Wow, it will be here soon!!

Jul 07, 2008

I just looked on the calendar and noticed that my pre-op appointment is next week!!   Then 2 weeks after that I will start my liquids only diet for 2 whole weeks. When I see that I have a couple events coming up soon to prepare for the surgery it doesn't seem so far away. 
I have 1 month and 5 days left!!

I also have a support group meeting tonight. They hold meetings on the 1st Monday of the month and I have missed the last two. I need to go to this one and next month as well. I have got to get my head on straight and get ready for this life changing event. I want to be on the right track when I have my surgery so I can lose as much as possible with out many side effects or problems. 

Last weekend my husband, my dad and I installed new laminate flooring in our living room. If you want to know how fat and old you are...install a new floor!! OMG....when I would get down on the floor, I could hardly get back up, my gut kept getting in the way, my knees ached and burned, my butt even hurt...what the heck???

This surgery can't come quick enough!

My Surgery Date has been postponed... :o(

May 05, 2008

I got a call from my doctor's office a couple weeks ago. My case manager told me that my doctor would be out of town the date of my surgery (07-14-08). He has a conference to go to. She told me that the next closest date would be August 12th....A WHOLE MONTH!!! I was so bummed out!

 I absolutely hate having to push it back a few weeks. I have been trying not to think about it, ya know, just kinda let the days go by and then maybe one day soon I will look at the calendar and say " Wow my surgery is in a few weeks!". Right now I still have a little over three months to go.
When I chose my doctor I mainly decided on him because his office is close  by my work, and he takes my insurance. But I tell ya...he is the only doctor in this group that performs the bariatric surgeries. There was another doctor but he moved, so my doc is the only one left and Boy! is his schedule tight! They made my surgery date back in February, and he was already booked into July!! So now I just got pushed to the back of the line! Will this surgery ever happen?!?!?!

About Me
Millington, TN
Surgery Date
Feb 27, 2008
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Latest Blog 12
Almost feel like giving up... Surgery cancelled AGAIN (3rd time
Third time is a charm.....another surgery date!!
I am heart broken but my head is still held high...
