Home Sweet Home! ....

Mar 03, 2011

So, we made it back to Charleston, SC!  We still have a TON of moving boxes to unpack, but thats ok b/c I'm home  .   I love out new house and can't wait to get all settled in.  I weighed for the first in weeks the othe day bc the scale has been packed and I've lost a total of 72 pounds!  YAY!!  It feels soooo good!   The first day back, the hubbs and I went to out old gym, reinstated out memberships and got a new trainer... We start all of this on Monday after out first day back to work...  I'm so excited to get back in the gym and lose the weight.   

I guess for now, its back to unpacking boxes!


Feb 23, 2011

So....I tried Salad for the first time the other day since the surgery and OMG.....I have missed it sooooo much.  I am so happy that I didnt have any issues with it!

Finally....Awesome News!!

Feb 23, 2011

I am so happy right how because everything is finally working out!   I have been so down in the dumps because I miss home and miss my family like crazy.  FL is just not for me.  Its good a a vacation spot, but not a place for me and the hubbs to make a home.     I got a call a few weeks ago from my old office in Charleston, SC and they asked if I would come back to work for them....that made my day!   So...next, my husband had to apply for a transfer back.... it got approved!!!  So yay!!!! We're moving back to Charleston....   Only a few more days and I will be HOME!
I am using the packing as part of my exercising since I havent been doing much but walking every now and then.   However, when we get back home, we are going to go back to the gym that we were previously at and start back with out personal trainer there.   I am so excited bc  I can't wait to get back into the routine of going to the gym.

Amanda <3



Jan 17, 2011

So I've been feeling really frustrated over the last two weeks.  I feel like I have hit a plateau.  I know that this happens, but I feel like its way too soon to start hitting plateau's.  Anyone else had this happen within the first 2 months of the surgery??


Dec 26, 2010

Well, I hope you all had a nice Christmas.   Mine was a lil depressing as I didnt get to go home to be with my family.  However, my awesome hubby was here with me..we were still a lil down though.     I start back to work tomorrow....kinda nervous as its really been 3 weeks that I have been gone.  I am worried about my meals and having the time to eat b/c usually I just eat @ my desk.   I am going to have to figure out a new routine @ work for now.  Hopefully soon I will be able to find a new job with better hours.  I feel like I need day time hours instead of the 11 - 8  since having this surgery in order to maintain a schedule with my husband and the gym.

Almost 40lbs down!!

Feelin icky...

Dec 22, 2010

I've been having some issues since graduating from liquids.   The only thing that I can eat right now that doesnt bother me are scrambled eggs.   I tried some watermelon, and it made me feel so uncomfortable and bloated.   I don't want to over-do it, so for now I guess I am sticking to the eggs and protein shakes.   I went back to work on Tuesday and only made it a few hours before I had to come home b/c I was not feeling well.    I decided to take the rest of the week off to try and rest and heal more and am planning on going back to work on Monday full time.  Today when the hubbs gets home, I think we are going to go the gym and see what we can do...  kind of looking forward to this.   I miss going to the gym.  Before we moved here, we went to the gym all the time and had the best trainer ever.... 



Dec 18, 2010

Ok....The misery is starting... Liquid this, liquid that...  Ugh getting tired of only being able to have liquids.   I hope and pray when I got to the Dr. on Monday to get the staples out, he will say its ok to start the next phase.  However, it may be just as bad as liquids....pureed foods.  I will say, I am looking forward to some scrambled eggs!  Thats the one thing on this food list that I can't wait to have.  I know that this is only temp....but man, it's getting frustrating....

Just going to have to keep my head up and look forward to the end results!

~Amanda Joy



Dec 14, 2010

Well..... I'ts been 7 days since my surgery and I am FINALLY starting to feel better.  Surgery was a little tough and it lasted a lot longer than expected with some complication.  Apparently I have a very small chest cavity.... Which mean, I am gonna be a pretty small and petite chick!   Now, thats some motivation.  

Right now, my meal plan is 3 protein shakes as meals (very small portions), sometimes replacing one of the shakes with sope type of soup that is water based a drinkable,  and liquids.  I can't wait till I am able to eat something solid though! 

I am so glad that I went through with this.  I will confess (not even my husband knows this)..... When they wheeled me into the pre-op room, I started shaking really back because I was terrified and almost told them that I couldnt do it.  I'm so glad that I got through that moment....   I love that I have started this journey and can't wait to see what I can do with this new life!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and all of you dreams and wishes come true! 

~Amanda Joy


Consultation Scheduled!!

Sep 19, 2010

YAY!!!  I have a consultation scheduled for October 18, 2010.   I am soooo excited and really looking forward to it.  Hopefully I wont have many insurances hurdles.  They said that BCBS Federal is pretty easy to get approval from....So...We'll see! 

I also finally got a job down here.  I was going nuts not having a job when we moved here.  I start on the 27th of Sept.  Hopefully they wont have any issues with me needing time off for my consultations


About Me
Tampa, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 20, 2009
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