Marie-Claire Buckley

"Dr Buckley was very laid back and easy to talk to. She has a great sense of humor and bedside manner. A really fun person - and thats hard to find in doctors today who are more worried about being professional than being personable."

Sayeed Ikramuddin

"I was very impressed with Dr. Ikramuddin when I met him. I only had a few minutes with him after meeting with the dietician, but I felt very comfortable with him. He told me that the surgery will change my life and I nodded (I'm expecting that!), but then he says that its not just in positive ways. He says you'll see how superficial people really are - those that will talk to you after surgery that wouldn't before, etc. He said that he just wanted me to be aware of that. Also, that this is the most rewarding career - better than delivering babies. I believe that he truly loves his job and loves helping us overcome this hurdle that, for me, has begun to monopolize my life. I've had a bit different experience with some of the office staff. I had been to this page before, so I knew what to expect, based on others experiences, however I signed up for the consult on March 7th, back in early January... and when I got there on the 7th, they had NO IDEA who I was. I showed them my confirmation letter and they put me in the system, but I'm going to be checking everything twice to make sure its all done. Overall, because I really like this doctor and have heard great things about him, I've chosen to do the surgery with him."

Mark Stephenson

"I was intimidated by Dr Stephenson when I saw him because he is a young, attractive doctor and I didn't want to tell someone like "him" about my weight problems, but he is very understanding and non-judgemental. Im so glad I found him!"
About Me
Hugo (was Cologne), MN
Surgery Date
Feb 25, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
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