My story

Sep 11, 2007

My story: (most recent updates appear at bottom of page)
I am 39, height 5 feet 9 inches, weigh 329.6 (at pre-op consult), my highest weight ever. I just got married this past summer to a wonderful man and became stepmom to four great kids! The three youngest live with us and the oldest, Matthew, is in college. We also have Cinnamon, our furry child, who is a 10-year-old Siamese. He thinks we are his 'staff.' (Dogs have owners; cats have staff.)

I've only been researching WLS since my annual physical in September 2004. Why not sooner? Because my husband, mother and best friend had all expressed disapproval of weight loss surgery/gastric bypass surgery. So I had never, ever, given it a thought as applied to me. I'd watched Carnie Wilson's, Roseanne's and Al Roker's post-weight-loss surgery stories with great interest, though.

I wasn't a fat kid, just very curvy and womanly. I wore size 14/16 jeans when I graduated from high school but had been mistaken for older (isn't that always our goal until we reach 21?) for years because of my height of 5'9". I'd been that tall since age 12 and not actually fat, but I began really putting on some weight in college. By the end of my sophomore year of college I think I was well into size 18.

Growing up, my mom always served healthy foods, including high fiber cereals and breads. My dad had his first heart bypass surgery in 1980 (I was in 10th grade; dad was 55 then)and we went on the Pritikin diet at home. Lots of soy. Cut out the bad fats. We had always had an extensive garden and there were at least 4 or 5 vegetables served at every meal, year 'round! Plus, dessert had always been home canned fruit, never a sweet. When I got to college I discovered endless selections of food at every meal in the cafeteria and unlimited portions. Softserve ice cream. Pizza delivery. Beer and wine and mixed drinks with hundreds of calories per glass. And it just began there. Plus, I never realized how very active I was as a kid. I just fell into more of a sedentary lifestyle after I left home -- I'd much rather read a book, magazine, newspaper or research interesting subjects on the web than do anything involving actually MOVING my body. Now here I am at 39 with a BMI over 48.

What really made me look at my weight recently was preparing for my wedding, taking our honeymoon trip, seeing the wedding photos and then having my first physical after being on my husband's insurance.

Ok, the wedding. I had to have a size 32 dress. The seamstress altered it, as it was way too big in the shoulders and sleeves. I had to wear a very uncomfortable undergarment to make it fit properly. I am the huge white dress in my wedding photos. Everyone else looks great. I just see that great big white dress when I look at the photos. Everyone tells me I looked beautiful but I only see the huge size I'd become.

On our honeymoon, there were seats and bathrooms I could not use. We went to Canada, which does not have the Americans With Disabilities Act as we have here. In other words, handicap bathrooms really don't exist in Canada. Let me tell you, it was a rude awakening. I've been using the handicap stall in the ladies' room for years, because of arthritis in my knees and my general size. And the little bitty bathrooms with toilets almost on the floor that I encountered... well, I might have had to call my husband on my cell phone to come and lift me up! Fortunately that did not happen. But it was close. Also, there was one bed and breakfast where I was not able to shower. And it was the most modern of all we stayed at. It had a VERY small shower stall with a narrow glass door that swung out. It was about a 5 inch step up into the shower. I was so stiff in the morning from my arthritis that I had to give up. I ended up sponging off and washing my hair. That was after the crying.

Just two days before the shower incident I hadn't been able to sit in the theater seats we had reserved at the Stratford Festival in Ontario. And the usher had been very rude and condescending to me when I asked if we could move (hey, I wasn't trying to get a better seat -- I just wanted to be able to sit and enjoy the show) I am sure she had absolutely no patience with fat people who let themselves get that way. As if I could remove the fat and just sit down in those small seats. It wasn't just the narrow seat: it was the short distance between seat rows. My arthritic knees couldn't take that torture. I think she finally realized I wasn't kidding and that's when she let us sit in a row where just my hips were uncomfortable, where an aisle between seat rows meant my knees wouldn't touch the next row of seats.

Anyway, it wasn't like I didn't KNOW I was fat. But it hadn't really affected my lifestyle and health until I started having trouble with my blood pressure and developed sleep apnea. I've just been fat, not unhealthy, until now. Doctors and nurses had been telling me for years to lose weight and of course I'd tried just about every diet on the market (those magazines at the checkout counter -- if it had a new diet or weight loss success story you can bet I bought it).

