So here is my story......
This is my second time going through this process.
Last year my PCP was supportive of me having this surgery, as long as it was for the Lab-Ban procedure, (she had even provided me with a referral).

As soon as I told her I wanted to have the gastric, she totally freaked and advised that she was not comfortable with me altering my anatomy. My is my body.. My decision to live with! She told me she wanted me to wait, try medication, diet, and exercise first. As though I had not does this in the past!!!!!
Needless to say I was crushed. I gave of up on the surgery and instead I tried Weight Watchers (not so into the meeting thing) and then Nutri-System (food was too bland and too expensive). So here I am a year later still battling the bulge!
I have been overweight my entire life. I developed early as a kid and begun having a weight problem when I started highschoool. it only got worst when I was in college. Most people gain the freshman 15...Not me! I gain more around 30...thus begun the fad diets.

I first lost weight during liquid diets... Did this for years after college to try and "maintain" my weight. Not at all bright
When I realized I could not starve myself on and off for the rest of my life... I tried the Cabbage Soup, Richard Simmons, The Three Day Diet, The low Carb diet, Slim Fast (several times), Phentermine (several times), The Zone, Fat Burners, Fat Blockers, over the counter diet aids, and too many more to list!

I use to work out for 2 to 3 hours a day. Sometimes I would even work out at night as well. My life has changed now. I have other obligations that prevent me from spending so much time in the gym. 265 lbs, it hurts just to walk up a flight of stairs. I work for one of the leading Sporting Companies and I am embarrassed to walk to meeting with co-workers, either I can't keep up at the same pace or they decide to take the stairs, by the time I reach the floor we need to get to I am breathing so hard, I need a few minutes to get myself together before the meeting starts. The other say at work I was looking at ObesityHelp and a coworker came over and saw the page up on my desk. She went into a rant about how surgery was just soooo unnecessary and all I really need to do was to change my eating and exercise. She being all of a size 6 at the most!. Then had the audacity to tell me when she had her baby she gain 15 whole pounds and she dedicated herself and lost the weight. I told her when she was carrying around an extra person, 2 teenagers, or about 6 toddlers in weight I would be willing to listen to any diet advice she had, but until that time her point of view was pretty much worthless in my world!
I am just so tired. tired of the diet rollercoaster…tired of the up and down on the scale. Tired of feeling like a complete failure, because the world says I should be able to push back my plate and lose the weight… and I am not doing this anymore.

I did some research and with the support of a co-worker (who has already had the surgery), and my sister, who also did the surgery, decided to get a new PCP and I meet with her on the 23rd of this month.

This time I am going to stay focused…This time I am not giving up.
I know it may get difficult and I may even find myself frustrated but that is okay. Because this time…I will not defeat myself..Nor will I allow others to defeat me as well!

About Me
Beaverton, OR
Jan 30, 2008
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