My Epiphany

Jan 24, 2011

"Mommy, what can I do so I don't end up as chubby as you are?" This was a question posed from my sweet 8 year old daughter 3 weeks ago. It was everything I could do not to burst into tears. I was sitting there in silence, trying to figure out what to say. Thankfully my husband saved me. "Mommy is beautiful just the way she is honey, and you are beautiful too" That was enough of a distraction for her, but not for me. How DID I end up like this? I know genetics played a part, my father is overweight, so was my mother....and my brother... I just don't think any of them got as big as I am. I had no idea how much I weighed, but I knew it was bad. I knew I could barely fit into a 22w/24w anymore. I knew my joints hurt, and I got winded easy. I knew I would not allow photos to be taken of me, and I knew I could not even think of being intimate with my husband unless it was pitch black dark and I had a shirt on. I knew I was in trouble.....

I have tried dieting, and exercising. Last year when I made my annual attempt to get healthy, I cut out sugar, and tried to eat well. I walked 4 times a week... I really tried! I tried for 3 months. I lost 5 pounds.....I gave up....just like the year before, and the year before that... Now i was impacting my children! I HAD to do something! My mind was reeling, I broke down and cried and cried and cried. As the crying subsided I started thinking. I had been impacting my children all along. We don't go swimming, we don't go out and play, they have no pictures with thier Mother....what has I been doing? I immediatly went to the internet and started looking up Obesity. I knew there were surgeries. My hairdresser had a LAP band procedure and she did great. I started my research, reading about surgeries, looking up details, asking some of my friends who had procedures done 100 million questions about it. I had actually been tossing the thought around in my head for a good 6 months or so, but it was obvious to me, I needed to do something...and I needed to do it NOW.

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Jan 23, 2011
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