My new doctor's office mentioned Weight Loss Surgery/Gastric Bypass Surgery to me repeatedly and mentioned it again when I had my first complete physical with them in September 2004. That evening, my hubby asked me how the physical had gone, and I told him they'd mentioned WLS again. And he said he thought it might be a good idea for me to check into it. This from a man who'd repeatedly told me he thought that WLS was too dangerous! He'd apparently been doing research on the procedures and didn't want to bring it up because he didn't want me to think he was pushing me to have the surgery for HIM.

My mother is a retired RN and all the info she knew about the surgery was from the dangerous procedures performed in the 1970s (she retired in the early 80s). My best friend, to my knowledge, was against the procedure, as she had told me about a coworker who ruined her WLS procedure by eating milkshakes etc and gained back all the weight she'd lost, quite soon after having the surgery.

So I'd NEVER considered the surgery for myself or even researched it until starting in October 2004. When I told my best friend, she said she now has 7 out of 30 people in her office who've had the surgery and the one who is doing the best had the surgery with Barix, which is where I'm planning to have my WLS. She also lives in a rather remote location --- maybe those co-workers who didn't do well, didn't go to follow-up doctor visits and don't attend support group meetings. I think that is KEY to success.


January 1, 2005
Since my research began, I've selected a surgeon and had my consult with him (Dr. Jon Shram of Barix in Michigan). I've had a colonoscopy and EGD. My psych eval is completed (just another of the many pre-tests required by BC/BS). Weight loss attempt documentation is in process with the last doctor's office I had before moving to this area. Stress test is done(surgeon requested I complete this for HIM, not the insurance company, as I have a strong family history of heart disease). Just waiting now for all of the tests results and referral letters to get to the insurance approval folks and my surgeon.

January 11, 2005
I'm APPROVED! I can't believe it. I just started on this journey this past October. I chose Barix Centers of Holland, and my surgery will be at their facility in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Dr. Shram will be my surgeon. I have BCBS PPO (commonly called Community Blue) and the approval process was quite simple, actually. I called Blue Cross and they asked for my plan number, etc. The customer service representative told me the surgery is covered under my plan if I meet the requirements, and she gave me the list of requirements (I had wanted to hear this information myself, and know that my insurance covered the procedure, before I even started the approval process through Barix).

For the actual approval process, I never dealt with the insurance company. Barix Centers has a pre-approval process, in-house. Blue Cross doesn't do pre-approval, apparently. From what I understand, Barix has Forest Health Insurance Review Specialists review each case to be sure it meets all of the requirements of your individual insurance plan.

The insurance coordinator said that I'll hear in a week or so from someone in the benefits office at Barix, letting me know what my co-pay will be. My file has also been sent to the surgeon, for his review. In addition to knowing my co-pay, I should know in a week or so when my surgery will be! Wow. And to think that before my physical on Sept 29 2004 I hadn't even given WLS a thought.

Thurs., Jan. 20, 2005
I have a date for surgery: Monday, January 31, 2005 at the Barix hospital in Ypsilanti, Michigan. I'm having my open Roux-en-y with Dr. Jon Schram. I go for my pre-op testing this coming Monday! Wow. Surgery is just 11 days from now. I've got lots to get done in the meantime!

By the way... watched Scientific American Frontiers on PBS last night. The topic was weight loss surgery and they went back and visited a story they'd done two years ago about a group of people, including two who had WLS, and followed their success at keeping weight off. It was VERY interesting. Had footage showing lap Roux-en-y. My kids watched along with me (they seem to have more tolerance for gross than me!) and they were very interested.

Tues., Jan 25, 2005
Completed my preoperative assessment testing with Barix in Ypsilanti yesterday. They'd told me to plan on being there for about 2 hours... it took 4 hours and I had a raging headache when I left, as I should have tucked a granola bar or some fruit in my purse for after the blood draw. They were very nice, very knowledgeable and very apologetic about the amount of time it was taking.

I had blood drawn for a complete workup, gave a urine sample, had 2 chest x-rays, an EKG, pulmonary function tests, complete physical, met with a nutritionist and received many instructions about what to do before my surgery on Monday. I left with a device to begin practice deep breathing with, a special sponge package with antibacterial soap to scrub the surgical area the morning of surgery, and a binder full of very informative information about the surgery, diet, recipes, exercise, progression after surgery, etc etc.

