I have been large all my life.  I entered the world at 10lbs-8oz. (bless my mama's heart) and grew into an obese adult. I have been in the fire service (firefighter/EMT and Investigator) since I was 16 years old, yes at my size.  I never let my weight bother me.  I was always able to do whatever I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it. I never watched my weight, I guess I never saw it getting higher and higher, until last April (2009). 

It was during a doctor’s visit when I realized that I was 406 pounds, on blood pressure meds, pre-diabetic and a liability to myself, my family and my crew. When I saw myself in the mirror that evening my whole body image had changed. I was not the fit, athletic, healthy, hardcore firefighter I had been in my 20’s. I had grown into something I didn’t recognize, and I hated it. It was then that I decided to start this journey. I wanted be the man I used to be. I wanted to live past the age of 50 and not die from a heart attack.  A friend of mine that had this surgery asked me when I was researching the options, have you ever seen a 70 year old that is our size? That made me think hard about what I had done to myself over the years. I never took care of myself because I was always taking care of others, that’s what we do.

But that has all changed. I had this surgery (03/02/2010) to extend my life foremost, but also to get my life back. I have realized during this journey that I am good enough to do this for myself and I will never look back. It’s all full steam ahead for me. I have started back to the gym and my goal is to get back into shape and show those young bucks at the firehouse that the old dog still has some tricks up his sleeve.  That is all for now, Peace!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 12, 2009
Member Since
