I've been bad..BUT I feel so good!

Aug 05, 2011

Ok..I'll admit it....I havent really worked on my weight this month. Excuses? Ok...here it goes. So 2 of my daughters had a birthday this month (which was huge here), we went on vacation to Destin, Florida (gosh I envy my friends who get to live there), in addition to my PRN nursing job I added on a full time AND a part time job this month, plus its been a record breaking month for heat here.  All of this combined equalled - I hardly ate anything...I didnt work on my protein AT ALL...and I didnt hit the gym even 1 time. So yeah, i blew it. I lost most of the 9 lbs I lost this month in the beginning of the month. I am ashamed to tell ya'll that, but no one ever accused me of holding back so I have to fess up! I ended last month at 178 and ended this month at 169. Had I tried harder I am sure I would have lost more. But in my defense I am back on track now.

With that said, I feel so good. From 256 lbs to 169 lbs in 7 months for a total loss of 87 lbs. A size 22/24 to a size 12. To tell you the truth, I feel fine like I am. I feel like I look good. I am feeling cute these days. I dont have trouble walking or being on my feet all day. I have broke out the heels again. On my trip to Florida I was a participater in the water sports instead of a observer.  I really dont want to lose much more. Maybe in my tummy and in my legs - but if I stayed like this it wouldnt be bad. I put my goal weight to 145...but I am thinking another 10 lbs..might be ok. I dont know I will just have to see. I posted some new pics check them out. I dont even mind getting my picture at all anymore. Infact I am like 'here take my picture' all the time - roflol!

Well hope you guys had a good weight loss month.  I promise to do better next month..lol. I've missed all my OH friends. Let me know how you've been!

Your OH BFF,