I felt as though they were definitely making sure I had enough information to be successful and that my body is in the best condition it can be (considering co-morbidities and my weight) for the procedure next week. My husband is quite impressed with their thoroughness. I am, too.

Now I'm getting everything ready around the house and getting my shopping list ready for the stages after surgery. They'll call Thursday to let me know what time my surgery will be, on Monday.

Sun., Jan. 30 -- day before surgery!
Well, I'm up and packing my things to go to the hotel we'll stay at tonight. The kids are visiting their mom this weekend and are going to join us at the hotel to swim this evening and then will spend the day at their mom's tomorrow. They'll miss one day of school but all are getting good grades and they've even gotten assignments in advance. We decided hanging out in the waiting area at the hosp. would work for the boys but Kathy would be bored to tears.

Mark and I enjoyed dinner and a movie last night -- saw Sideways (unusual film -- good); he had the Mahi-Mahi special and I had ribs at Mountain Town Station (a place where I've always wanted to try the ribs as they win awards). I tried his Mahi-Mahi and that is definitely a fish I'll try when I can eat solid foods again. It was delicious and not "fishy" at all! The ribs I can do without. I mean, they're ok, but they bother me NOW let alone after the surgery when sugars and fats will bother me even MORE than they do now! I already have something similar to dumping syndrome when I eat fatty, rich foods and have learned to avoid certain foods and even some restaurants.

I'm nervous. Mark is nervous. The kids are nervous. It's just fear of the unknown. We wouldn't have been sent on this path by "the great cosmic muffin" (as Mark said this a.m.) if it weren't for a reason. So I'm putting my trust in God and letting go.

Friday, Feb. 4, 2005
I'm home from the hospital (came home yesterday). Feeling pretty good, after I got my pain meds up to where they were in the hospital. I told Mark I was dying this a.m. (whining) --- I felt so awful! I couldn't get comfortable anywhere. In addition to my stomach/gut pain, my right arm hurt like the dickens -- it was either gas or I pulled it trying to get out of bed or both. I learned that getting into bed is fine, getting up from the edge of the bed is no problem. Sitting UP from a prone position -- HAH! So I am sleeping on the side by the door, so I can grab the doorknobs to help pull myself up.

Heartburn seems to be gone! Taking Prevacid chewable right now for the acid in the remainder stomach -- to shut down acid production.

I'm working on drinking (sipping) my liquids, breathing with the two breathing devices I came home with, walking, and making sure I monitor my pain meds and other meds very carefully. I was used to taking all of my meds at one time, in the morning. I'd take a whole handful at once! Now I have to cut meds in halves and even quarters and take one little piece every 5 minutes. Every med piece needs to be smaller than a regular M&M in order to pass through the opening in the bottom of the pouch. It makes med taking an interesting process. I'm getting better at using my pill cutter! Got it at Walgreens before surgery. Sure glad I did -- the pain meds need to be cut into quarters. I also came home after suffering from migraines/sinus headaches the entire time I was in the hospital -- combination of sinuses/morphine (the pain med while in hosp) and the dry air that is necessary in a medical environment to prevent spread of infection (let me tell you -- I'm glad I had my hydrocortisone cream and unscented hand lotion!). The headache meds I now use also have to be cut into quarters -- I was taking Excedrin Migraine over the counter before surgery but had to discontinue two weeks prior to surgery. And won't be able to continue taking it, as it contains asprin.

Well, I am doing quite well. The staff at Barix is fantastic -- I would definitely recommend them to anyone considering the surgery. What exceptional care!!!! My family and friends remarked on the wonderful care.

Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
Well, it was an eventful weekend. I managed to hurt my left wrist, getting up and down. Ended up in the walkin clinic Sunday morning -- we were afraid I'd broken a bone but it turned out to be a bad strain. I'm going to start Physical Therapy on Weds. On Saturday, while grocery shopping with my hubby (I used one of those electric carts and it was a good thing I did -- I was very tired after shopping and I don't believe I would have been able to do much shopping at all, without it). I took my list of things I wanted to have on hand for full liquid stage of my diet and gave Mark a list of things for making crock pot meals for the kids and him. Well, I realized I hadn't put anything on his list for the kids' lunches so I went up to the deli and looked for the on-sale sliced turkey. It was a mesquite grilled turkey that was on sale, and I asked the clerk for a little sample and had chewed and swallowed that small piece before I realized what I had done!!! I have to watch out for auto-pilot -- ie doing without THINKING. Fortunately my system handled it, with some bloated gassy feeling the only side effect. Whew. Thought I'd blown it. Figured it would make me vomit or something awful like that.

