Day 16...

Feb 07, 2008

My 2 week check up with Dr. Bellanger was yesterday...everything looked good and he told me that the pain in my side could have been a muscle spasm or trapped gas. But, its better now and I am finally feeling normal!!!

Day 13...

Feb 04, 2008

So my side hurts so bad, I think I just might be dying...Its a pain that has been there since after the surgery but today it hurts more than ever. If I put my hand on my side right under my breast, the pain is where my pinky finger lands. If I turn the wrong way, it will take my breath away....and the pain comes and goes. The nurse thinks its probably trapped gas but I am not so sure....if I lay down, and press near on on the area, it hurts. So...she told me to put heat on it for the rest of the afternoon and tonight and if it doesnt go away, then I need to call the dr. on call. I felt GREAT over the weekend...this just sucks!!!

But...even though I am feeling like crap...I had a WOW moment today....I can get my wedding ring off without soap & water...I have been taking it off and on all day!!!

Day 12....

Feb 03, 2008

Down 24.5 pounds!!!! I am soooo happy!!! I can see the difference in my face and my clothes are starting to fit loose!

Day 9..

Jan 31, 2008

Well, I am back at work took me 1 1/2 hours to get ready this morning because I had to stop and sit every now and It's 10 am and I am tired! I am glad to be back in the swing of things though, it makes me feel like I am moving forward...instead of sitting at home, day after day after day...obviously you can tell I am not a home body! My DH has to bring me to work for the next week until I can drive again...and I got the spill the whole way to work...don't pick up on anything too heavy, don't over exert yourself, don't do this, don't do that...I love him dearly but hes driving me crazy!! He's acting like a nurse..I guess because he had to be one for a week!

Day 8....

Jan 30, 2008

Down 18.5 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 7....

Jan 29, 2008

Much better day today! I am still having BM problems but Holly @ Dr. Bellangers office said it was common. One of my incisions is coming open, but again she said it was common and just fine. I had creamy soup was so yummy! I am moving right along on the recovery track! The food cravings are beginning to go away too!!

Day 6...

Jan 28, 2008

Wow, what a ride its been! I tried to write a blog two days ago but I got tired. This has been no picnic...sorry to those who have a surgery date and trying to get pumped up for surgery. I still want food. My friend, Lauren, told me that even though that gland that produces the hormone that makes you crave foods is gone, its still in my system and will be for about another week. All I can think about is food! My poor DH...I know he has to eat..but I am seriously tired of smelling food because I want to eat it! On the other wasn't too bad...I just remember being wheeled in to the OR, they put something in my IV, I got tired, I moved myself from the bed to the operating table...and that was it...I woke up in recovery with TERRIBLE gas pains in my chest. I threw up twice, once on day 1 and once on day 2..I never had nausea, I just knew about 2 seconds before I was about vomit...and it HURT LIKE HELL. For the first few days, I felt like DEATH...but the night of day 4, I felt like a new woman! a different story...I woke up this morning with nausea, dizziness, a diarrea..I think the nausea and dizziness were because I haven't taken my anxiety meds for a few days...its such a big pill and up to this point, I didn't know if I could swallow it without gagging. So about mid day those symptoms went away...but I am puzzled as to why I have diarrea!! I haven't eaten anything...oh well, if I feel this way tomorrow, I will call the dr. and find out whats going on. I am so tired of being cooped up inside. I have slept most of today because I have not felt well...but other than walking to the mailbox and sitting outside, thats about as far as I have been. I go back to work in 3 days..I can't decide if I am happy about that or not! I am ready to get out of the house but not sure if I am ready for the stresses of work yet. Thats about it for now...I can't wait until I get past week 2!!!

Less than 12 hours to go....

Jan 22, 2008

As I sit here sipping on my protein shake that tastes like the smell of baby formula, my DH is out, by himself, eating. Poor thing, he had it the hardest all day...I am soooo moody when I am hungry...and all day I wanted to eat my arm off because I was so hungry. I have been nervous all week...after work of course because I haven't had time to breathe at work, much less think about something other than work! I tied up all of my loose ends at work, had my chicken broth, took a long hot bath in the jacuzzi tub, and here I am typing everything I am feeling the night before one of the most significant days of my life. Tomorrow.....the first day of the rest of my life...I will NOT feel ill when I look in the mirror after a shower, I will NOT feel like my husband is too good to be with a person as fat as me, I will NOT call myself fat life is going to change so much over the next year. I have had so much support from my family and friends...and people I have never even met here on OH...I know that when I go in to surgery tomorrow, I will have so many prayers behind's pretty much the best feeling in the world! Well, I need to go pack my bag for the hospital. One day I will look back at this blog entry and think..oh it was nothing, I should not have been so nervous...ok ok I won't get too far ahead of

6 days...OMG!!!

Jan 16, 2008

I have wonderful supporters behind me and this surgery...from my wonderful husband, to my devoted mother, to my scared father-in-law...but celticfaery who works with my mom and had VSG last year, has been WONDERFUL!!! She's given me so much insight on what to expect on surgery day and afterwards, she told me about some extra things to take to the hospital to make me more comfortable, and she even bought me some cajun gumbo mix to put in my chicken broth after I get home...shes the greatest...and if you don't have her on your friend list, YOU SHOULD!!!

The day is quickly approaching...

Jan 15, 2008

sooo...I keep getting butterflies in my stomach when I think about my surgery being NEXT WEEK...I never thought the day would come! It's so close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me
Denham Springs, LA
Jan 11, 2008
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