Summer zipping by faster than my weight loss

Aug 09, 2007

I've only lost about 3 lbs in past two weeks.  So this week I have rededicated myself to drinking lots of water and making sure I stick to three meals a day.  I've had some snacky foods last couple of weeks, plus some pop.... so, back to the basics so can have a good loss this week.
Cameron has been at camp all week and I'm glad she's coming home tomorrow.   A bit too quiet here this week.
We had an outing at Saints Game tonight - really good fun.  I was much more comfortable being at that (with lots of folks in from the Lincoln offices) than I ever would have been a few months ago.   My comfort level with myself continues to get better....

75 lbs lost !!!

Jul 25, 2007

That deserves a party !!  How perfect that our good friends the Jacksons from Indiana will be arriving today.  The next few days are going to be so much fun showing off Minnesota to them.  Mall of America on Friday and St Croix river boat on Saturday and of course playing some Euchre (hope we remember how)

Another weekend just flown by

Jul 22, 2007

   Just seems like there is never enough time to get everything done.  And then I start to panic.  We have our good friends from Indiana coming into town on Thursday.  They are staying at nearby hotel, but of course there are a million things we have put off doing around here that I now want to have done..... and getting the little one to clear her room has to be harder than achieving peace in the Middle East (this is not an exageration)

So anyway, the house looks pretty respectable after a bunch of work yesterday and today.  Cam and I worked at the Duk Duk Daze in New Hope on Saturday am as part of some volunteer stuff for the Broookly Park women of Today org that I joined.  then later that night we went back to just enjoy the carnival with all of us and one of her friends.  Was interesting watching large size people chowing down on large portions of greasy food.    That would have been me except for the grace of God and WLS.   I indulged in one bite of cheese curd and about 7 french fries.    I wasn't going to take that any further - still have some healthy fear about greasy food since a mishap a few weeks after surgery with the yet again infamous General Tso's chicken.

Been eating quite a few salads lately - and I'm putting ham, turkey & cheese in to get the protein.... but it isn't enough.  I wish I could eat chicken breast - but it still just doesn't sit well.  Deli meat and fish are the only meats that really work well.  Gets a bit boring sometimes.

So anyway - I finally topped the 70lb mark YEAH.... am at about 72 lbs lost now - and am just about at the 3 month mark.

I can see where the message we get at the dr checkups is true - if we can stick to 3 meals a day and no snacks it will mean more success.  It is easy to feel full on a small amount of food.... but also easy to eat a number of small meals a day if let yourself.... I think I am doing pretty good with this 'rule'

I am having some sugary drinks though - which needs to come to an end.  I should give myself a 'rule' such as one per week for  treat.  I need to remember how well the liquid diet worked for me with its limited choices.  So, if I limit myself to one lemonade a week - and stand firm - I get what I want and feel successful for sticking to the rule.  so...... starting today only one... which will probably be one of the nights our friends our here this week.  funny how the lack of being able to drink alcohol doesn't even bother me.... but a can of coca cola on the other hand..................

Seems like its going slow

Jul 20, 2007

After the 6-8 lb losses the first few weeks - it seems like it is taking forever to get to 70 lbs lost.  I've been averaging about 2-3 a week, which should be satisfying to me ... so I must keep reminding myself that this will not and should not be an overnight process.  I have to get the new habits to stick with me and that will take time.  Getting used to just three meals a day without snacking... making small portions a way of life instead of a diet etc.  The funny thing is I am not really craving any 'bad' foods.  I know I could try this or that but it just isn't of interest at this time.  This is such a great thing.  I feel comfortable with the foods that are available and good for me.  
For dinner tonight I had eggs and cheese... lunch today was a Smart Ones (well half of a Smart ones).... and had some berries in there today too.  All of it tasted good.... it is now late at night, the time I would have been snacking big time.... but I've been happy with my water all night.  So...... I guess I'll take the weight loss I get, knowing I'm doing all the right things.

A great birthday afterall

Jul 16, 2007

  It really was quite a wonderful birthday.  First the big surprise of my sister and brother in law arriving.  Then, they took us out to Capital Grill in Minneapolis for a birthday dinner.  Quite a place.  Cameron had herself a 2lb lobster which didn't have the price on the menu - so I can only imagine!  Let's just say the tip was more than we usually spend at a restaurant!!
  Then what a gorgeous day for the 50th bday barbeque.  Just about everyone invited was thre.  The weather was made-to-order perfect.  Probably about 77 degrees with a slight breeze.  Our pavillion at Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park was right by the Mississipp - and it was just nice, relaxing fun.  My sister said as they were leaving - you sure do have nice friends.....and I said yes - we are so very wealthy in that respect.  She said she has many acquaintances, but not really any girlfriends - which is going to be hard as her youngest heads to college in the fall.  I am so very lucky to have my girlfriends - and that we made the deciison to come back to the Twin cities.
Then Sunday we took Cam to Camp Wapogasset for the week.  What an absolutely gorgeous facility - sits on a peninsula near Amery Wisconsin.  I think she will have a blast.  We will be back down there Weds to pick her up to take her to St Olaf for the flag carrying in the GS Jamboree - then drive her back on Thursday am.  Going to be quite a week!!!