Full liquid stage started this a.m. and I might be a little lactose intolerant -- gives me a gassy, bloated feeling. But yogurt doesn't seem to bother me. Hmmmmm. I think I'll have some cream of chicken soup for lunch with added protein powder.

Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005
Hi! It's my mom's b-day today and I hope she receives the cards we sent her. Feeling good, hoping to get satellite dish installed todayl. We have so many trees they're having to run a line from quite a distance.

Going to start walking outside today, just mailbox and back trips across the yard (driveway too icy). Might go to town this afternoon as I have movies due and some novels to pickup at library. Saw the surgeon on Tuesday and can drive as long as I'm not taking narcotic painkillers. I actually feel pretty good today, and think I can go without them. We'll see!

Doc and everyone in his office thinks I'm doing really great. Incision looks good, no need to wear a dressing anymore and I don't have to wear the binder unless I want to. They couldn't believe it when I told them I sleep on my right side and have been since two days after I got home. They were also incredulous when I told them I never had to sleep in a recliner, at all! The first couple of days, I did have trouble getting comfortable ANYwhere. I think the ride home took a lot out of me.

Oh, ow. Just had my first sneeze! That hurt.

Someone on the state message board is planning a get-to-gether for July and I'm really looking forward to it. Sounds like fun. Going to be a backyard pig roast and we can bring our families and meet and chat with other OH folks. I'm definitely looking forward to carrying around a lot less weight in the summer heat!

My cookbook came the day before yesterday -- one with great recipes for post-op. I'd checked it out of the library and really liked the recipes so ordered it at My hubby loves to cook and I'm converting him to low-fat cooking. He's going whining all the way! But it's better for ALL of us, him and the kids included, and I'm going to bet that I see some weight loss in him before summer is over. He's definitely not obese but he would take me out to dinner because that's one of my fav things to do and restaurant portions are so huge and always fattier than anything we would have eaten at home. I know he's gained weight because of my eating habits.

Some great jobs I want to apply for. I have to get my virus-infected computer out and set it up so I can re-type my resume on the one that is virus-free! Want to get my app in so I can be considered. So I had better get to it, this morning.

Sunday, Feb. 27, 2005
Weighed Friday and am below 300! Down 26 pounds in 3.5 weeks. Feeling really good -- still take an occasional pain med but that's when I'm on the go and spend some time in the car or sitting in a chair at an event or meeting. Went to a "Stampin' Up" party that a friend hosted on Friday -- ordered more than I should have, of course. Now I've got to go through the storage unit and find all of my stamping and scrapbooking stuff. I think I'll set up a nice area in our 'office' and make some stationery and cards to give as gift packs to friends. I might even make enough stuff to sell at a craft show. I'm also going to get some yarn and make some of those fun scarves I see everyone wearing. The ones that look like they're made out of feathers.

Still working on job apps and stuff. Had trouble with my main laptop at home and the computer I'm using now is so old it doesn't have a USB port so can't hook it up to our nice printer.

Mark told me I look like the president of a fortune 500 company this morning! I was getting ready for church. Wore one of my favorite suit jackets with a bright pink turtleneck -- I look good in pink! Plus, the weight loss REALLY shows in my face, chin and neck area. I think most of my double chin is gone, and I ACTUALLY have CHEEKBONES! Who would have guessed???

Tuesday, March 15, 2005 - 6 weeks out from surgery!
Stopped by Curves yesterday to get weighed and measured. The last official measurements were dated 1-08-2004 in their files. I weighed 320 pounds at that time, which is just 3 pounds less than when I went in for surgery. So I would imagine that the measurements are very close to what I was on Jan. 31 of this year. I am now at 285, down 38 pounds from the day of surgery! And from the measurements, I am down 17 inches! Incredible, isn't it. I have my 6 week followup with my surgeon on the 17th, Thursday. I am anticipating that they will release me to return to Curves for exercise.

Saturday, March 26, 2005
Had my 6-week follow-up with Dr. S. Did some shopping at the Super Wal-Mart in Holland for some sugar-free items I can't get over here.

