17 days to go ... and counting!

Jan 22, 2010


Well, I have three days until I start my pre-op diet, and believe it or not I am looking forward to it.  Either I am a glutten for punishment or I just realize it is the final hurdle to leap before it is finally here. 

This last week has been interesting since we have had 4 feet of snow in the last four days... and probably another 18 - 20 inches expected before it is all overwith.  But it has made me more aware of how much I need this surgery so I can enjoy life and help out my family.  All I could do was stand there with my cane in one hand and chat with my daughters and my hubby as they did all the work.  How frustrating is that! 

They started throwing snowballs at eachother and tossing eachother into the snowbanks... and would slow down and the words "be careful not to hit Mom... and don't knock Mom down" were almost heartbreaking... the only comfort I can take in that is that my family loves me enough to express their concern.  They want me to come participate by watching them but the line is drawn with my health.  I am grateful that I have such a supportive and loving famliy and I look forward to the future when I can participate in the snow work and snow play as well as many other things.

