
Oct 13, 2009

I have been feeling extremely well.  I cannot believe that I have the energy that I have! I put a shirt on (2x) that I bought before surgery b/c I liked it and it was on the sale rack.  I was WAY too tight to wear prior to surgery.  Today I thought I would just "see" how it looked.  It fits perfectly! Holy cow!  It actually drapes nicely!  I really have no idea how many pounds I have lost because my scale is totally unpredictable.  I also have been wearing comfy yoga pants and cotton shirts just because of the comfort factor.  I notice my face and my hands the most.  It is like I am not retaining water and the bloat is gone.  My bras are very loose when I hook them too.. I haven't actually tried any of my actual work clothes or jeans.  I am home until the end of the month (IF I DON'T GO CRAZY BEING HOME) so I am not too worried about my work clothes - I plan on staying comfortable for a while. 

With my Dr. I could have tried soft food the 5th to 7th day.  I had been super nervous about it.  My primary goal was to get ALL protein and liquids down before I introduced food.  I had to work hard all day long just to get the liquids/proteins in.  So, yesterday I decided I was ready to try a little food.  I measured the 4 teaspoons of ricotta cheese and used my daughter's baby spoon.  I was able to eat that over the course of 35 minutes.  Hahahaha  I felt great.  Waiting an hour to sip again was extremely hard.  I decided to try the same item for dinner.  It was great again but I was only able to eat about 2 tsp.  I had my husband cracking up!  I will attempt a different food today.

I could not believe I was able to make dinner for my family and it didn't bother me at all.  So far I am okay handling the sight of food and the smell.  I am sure there will come a time when I will be challenged but so far so good.  Like I said, I feel great and my energy is amazing!  My husband has stepped up and does all chores and baby lifting.  He was stoked I made dinner last night for a surprise.  I really think being able to really rest and heal last week is helping me feel so great this week!  I cannot wait to go to my Dr's. on the 21st for the "official" scale report! 

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Sep 21, 2008
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