Monday, April 4, 2005
Came down with a nasty bug last Wednesday and the coughing REALLY made all of my stomach muscles hurt. I have been a big whiny baby, not a good sick person at all. The diabetic cough medicine works, but tastes AWFUL. Now I see why the cough medicines have so much SUGAR in them. To cover up that absolutely awful taste! Also taking Sudafed. And my prescription headache medicine. This morning I haven't taken ANY meds, so far! Stopped by Curves on Saturday to weigh myself and I'm down 45 pounds. Sunday I volunteered with the theater folks and was projectionist for an international film festival we're hosting for CMU (we're one of 3 venues for the films -- I ran the DVD projection system for Tokyo Godfathers, Bloody Sunday and I'll Sleep When I'm Dead). Didn't
get home til almost 11 and then spent about 1/2 an hour trying to convince the kids to get to bed. Whew. They'd been at their mothers for the past 5 days and needed to de-stress. Didn't hear Mark having any particular problems getting them up and out on time this morning for school. They all have activities tonight, so I'll whip something simple up for dinner and we'll be off to town again, not long after they get off their busses.

Thursday, May 5, 2005
Answered a post on the Michigan message board and figured I should put the info here, too.

I tried a variety of protein powders. And couldn't get them down! It was mainly the taste but after a while, even with the ones I liked, the texture started to get to me. I am now using Isopure ready-made fruit flavored protein beverages. They remind me of watered-down Crystal Lite. They're available at GNC, and come in glass bottles with a twist off lid. A 20 ounce bottle has 40 grams of protein and just 160 calories. No sugar. I drink it as cold as possible. I drink from a half to a whole one a day and it helps with protein and liquid consumption. It does leave a dryness in your mouth -- that's the only way I can explain it. I really like the orange, grape, fruit punch and raspberry flavors. I pay about $2.50 on sale per bottle at GNC.

I also keep South Beach meal replacement bars in my purse -- they are more like a rice krispie treat than a protein bar, as far as texture and flavor go. South Beach's bars have about 210 calories, 6 to 10 grams fat, 19 grams protein and 0 sugar. Adkins Advantage Bars come in a variety of flavors, about 20 grams protein, 6 grams fat and 0 sugar for 220 calories. I also like some of the All In One bars by Dexatrim (I read the label carefully -- no drugs, just a meal replacement bar). They have 15 grams protein, 5 gr fat, 180 calories, and 1 gr sugar. They are a wide range of prices. I've found them in various stores. The South Beach I found at Kroger. The All in One I also found at Kroger but I've seen elsewhere. The Atkins Advantage bars are available at GNC and I think I saw them at Wal-Mart and Kroger, too.

I have a new JOB! Plus, being down almost 60 pounds, I look YOUNGER, I move BETTER and EASIER and I have more ENERGY!!! Tomorrow I'll finish my first week at my new job and I am loving it. I take my Isopure and put it in the fridge. I keep protein bars in my purse. Next week I'll take more mini meal options with me. I started just 4 days after accepting the position. Plus I'm commuting an hour each way. So I have to plan my meals for next week and shop this weekend. I also know now that there is a nice fridge at work. A microwave. And a water cooler!

Saturday, May 14, 2005
I've finished my 2nd week at my new job, even though I caught STREP THROAT. Ugh! Missed 2 days of work and should have missed 3. Now it's Saturday and we have graduation today (I work for a University) and I'll be working from 10:30 til 4 p.m. or so. I really should have rested yesterday. But the antibiotic seems to make me ANTSY -- it's a big horsepill that I have to cut into quarters and the first two doses I took all of those quarters at once. Whew. That was exhausting. I couldn't really rest. Had bundles of energy.

I've discovered some new foods in our Kroger. South Beach has something like those lunchables that are made for kids, but South Beach is obviously targeting adults. The box contains ingredients to make a couple of wraps and there is a little cup of sugar-free jello! What a great, simple product to take for lunch at work. Certainly not inexpensive, but cheaper and easier than eating out. And because it looks like 'diet food' in the fridge at home, I can be assured that the kids won't eat them up on me! LOL.

