4 months post op

Feb 16, 2008

Well I am still "stuck".  Haven't lost since the 9th, although, I do feel like my clothes are still getting looser.  Bad thing is I didn't take measurements in the beginning, wish I would have, because I could be measuring for inches.  Oh well, guess I'll just have to keep going and hope for the scale to move again soon.

3 1/2 months out

Feb 05, 2008

The weight is coming off much slower now.  I have hit several stalls lasting several weeks at a time.  I am exercising 3 times weekly at about 1.5 hours each.  I drink lots of water, take my vitamins, and eat as much protein as I can.  I am losing about 2-3 pounds per week on average now.  I just went 2 weeks with no loss, but now lost 2# today.  Guess this is all part of it, and I am thankful I am still losing, and probably is healthier any ways, losing slower. 

3 month checkup

Jan 17, 2008

Everything was good at the doctor's.  She said that I am already at my 6 month goal of losing 50#, so that was very exciting.  Officially lost 57# per doctor scale, nice to know my scale is accurate.

First stall

Jan 14, 2008

Finally lost some more weight, was very worried.  Have not lost in about 2 weeks.  Hopefully not another stall for awhile, they are very discouraging.  But look!, 57# lost, never in a million years could I have lost this much!

9 weeks post op

Dec 22, 2007

Made it to my first goal of losing 50#!!!  I went to a wedding last night, so had to buy a new outfit, because my clothes all just hang off me.  I got into 4 sizes smaller, and they are loose.  So exciting!  We hadn't seen our friends who were getting married since before my surgery, and they just could not believe the difference. 

7 weeks postop

Dec 08, 2007

I have lost 42#!  I am procrastinating starting my exercise routine, this would help my weight loss.  Do plan to join the YMCA in January.  It is so awesome to see people I haven't seen, even from just a few weeks ago, and they say "Wow". 

4 weeks postop

Nov 12, 2007

Well, I haven't lost any more pounds, still at 30# lost, but clothes are baggier.  I actually was able to put on a pair of jean shorts that are 2 sizes smaller, that I haven't worn in 3 years!  Very exciting!  I also figured out how to drink lots of fluids without getting nauseated!  I drink through a straw.  Weird, but it works.  If I drink regular from a glass or a bottle, I get very nauseated.  I think maybe the straw helps to not take in quite so much air....

4 days post op

Oct 20, 2007

I am more sore than I was expecting.  Getting better each day though.  Decided to quit taking my pain pills today, as I just pretty much feel "bruised" now.  The tube they leave in for a week is bothersome and tender.  Lay around most of day.  Everything I eat or drink, even water is making me nauseated.  Everything stinks, I think the surgery made my smelling senses stronger.  I really hope this healing part goes quickly. 

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 01, 2007
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