 2a cleaning made sure i came home to ship shape house woke up at 4a took shower and then called my sister at 445a to wake her up to pick me up at 520a. my friend called at 504a we talked for a few said our prays and he said he loved me and talk to me later. got to the hospital at 545a signed in and waited until 610a that's when my sister left to go to work, no problem i was due at the hospital at 6a for an 8a surgery. they did not call me back until 730a to get me ready, i was not scared i had a peace about the whole thing this was not like the other surgeries i had i was always scared and going to the bathroom several times, this time nothing. all the doctor's showup with all the things they have to do in the surgery and than my doctor showed up and all was set i was wheeled in operating room it was kind of overwhelming because of all the people and gadgets in the room but that's all she wrote until i woke up in recovery room no problem surgery was good recovery was good did throwup some but that's ok. had i little discomfort but not alot of pain after an hour i think they sent me to my room. will update somemore but getting really tired and back is bothering me some and i have to take my time getting upstairs 3 flights of stairs so i'll rest alittle on the next level and drop off bowl that i had cream of wheat in and then in the bed i go

Judy S. 21 years, 5 months ago

Jeanine, I hope all went well with your surgery. I am in the hoping for surgery stage (yeh, I know you remember that - so long ago), but I live in Largo MD and wanted to wish you well. I hope that I can contact you at a later time for some insight into the procedure and the pre-op stage.

Ron E. 21 years, 5 months ago

Good luck on your healing. Hope everything went okay, and you continue to heal up really good. Don't forget to keep up the walking, it's so good for you. God bless, and take care.

Dyuanna P. 21 years, 5 months ago

Jeanine - You have been in my prayers. Thanks for reaching out to me. I cannot wait until you are feeling better so we can get together over tea and talk. Oh, Happy Birthday! Yes, you have been reborn honey! Take care :)

JEANINE F. 21 years, 5 months ago

well tomorrow is the big day, i've been so busy today because today is my little one's birthday and he turned 4 today so we did the cake and icecream thing. I quess today is the last time i'll have that, i cleaned the house, got rid of clothes that was too small for my little one and toys to the good will. now i'm just sitting back and relaxing it's so quite in here without my children. i'm really looking forward to this and i want to thank everyone for there prayers. will update when i get home. god bless you all!!!!
About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2002
Member Since
