Just a quick update...

Apr 20, 2009

Not a lot new going on here.  I'm doing pretty well.  I'm down to my 'goal weight' from my doctor, but I want to and know I really need to loose another 20 pounds.  I'd love to have a tummy tuck, but know that it adds the risk of additional surgery.  And, given my 'bad luck' thus far with my clotting I'm very wary to have surgery that is elective!  So, for now, I'm waiting.

I continue to have problems with my leg.  Chronic swelling and pain.  However I'm learning to live with it and make the best of it.  Right now I can't afford the surgery that Dr. Peden said would help.  I have my nice compression hose that I wear daily.  My 9 year old daughter thinks it is hilarious, but they do really help with the swelling!  I'm a bit disappointed that shorts and capri's won't be an option this summer!  I guess I'll just be hot in my pants!

That's about it for now!

Long Overdue Update

Jan 21, 2009

It has been quite a while since I've updated my blog here...

Medically I'm still struggling with blood clots/DVT's.  However, I've recently found out that they stem from my Vena Cava Filter placement the week before my WLS, not from the WLS surgery. 

On January 1, 2009 I went into the ER with new right groin pain. An ultrasound was done and the technician told me that there was new blood clot on top of my old clot. I was dismissed from the hospital by the ER doctor who said that he didn’t know what to do for me since I was already on oral blood thinners. After speaking with my doctor who is following my blood thinners I began Lovenox blood thinning shots for 5 days which seemed to help.

I felt like the doctors I had seen locally were unable to give me the help or answers I needed so I called a blood specialist's (Dr. Kelty Baker) office in Houston, TX and sent over my medical records to her. She got me in immediately and I had a very detailed consultation with her on January 16, 2009. She ordered further lab work (blood tests) and told me that she felt that the reason for all my blood clot problems stem from the filter that was placed. She also informed me that the filter that was placed in me is NOT considered removable. To remove it would take major surgery, that it can not be removed through the vein in my neck as my other doctor stated. She suggested that I may really need to have the major surgery to get the filter removed and referred me to Dr. Erik Peden, a vascular surgeon, in Houston. Dr. Baker said that while it was not an unreasonable idea to get a filter that a removable filter should have been inserted. She also stated that these filters are known to cause DVT’s.

On January 19, 2009 I went to Dr. Guniganti’s office in Nacogdoches and requested a copy of the consents that I had signed for the filter placement. Dr. Guniganti was in the office and I briefly asked him if this filter was removable. He asked me why I would want it removed and I told him that I had seen a specialist who thought that it might be causing my DVT problems. Dr. Guniganti said that there was ‘no way’ that the filter could cause clotting problems. I thanked him and left the office.

I saw Dr. Peden on January 20, 2009. He agreed that my blood clot/DVT problems stem from the filter that was placed in me. Both from the initial insertion (trauma to vein) and from having a filter in place. I told him what Dr. Guniganti had said about it not being possible and asked him why it was that he said that it was from the filter. Dr. Peden stated that studies have proven that you are much more likely to clot with the filter in place. He also said that the trauma of inserting the filter into your vein causes scar tissue which blood clots are drawn to. He told me that I can NOT remove the filter because the surgery to remove it is to risky. He also said that he would never have put a permanent filter into me - that the studies that have shown them to cause blood clots have fueled doctors placing temporary, removable filters when a filter is necessary. Dr. Peden advised me that a surgical procedure to open my veins back up and place a stint in them is available. This would help with the constant pain and swelling in my leg.

As for the weight loss, I have continually lost weight since my surgery and am hoping to loose about 30-40 more pounds.  We'll see how it goes!


Be Aware!!!

Apr 21, 2008

I just returned home from a 5 day stay in the hospital.  My blood clots are worse, extending from my groin down to my ankle now.  The ultrasound tech informed me that if they were to "break loose" that my filter wouldn't hold it because it is so extensive.  My doctors aren't nearly as gloomy, however they all agree that there is not much else (except the meds) that they can do for me.  I'm not a candidate for the surgery to remove the blood clot or the clot busters because of my gastric bypass surgery.

I firmly believe that people really need to be aware of what all can happen to them with gastric bypass surgery.  I feel like I was no where near "well educated" enough.  One day I may look back and say that I am glad that I had the RNY surgery, but at this point I just can't say that it is worth it.  We now sit at $100,000.00 in debt with hospital/doctor bills since I have no insurance coverage and my leg will "never be the same" as it now has permanent valve damage from the blood clotting.  My life has been in danger multiple times throughout the past 4 weeks and I'm not out of the woods yet as my leg is still swollen beyond what I ever imagined it could and I'm in a lot of pain.  

I really dislike hearing people "whine" and so I'll quit, but I just want to let people  know that complications from the RNY Gastric Bypass surgery are very real and dangerous - even for us people who are "perfect candidates’" for the surgery!



