I have always been big but it wasn't until last year that I realized I must do something about it so I can have the best life for both me and my son. I was all scheduled to have the RNY done at NYU Langone last year by Christine Ren. One day before surgery, I changed my mind and decided I wanted to go with the sleeve. I also discovered that my plan would only cover the hospital and not the procedure! Therefore, I had to put my dreams to rest for a while. Since then, I have been dieting and exercising..I've become obsessed with going to my Zumba class lol. I lost 50 lbs so far. Since beginning weightloss journey on my own, I feel 100% more prepared for wls and I KNOW that if I have this tool to help, I will put it to work and succeed! :)

About Me
Staten Island, NY
Aug 06, 2012
Member Since

Friends 10
