Half Way and Beyond...

Apr 18, 2011

I have officially made it past my half way mark!! YIPPEE!!!!!!

So, as a treat, I went shopping... Well, I had such baggy pants for work, that I sort of needed a few new pairs.  Boy was shopping fun!!!  I've been watching "What Not to Wear" and am determined to be a fashion plate with my improved body!

I can't wait until I can shop at regular stores, and not have to worry about their limited plus size department.  I'm even more interested in SHOES again!  I always loved shoes, but I had a case of plantar fasciiatis a few years ago, and then I just got into a rut and continued wearing my athletic shoes after the foot problems got better.  Happily, the foot problems finally healed, and now that I'm getting smaller and my balance is getting better I'm excited to wear different shoes!  Someday I'll be like Carrie Bradshaw and own a pair of Manahlo Blahniks!  Maybe I'll make that my treat when I hit my goal weight!

I worked out on Saturday full bore... all three things... both dvds and my 5k training.  I'm starting to have a little problem with the 5K training.  I'm supposed to be running 11 minutes now, but I can't seem to get up there for the full 11 minutes.  I tend to stop for 30 seconds and catch my breath... maybe I'm running too fast, or something.  Or maybe I need to go out and pound some pavement instead of the treadmill.  UGH! I don't mind working out in the privacy of my own home, but having to run through the neighborhood.. ick!  Well, I will just have to do it.  Who cares what anyone thinks.. and I'm sure I won't look pretty while I'm jogging, but my running is for me, not anyone who happens to see me out there.  So I'll just have to DO IT! 

This morning I woke up and did 45 minutes of high energy yoga.. boy, I really like yoga.  I like to feel my muscles stretching and working, and let me tell you, the show INHALE is awesome.  I've only done one show over and over again (I dvr'ed it) and I really like it.  They play great music while you're stretching out and doing the yoga.  They even have a short meditation at the end. 

I can't work out tonight because I'm going to the Bariatric Patient Group meeting tonight.  I'm excited to go.  The Group Leader is awesome, and there will be a presentation by a Life Coach tonight.  Its a great group and I encourage everyone to participate before and after surgery.

Hope everyone has a great week!! 

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Aug 08, 2010
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