6 months post-surgery

Oct 01, 2012

I passed the official six-month mark yesterday.  My current weight is 195 pounds - finally under 200!  I have my six-month check-up tomorrow. My next goal is 182 lbs - which would be 100 pounds lost since January 2012.  I'm hoping to get there by the 9-month mark.  The weight loss has definitely slowed down but that's normal.  I bought a bunch of new underwear and bras from Nordstroms (including miracle shapewear). I tried on a size 16 dress and it fit!  (And looked pretty good!)  I'm taking tennis classes through Seattle Park and Rec and really enjoying it.  It's been an amazing adventure so far and I believe that having the surgery was the best decision I've ever made for my health and I have no regrets.

2.5 months

Jun 20, 2012

Hard to believe that it's been 2.5 months already since surgery.  My current weight is 218 pounds so that's 64 pounds lost since I started this journey back in January.  I've had a number of meaning NSVs: I can wear my wedding ring (or could if wasn't retaining fluid from my stupid period), I bought dresses in size 18 and just today I bought workout pants in a size Large!  It's been a really long time since I bought anything without an X (or multiple Xs in the the size).  I've also started taking tennis classes and I'm really enjoying the fact that I can move so much better.

I can eat pretty much what I want but I stay away from high sugar items, white carbs and, for some reason, I can't handle scrambled eggs.  It's pretty weird because hard-boiled eggs are just fine.  I've had a few episodes of throwing up but nothing major or long-lasting.  I sometimes feel kind of yucky for about half an hour after eating a meal with noodles, rice or larger pieces of meat.  And I have to be careful to watch the size of bites and eat s l o w l y.  

I turned 37 this month and I really think that I'm going to be healthier in my late 30s than I ever was in my 20s.  Next goal is to get under 200!

Two week update

Apr 14, 2012

It's hard to believe that I had the surgery only two weeks ago.  I feel SO MUCH BETTER than the first week!  The first week just plain sucked and I'm happy to forget it.  I've moved along to the soft food stage.  I had a very yummy one-egg and cheese omelette cooked by my marvelous husband this morning.  I took small bites and chewed very slowly and didn't have any problems at all.  After breakfast, I went for a walk with my 10-year-old daughter around the neighborhood and stopped at Starbucks and got a small latte made with sugar-free vanilla and non-fat milk.  It takes a long time to drink fluids and I really pay attention to the wait 30 minutes/wait 30 minutes after suggestion.  It's not easy, especially when having something a little spicy but it does make a difference.  In terms of weight, I was 255 on the morning of surgery.  I gained some weight from all the IV fluids they give you so when I came home from the hospital, I was at 261.  As of this morning, I'm 241.  I think 20 pounds in two weeks is pretty good but also not sustainable.  When I was on liquids, I was losing 2-3 pounds a day but now it's about .5 to 1 pound a day and that's okay.  I have my first post-op appointment on Monday and then plan to head back to work the next day.  

Day of Surgery

Mar 30, 2012

Today's the day.  Report to UWMC at 10:45am and surgery time is set for 12:15pm.  Have spent most of the morning cleaning and tidying (even made beds!) to keep myself distracted.

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 15, 2012
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