I'm guilty of having bought 'new' clothing. But I still haven't paid 'full' price for anything! I have been shopping sales. I've gotten 'hand me downs' from an aunt who has lost weight (her clothing is in such fabulous shape and of such wonderful quality that her hand me downs are nicer than anything NEW I would be buying right now). Plus, I've even shopped Goodwill and The Salvation Army and a rummage sale. Such bargains. I feel great in the smaller clothes which fit me. I hate wearing my old clothes --- baggy! Unless it's a t-shirt I'm wearing around the house. It's soooo much fun to have a shirt that hangs off me, the way I've seen them hang off of much 'skinnier' people. I also love my saggy loose pj pants! I'm fond of flannel pj bottoms and unless it's boiling hot outside (and in) I wear them year-round. When it gets realllllly unbearably hot, I'll wear capris made of all cotton or even just a tee and undies to bed. I'm looking forward to wearing something smaller than a size with xx's after it, in the pj department.

I am wearing size 18 in tops, down from size 26/28. Pants, I'm down from size 30/32 to size 24. And that's JUST since surgery on Jan 31 and today is May 14. Wow. I feel sooo much better. I can move more easily. My arthritis does not bother me as much (knees - osteoarthritis diag. when I was 35 but I know I've had it much longer). My blood pressure was 96 over 60 on Wednesday, when I went in for the strep throat diagnosis. My cholesterol is 157. I think my sleep apnea is much decreased if not nearly gone. I have much, much more energy. In fact, I have to force myself to go to bed or I'll be up for hours and not get enough sleep!

I know I have about another 100 pounds to lose to get to the goal weight I have established for myself. Based on a healthy BMI, I should carry 160 pounds on my 5'9" frame. That's a BMI just below 25, or in the healthy adult range for my age (I just turned 40 this week -- and with the weight loss showing so much in my face, I (vainly) believe I look like I'm closer to 30 than 40! HAH!).

Well, I have to go pick out an outfit to wear to work (that big graduation ceremony and associated receptions and activities and PHOTOS). It's dreary so on Friday they announced we'd be having it inside, rather than out. So it's going to be stuffy and warm and crowded. But it certainly doesn't lessen the excitement for our grads -- I am a recruiter/admissions counselor/academic advisor in a program for working adults who want to complete their bachelor's degree in business. Working on a degree while working full-time and raising a family is a challenge and makes the attainment even sweeter, I think. I know that taking courses NOW, compared to when I was an undergrad some 25 years ago, I'm a much better student (more focused) but it's difficult to find the time to do the amount of homework required (and which, as an adult learner, you feel more responsible toward doing WELL as opposed to just getting it DONE).

Gotta go pick out the clothes!

Friday, June 10, 2005
Well, I've been working now for a month and almost two weeks! It's a great job. Challenging, too. And on the weight loss front, clothes keep fitting better and better -- well, I guess they are fitting WORSE because they are getting so LOOOOOOOSE! I have some pants that I have to pull up on the waist when I get out of the van... or they might start sliding off. LOL!

I'm going to wear a 1x in a cute halter top from Penneys this weekend. It's dusty rose, mock wrap style with a collar. Looks FAB on. I also have a black one of the same top, but bought it in 2x. Which gaps open so I had to do some sewing. The smaller size actually fits better. A really thin woman at work wore the same top in bright red today -- it looks great on her. I bet she's in a small or an extra small or a petite small. And my best friend told me SHE bought one of those same tops at Penneys this winter! I got mine on the discount rack. I won't pay full price for anything in the clothing line right now. Well, maybe panty hose! And undies/bras. Unless I can find them on sale, while I'm shrinking. I've shopped goodwill, garage sales, discount racks, gotten hand-me-downs, you name it.

6-12-05, Saturday, June 12
Visited my Mom in the UP and my friend Catherine went along with me. Catherine hadn't seen me since the wedding, and was astounded at how I look. Mom, of course, has seen me, but was still amazed. I feel soooo good -- it's amazing to be able to walk up and down stairs so easily. I did some laundry and had to go down into the basement at Mom's and I didn't have any problem with the stairs while carrying a laundry basket. I had been having serious problems with stairs before surgery. My knees and ankles were bothering me and I was so afraid of falling or turning an ankle. It is also amazing to be able to just sit down in any lawn chair, too. Catherine and I went garage-saleing on Saturday and then hit a number of little stores in Newberry, and I wasn't sore or anything, afterwards! In fact, after a busy weekend and the driving, I don't hurt at all today. I haven't taken any pain meds in quite a while. Wow. Hadn't noticed that... Mom suggested that I try some aspercreme on my right knee when it does bother me -- sometimes it hurts just from sleeping and the position it's been in. It's the arthritis. But it's certainly bothering me less than it was 77 pounds ago!