Apr 13, 2008

I suppose it is time for an update!  I'm now almost 4 weeks out from surgery.  I'm still having issues with my blood clots and am really praying that those are resolved soon.  I still can't walk well and haven't been able to start an exercise program yet.  I'm so ready to be 'normal' again.  

Eating is getting better as restrictions are removed so my energy is coming up some.  I visit my doctor tomorrow morning for the first time since surgery.  I'm excited to get some questions answered and also get weighed again and see how much I've lost!  I'm trying to not be really worried about the scale, but we all know that it really does have a lot of influence!


Blood Clots

Mar 31, 2008

Saturday morning I ended up in the ER again.  Fun, huh – by now you are probably thinking I have a thing for ER doctors!   Nope!  I have blood clots (DVT) all the way from my groin on my right leg down to behind my knee.  No return blood flow at all.  So – blood is going in – not coming out.  Thus my poor leg is swollen and I’m unable to walk without extreme pain.  Ugh!  So – they told me that they could either put me in the hospital for a week (so I could get some extreme blood thinners) or send me home with a bunch of shots – I chose to go home.  I HATE hospitals and can’t stand the idea of being in them a week or even more.  

Things good that came out of the trip to the hospital – I got a couple of good rounds of pain medication, the kind that make you unable to see straight and put you to sleep almost instantly!  Ohhhhhh – sweet relief.  Now I’m back to the old mundane Hydrocodene which does next to nothing to help the pain I’m in.  I can’t begin to explain the pain that comes from a little (or not so little) blood clot in your leg. 

You know, I wonder what God is trying to do with all of this.  I’m actually starting to feel better from the bypass part of all of this and all these other things are happening.  The infection, now the blood clots.  I wonder, “When is this going to stop?”  “When will enough be enough?”  “God, are you hearing me?”  “Why me?”  Wednesday is Gianna’s (my baby's) first birthday.  I won’t even be able to hold her.  I know it is easy to feel sorry for myself, and I’m trying not to.  But, honestly, when will it end?


Mar 28, 2008

I had a little bad spot this morning, but other than that I am starting to feel better!  I just may live through this ordeal!  When I signed up for this I had no idea that I would have to traverse through the mess that I ended up in, spend thousands and thousands extra, and feel like I was dying.  But, things are beginning to look better.  I pray that this upward swing continues and that I will be playing with my children and taking care of my family very, very soon.

I still haven't weighed since my RNY surgery so I have no idea how much I've lost.  I need to get a scale and see where I am.  I'm excited to find out.

Right now I'm struggling to get my protein shakes down.  I'm using some powder from GNC, but it is very sweet and artificial tasting and I am having a hard time.  I'm going to try to switch to the protein bullets that are just about an ounce and a half and have 22 grams in them.  I can get down an ounce and a half a lot easier than a whole shake!


More Surgery

Mar 27, 2008

Unfortunately it ended up that I didn't have an UTI.  Instead I have a big infection.  So, my doctor chose to be safe and put me into emergency surgery on Monday night to try to find the cause of the infection.  He didn't find anything.  Now I'm home again on several meds and praying that I can recoup. 


Mar 24, 2008

Just thought I'd check in since it has been 5 days since my RNY surgery. I haven't had any complications so far other than an UTI and a really high fever (up to 104 degrees).  Living on Tylenol with Codeine and now an antibiotic.  Got to rest now - I'll fill in more later.


8 Hours

Mar 18, 2008

I have a little less than 8 hours before I leave for the hospital.  I should really be sleeping, but somehow sleep alludes me right now.  I can't decide if I'm more excited or more nervous..... well, okay - I guess honestly I'd have to say I'm more nervous!  But really, I do have a good feeling about it all and I believe that it is a good decision to have the surgery.  If I didn't really believe that I would not have it!

More than anything I'm curious about the unknown to come.  I've heard others experiences but, of course, everyone is different.  I'm excited about having a healthier lifestyle and being able to do more with my children.  Hopefully this surgery will add years to my life and help me be a better, more active, mother and wife.

I'll update as soon as I can after surgery.  The hospital has wireless internet - maybe I'll even be able to update from there.

All set....

Mar 17, 2008

Surgery is still on for Wednesday.  I called Dr. Thomas this morning and told him about the pain in my back/side.  He had me call Dr. Guniganti and go in to have it checked out.  Dr. G spent all of 30 seconds with me and told me that it couldn't be a complication of the filter surgery and that it was a back sprain.  Hmmmmm....  Not sure how I could sprain my back while taking it easy after surgery, but he seemed so unconcerned.  I really hoped that they would do an x-ray or ultrasound just to make sure that all was okay.  The nurse I had spoken with on the phone said that it could be an internal bleed or a vein problem and I would have really preferred to rule that out.  But I guess the doctor knows best.  I went ahead and called Dr. Thomas again and filled him in and asked if there was anything else I should do.  He said to take it easy and he'd see me on Wednesday.  So, everything remains the same with my surgery and I'll soon be on the 'losing side'!


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 21, 2008
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 13
Be Aware!!!
Blood Clots
More Surgery
8 Hours
All set....
