Pre-Surgical diet day 2

Jan 24, 2010


Commentary on yesterday's diet: 

Yesterday started out well, but I found that as the day progressed it became very difficult as I got quite hungry about 2:00 pm.  So I did drink a cup of beef boullion broth to tide me over (not on the menu but I figured less harmful than many other choices), since every commercial and thing that happened that afternoon seemed to envolve food of some sort and was quite taunting. It seemed to do the trick. 

I did find it quite ironic that by the time dinner was ready I was famished but forced myself to eat slowly (30 min) and chew well, eating my protein first, I was not able to finish my dinner... i left about 1/4 cup of veggies on my plate which never happens, and I forgot to add the smart balance butter to my veggies!

What I have done to try to curb that hunger pain is altered my meal plan by having my "dinner" for "lunch" and dividing my fruit between two meals. My husband and I like to go to the club and walk in the evenings so dinner tends to be very late or not at all for both of us anyway. Maybe this plan will make the difference, sooooo...

Pre-surgical diet day 2 of 14.

Today's menu will consist of the following:

Protein Shake and a 1/2 of a small peach w/ decaff coffee and a small amount of fat free creamer (the coffee comes into play about 30 min after the meal is over).

Protein - 4 oz of baked Salmon seasoned with Ms. Dash lemon pepper, 2 c. (precooked measurement) juliened carrots boiled until tender drained and lightly sauteed with smart balance butter and seasoned with pepper.

Protein Shake and a 1/2 of a small peach

Lots of water throughout the day.