Saturday, July 23, 2005
Measured myself tonight and I'm done 59.25 inches total! Wow. Had a doctor visit this week and I've lost 82 pounds. My oldest stepson came for dinner tonight and he hadn't seen me in 3 months. He said, "whoa, you've lost a LOT of weight!" He's right. I have. And I feel GREAT. My arthritis bothers me just a little. And I'm having plantar warts removed from my feet as I'm more active and they are bothering me more now. I can walk up and down steps; heck, I even dash up and down steps, in clogs! The heat hasn't bothered me much at ALL this summer. And we don't have air conditioning in our current home. Which we are getting ready to sell. Today we moved quite a bit of stuff into our storage unit, which we re-arranged so it will accommidate even more. And I wasn't tired or hot at all. I was the slave driver, in fact! Then, when we got back to the house, I was out in the backyard cleaning up the stuff my second oldest stepson had taken out of the shed. Then we went to town and donated quite a bit of stuff to Goodwill, I grocery shopped and came home and did more. I cannot believe the energy I have now! I feel 20 years younger. And I just turned 40 in May. I can't believe how great I feel, move, etc. And I still have 81 more pounds I would like to lose. We'll see if that's where I want to go -- maybe 180 will feel great. 241 is feelin' pretty good today!

Sunday, September 4, 2005
Went to a wedding yesterday. Didn't have anything to wear and my favorite resale shop wasn't open so went to a sale at Kohl's dept. store! Ended up with something I can wear to work (still not a dress or skirt person... maybe soon) -- great fitting pants and a wrap sweater with rhinestone buttons. Looked INCREDIBLE in it. I didn't even look that good in high school. (poor fashion sense/no money/bad hair!) Also picked up new undergarments.... lets just say that I needed to move some things UP on my chest. LOL. OH, and I had bought a pair of heels recently and wore those. I was the really tall new wife with my hubby. These were all people who had met the old wife (and I don't me the 'before' me, either! I mean the ex) and were very happy and curious to meet me. The ex ran off with a tree trimmer she met and abandoned her family (including her 4 children, age 5 to 15 at the time).

Now the kids are healthy and thriving under Mark's and my care. They went through some tough times after their mom left. The 3 youngest still live with us -- 12, 13, 15. And the 20 year old is on his own, renting a duplex with friends and he manages an auto parts store. Anyway, we had a great time at the wedding of the first scout of Mark's to get his Eagle --- and the young man is now a rocket scientist! Really. He is an aerospace engineer. His new bride is as heavy at 23 as I was at 38 -- I really felt for her. Fortunately it was NOT a hot day. Since they had no idea I carried around another extra 100 pounds just months ago, there was no way I was going to say anything to her on her special day. I hope she is able to battle her weight problem and avoid health complications.

Monday, Sept. 19, 2005
Well, I think I've lost 101 pounds now! I bought a pair of size 16 jeans over the weekend. And a pair of slacks in the Jacklyn Smith line at K-Mart, size XL. Just a regular old size XL off the 'regular' racks -- I wasn't shoppin' in the plus sizes!!!! Yippee. I continue to be amazed at how easy it is to get up and down and fit into furniture, etc.

Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Shopped at Penney's this past weekend, NOT in the plus size department! Just bought the most stylish work clothing I've ever owned. Then, shopped at a wonderful resale shop and bought a size 14 blazer w/size 18 skirt... wow, someone else is shaped like me! LOL.

Saturday, December 10, 2005
Well, someone else bought the house we wanted and we've received our earnest money back. There are still plenty of great homes on the market that aren't selling -- just like ours isn't. So we'll be able to find something nice, when ours does finally sell.

In the meantime, I'm going to get my MBA -- starting in January. Have to take the GMAT admissions test this month; they're saving a place in the MBA class for me! Even though I work at the university, graduate level tuition is not a benefit for us so I'm applying for financial aid -- will use student loans to cover the cost.

Andrew's busy with ski team dry-land practice. Since the whole family (cept me!) loves to downhill, I'm going to try to learn this winter. Esp. considering I have more than 100 pounds gone since last winter, it will be easier to learn. At least I know it will be easier to get UP after I fall down.

I think I'm at about 205 pounds now -- if I am, that means I have just 36 pounds to go to hit "normal" BMI of 24.9!!! I would be at 169 pounds to do that. Wow. I can't believe I have such a SMALL amount of weight left to lose. That is incredible. I've never had that small an amount to lose. Wow. Wow. Wow.

