Dec 05, 2009

Good Morning everyone,
Tomorrow is the big day! I am so excited, I cant sleep Im anxious. Im going to be away from my kids for the first time ever. Hubby is going to stay with me. Its all clear liquids from here on . I wanna wish everyone who will be having surgery this week GOOD LUCK!!!! and a Speedy Recovery. I will post again once Im home from the hospital..


4 more lbs gone!!

Dec 02, 2009

I lost another 4#. that makes a total of 14# since my dr visit 3 weeks ago..Cant wait for monday..I am tired more often and I cant barely fit in the 64oz of liquid and the 3 proteins shakes a day...any suggestions??

Just waiting now for the surgery day to come

Nov 25, 2009

Hi everyone..Here I am again...I finalized all my pre-op appts. I'm nervous and anxious. I cant wait for the surgery day to be here already. I keep having dreams that after the surgery I was not loosing any weight no matter what I I have lots of headaches..guess its the caffeine withdrawal. I had an upset stomach for 2 days. Good thing is I'm never hungry guess that's a good thing since all Ive been doing is the shakes (Atkins are awesome), broth, water and Lipton Diet Tea. On a good note, I lost 7 lbs since my initial doctor visit 3 weeks ago and I am looking forward to the more to come. Have a Happy Thanksgiving to all...I gotta go cook for the family now!
1 comment

2 week Diet

Nov 23, 2009

Hi everyone..I started the 2 week pre-surgery diet today..I feel REALY sick to my stomach.  I just keep reminding myself there's a GREAT reward at the end of the tunnel.  My job celebrated Thanksgiving to day and by was it harder than I thought to stay away. At home it was another story..I had to stay in my room while the family ate cause they felt uncomfortable eating around me. I was fine with it since I wasn't feeling well.  I tried to drink a protein shake but it made me worse...Note to self  and everyone...Whey Protein shake flavored Cookies and Creme its too sweet and tastes like plastic.. YUCK!!! Well I go to go..will post in again over the weekend or thru Thanksgiving...Have a great week to all..


Nov 20, 2009

Wow..I got my call today and I am scheduled for December 7th. I am so excited!!! I start my pre-op diet on Monday and have my anesthesilogist appt on Wednesday along with the pre-op appt with the doctor. I cant believe that its finally happening! Well, I will post during my 10 day pre-op diet, I hear its really hard but Im sure I can do it. Have great weekend to all.

Got My Approval

Nov 13, 2009

Hi everyone...Great News! I called BCBSFL today at noon and was told that the Dr had not submitted the request as of yet. I sent an email to the Insurance lady at the hospital at 1230pm. She sent me an email at 215pm that she sent the request to BSBC and was told that t needed a nurse 2nd review.  I called BCBS and asked again that the request was submitted back in Wednesday and how much I needed this surgery. At 330pm I received an email from the hospital- Comgratulations, your insurance company has approved your surgery...YEEEAAAAYYY....All I have left is my ultrasound, endoscopy and hopefully the dr will schedule me for the following week. I'll keep you posted!!! Have a great weekend to all my friend...

Hi All

Nov 12, 2009

Hi everyone, its been a minute since I last came on, lots of things going on. Well, I finally had the psych done, and saw the nutritionist. I had to change my surgeon to Dr. Szomstein out at Cleveland Clinic in Weston, FL. They are all awesome, the staff and the doctors treat you like a human being not just a patient. The psych was so helpful and again so was the Nutritionist. I have several test to complete before the surgery which has not been set as of this date. They are submitting the request for approval to BCBSFL. Hopefully, I will have a date soon. Will keep you all posted. Talk to you all soon!

Long time..

Jun 20, 2009

Hey everyone..Its been a while since my last post. Update is I finally had my Sleep Study done and came out with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Now waiting to get the CPAP machine ordered.  I had to put the surgery on hold since its hard to come up with the 5K the doctor wants upfront since he is not in network. Cant find a Psych to do the WSL eval here in Vero so Im stuck...Im sure that I will get the surgery done sometime once I gather up the money to have all the pre stuff talk to you all later...Good luck to all of those who have had the surgery and to all who already have..will post again in about  wk or so..

hi everyone

May 15, 2009

Hi everyone For those who had surgery this week Congrats and hope you are all doing well and you are all in my prayers  For those who are going to have surgery Good Luck and again you will all be in my prayers and hope that all goes well... I'm going for mystudy this Wednesday coming (20th), I am still looking for someone for me to get my psych clearance. Does anyone live here in Florida that they may have a referral? Please me!

First Update

May 05, 2009

I received a call from my WLS coordinator and was told that they finally received the needed documents to support that i have been over-weight for the past 5 plus years. Now all she needs is some more detailed information from the people who supervised a diet I tried back in 2006 so that she can send the paperwork to my insurance. Oh yeah, and don't forget the Medical Necessity Letter that is needed from my doctor. I sent a fax to my foot surgeon who politely told me my weight was an issue in me not healing from my January 29th surgery, to see if he would be nice enough to write a letter of medical necessity for me also, hey it doesn't hurt the more letters from physicians the better i well I'm not giving up yet..

About Me
Vero Beach, FL
Surgery Date
Feb 05, 2006
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