A GREAT BIG SURPRISE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 12, 2007

I was absolutely stunned and surprised.  At about 6:30 pm tonight the doorbell rings and in walk my sister and brother-in-law from Las Vegas.  I can hardly believe that Joe pulled off this big surprise!  Even Cameron knew about it for the past 2 weeks.
They flew in today and are here for my 50th birthday bbq this weekend.  Barbara will even be making her fabulous potato salad to serve at the event!
Barb also made me two photo albums for my birthdAY - one of family photos many of which I had never seen before - including ones from my mom and dad on their honeymoon in 1953.  It is really incredible.  The other photo album is a wedding album of our parents.  What special gifts these are!!!
I am still stunned by their visit.... especially that Tim came also.  I am really touched that they are here.  What a great great day.


Jul 08, 2007


A few more gone....

Jul 08, 2007

Well a few more lbs are gone forever now.  Total lost is 66.5 and I am about 11 weeks out.
I had so much wanted to be under 300 by my birthday tomorrow - but it was too steep of a goal to meet.  I'm at 319, so getting closer.  I imagine I'll make it before Labor Day.  Lately I am losing about 3-4 lbs per week.  That seems on the slow side - but as I mentioned before - - I am not doing exercise religiously - which would help the loss along.
So - today is the last day I am ever going to be in my 40's.  I can remember turning 40 and not liking that much - but I sure would take it back if I could!  When I turned 40 my little girl was not even one year old...  I just feel like the past 10 years sped by way too quickly.  I need time to slow down.  Now that I am getting healthier - I want more time to enjoy it.  At least the next 10 years are going to be healthier.  In the past 10 years I put on 85 lbs.... now it is time to reverse that trend!!!

Only 3 days left....

Jul 05, 2007

...til the dreaded turning of 50.  Of course this week I've talked to my dad and his wife... and the parent of one of my friends... all in their 70's.... can't really complain about turning 50 to them now can I???
Had a great thing happen this past week... bought a new top at Target and this is my first time shopping at a store that doesn't just carry large clothes.  I got so many compliments on that top.  Plus, Cameron said she had no idea I had such curves!  It felt so good that I went back and got another one in another color.
I am still wearing the same old stretchy pants though... although baggy, seems like they aren't ever going to get big enough to drop off and go away.  Cam reminded me that we are going to have a bonfire with the black stretch pants pretty soon.  
I still don't have an exercise regimen in place - even though moving more and for longer.  I think it is going to come though - - I am still a lot larger than many who begin this process, so I think for me just moving more is ok for now.  I'll bet by summer's end I'll have lost another 30 lbs - and will find it less stressful on my body to work out.
I am still having problems with my shoulder and have started physical therapy twice a week.  We better get this handled because I owe it to myself to play golf this September!!!

Waiting for the Wow moments

Jun 25, 2007

I read about a lot of 'wow moments' on the boards - and I know mine will come.  It is hard when you begin at such a high weight, as it really does take longer for the world to notice the change.  10% weight loss on me is not nearly as dramatic as 10% on someone who only has 10% to lose.

But - I have my own little wow moment in the meantime.  Here are things I have seen change:
*  can now easily buckle the seatbelt in my husband's SUV - instead of having to lie down and act like a contortionist
* can do a couple of hours of shopping without having the need to sit and rest every 10 minutes
* had to put my anniversary ring in the jewelry box because it was starting to fall off
* bending down to pick things up is no longer a Herculean feat
* bra straps keep showing because shirts are slipping off my now smaller shoulders
* the swelling in my feet and ankles is gone, enabling me to put my shoes on in the a.m. without a crowbar
*  trouser socks no longer pinching my calves
*  Less headaches!

About Me
Brooklyn Park, MN
Surgery Date
Feb 05, 2007
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 43
Spring is here and so am I
Early Christmas present.... BMI under 50
100...100...100.......actually 103.7 pounds lost
Busy Bee
Looking to lose 3 1/2 lbs............
Weight loss..... in phases
Oh Yeah .... I forgot the newsflash
A very strange but wonderful 10 days
It worked