Kathy is in the state honors choir and Robert is learning to swim -- his dad isn't much of a swimmer and his next older brother isn't either so he hasn't had much development in that area! Another scouting family is helping their son, our boy and another boy in the troop learn how to swim. They have a membership at a health club and get guest passes for the boys. They are doing a 'lock in' tonight with their troop. They'll have fun.

Mark and I are judging a holiday lighted parade tonight. That will be cooooooold! Good thing I have my new ski pants. And a new-to-me coat that fits. I've been doing most of my shopping at a great resale shop. Got 2 winter coats, 4 blazers a couple of weeks ago and paid just $147. One of the coats was new, full-length leather and it looks fab!!! The other is a short belted car coat type in wool. Very stylish in a camel color with leopard fake fur trim on the inside of the hood and on the collar. Pretty. I'm wearing women's large in most tops now. It amazes me!!!!! I was wearing 4x before surgery. Incredible. I wear size 16 pants -- was wearing 30 before.

Well, gotta go pick out something to wear today and make a shopping list and do some dishes and put more laundry in. With 3 kids it's always time to do laundry!

New Year's Resolutions:
Sell the house!

Friday, January 13, 2006
Well, I've started my MBA program (I know it's not going to be easy but it seems as though it might actually be easier than I thought it would be!). And on my 'sell the house' goal, I was the high bidder on 2 hours on a local radio morning show, to promote 'anything I want' so of course I'll promote our house and an open house with my radio time! Got to get to Curves and get a new membership. Have bought new, much smaller exercise clothes. Maybe I'll do that today. I am going to join where I work, as I can go at lunchtime or after work. Considering I work an hour from home and the Curves near home are 1/2 an hour away, anyway.

Weds., Feb. 22, 2006
Bought a 'little black dress' this past weekend at Penney's and WOW do I look good in it! Halter top, backless. Wow. Bought a strapless bra in 38D (was 48DD before surgery!) and the dress is size 16. Was size 32 in my wedding dress a year and a half ago. Wow, wow, wow. Gotta get some fab shoes to go with, and a wrap -- or I'll freeze! Always seem to be cold, now, but I'll willingly trade THAT for all of the other things I've gotten rid of.

Friday, March 31, 2006
Bought a pair of pants last weekend for work, as everything is way too baggy. Size 14 fits!!! It fits, it fits! Giving all my size 18's away. Have a pair or 2 of size 16. Gotta buy another pair of 14's this weekend, then the 16's are out the door.

Woo hoo!

Friday, August 4, 2007
Well, it's been quite a while since I updated. I am going to be starting a NEW job later this month and I am very excited. Not lost any pounds since last update, but still re-locating what I have! The inches seem to still be dropping. Clothing that was "tight" suddenly isn't, even though the numbers on the scale stay the same.

Still enjoying size 14 everything and it's such a wonderful, wonderful feeling to shop on the "sale" rack and FIND things that are so, so fashionable. It is also a pleasure to choose to LEAVE something that fits in the store, just because I don't like it! Before, if it fit, I pretty much had to take it. Because it was hard to find anything that fit, well.

Bought a 'new' van this week; the old one gave out! It had 203,000 miles on it and make this incredible moan when I dropped Andrew off at his new job the other day. I was taking some vacation days, using them up, and good thing I did: I would have been stranded on the road, on the way to work, if I hadn't. So, I spent 2 of my 3 days off buying a replacement van. And what a beauty it is! It's a lease turn in, 2006 Dodge Gr Caravan and has 15k miles on it. So it IS just like new, ut without the new pricetag. It even has a DVD system. The kids will love it; Kathy and Robert are visiting their mom this week and we'll pick them up Sunday in the new van. They'll be shocked! I quit my job and got a new van while they were gone. I still have about 1 1/2 weeks at the current job, then start the new one the 21st Aug.

Sept. 26, 2006
Mark turned 51 this past Sunday. I don't think it bothered him nearly as much as turning 50 last year did!!! We are still working on selling our house. Going to lower the price, as soon as we run the numbers w/the bank for a zero down or low down on another place we're interested in. Prices really coming down so we are looking at how low WE can do with our asking. Hopefully spur some interest! So much for sale. There is a glut of properties on the market.

Work is GREAT. Can't believe the difference.

About Me
Mt. Pleasant, MI
Surgery Date
Nov 17, 2004
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