One Week Post Op

Apr 18, 2011

I am one week post op.  Surgery went well. I had to stay an extra night because of my blood sugar but I was home on Wednesday. I am a little sore and tired, but other than that I feel good. I have to remind myself to eat but I am keeping up with my protein and water. I had to come home with still taking insulin shots but I don't take near as much as I use to with the plan to come completely off of them. I have my first follow up on Thursday. I will update more then. Thanks to all those that have checked on me and encouraged me, I do appreciate it so much!!!

A Few Basics

Apr 09, 2011

My name is Jennie Kay. I am a 38 year old mom of three almost completely grown up children.

My list of health problems are: Insulin dependent diabetic (type 2 since 2007), I was born with crippled feet and have had 6 corrective surgery's which has caused severe arthritis in both ankles, sleep apnea. and a few other minor things.

I am having the RNY at Vanderbilt University on Monday April 11, 2011. I have had a long journey to get to this point. I have followed all the surgeon's and insurance requirements to get approved for this surgery which has not been easy. But I have finally made it!!! I look forward to sharing my experiences with other Obesity Help members and learning from others.

About Me
Hendersonville, TN
Surgery Date
Oct 27, 2010
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