I never had WLS, but I am a big fan of so many of you. I have been reading profiles for the last 4 years. When you have someone that is so special to you that had to fight to get everything they have, then you become very involved to understand what they are going through. Unfortunately my daughter has never had it easy to have her WLS or PS, but she fought all the way and God has blessed her with WLS & PS surgery. She is such a trooper!  I am behind her 100%. I have stood beside her through all and will always stand beside her. Just a typical Mom I am. Oh and by the way she looks *HOT* with her flat tummy.

I have been so lucky to meet some of you and I thank God that my daughter has so many wonderful friends through her WLS journey. I thank God that I have inherited TxPinkAngel as my "play like daughter". Love you Teresa! You are the best!

Best of everything to each of you!

YES, I am very proud of my daughter & she is not only my daughter, but my best friend. I love you so much Gina A.

About Me
Feb 08, 2007
Member Since

Friends 5
