My before surgery pictures will be posted soon....

Well let's just say after years of eating wrong and not exercising I found myself divorced and at 231 pounds....

I really do not want to hash out things that got me to 231lbs.  I just had not taken care of myself.  I moved from Texarkana, AR to Little Rock, AR in August of 2004.  A new start for me really.  I had a wonderful job and a wonderful family.  Something was missing though.  I never dated!  I wanted to to be in a reality tells you that a cute little fat girl will not be dating.  I finally had gotten tired of being tired all of the time and not having companionship.   The rest is history.......

It was the day of my surgery.  I could not  believe I was finally here and going to have the procedure.  My mom and dad were there for me (like always).  Surgery went on and no complications were reported.

I am truly the worst patient ever.  My pain tolerence.....well wait...I do not have any form of pain tolerence.  I was in a ton of pain.  Asking myself why I did the surgery...I mean I just should have laid off the Whopper's and Dorito's and I could have gotten this weight off.  My mom stayed with me at the hosptial and took me on walks down the hall. did feel like your insides would fall out.

Going home.  At this point the pain is much better...although I wouldn't admit that.  Mom is going to stay with me for the next week to help me out.

Mom is going home.  I'm really doing great.  The pain is there but getting better day after day.  I think I can handle things.  Mom has been good with helping me prepare my food.  It seems like I am eating way to much food.  Remember at this point you are eating (pudding/jello/broth) out of a medicine cup.  I'm worried about eating too much.....please.....I didn't worry about that before!

Back to work 2 weeks after surgery!

October 2005...
1 month post-op..Down 13 pounds or so.

November 2005....
Feeling good weight still coming off

December 2005...
Headed to NYC.  My cousin Christie and I had never been and thought we would try it.  I had no problems walking or getting around this soon after surgery.  In fact I think I was already down from 231 to 180-185 by that 2nd week of December.  We had a blast!!

January 2006...
Still not dating, but looking much better.

February 2006...
I hate to admit it...and yes he does to....but I found the love of my life on  I know....I know....It's crazy.  God just blessed me this time.  Weight...around 165.

April 2006....
Mike and I marry...weight around 155.  I'm the happiest I've ever been.

August 2007...
Happy as can be.  Weight is now 125.  I've been at that weight since the first of the year.  I cheat every now and then (eat a honey bun/piece of cake).  Sometimes it makes me deathly ill...and times I can tolerate it where I'm not sick if I cheat.  For the most part I haven't found anything I just can't tolerate.  Whole chocolate milk will send me to bed.  I don't know what it is...probably the fat.  I'm not good about taking my vitamins and calcium as I should.  I'm committed to start that tomorrow 8/6/07.  That's why I set my account up today with Obesity Help.  I wanted to help taking better care of myself (taking my vitamins) but to also help other people.  I love talking about my surgery and the results that I have had.  It's a very exciting time in someone's life.  You are in for many wonderful changes!!

I do have a hernia that is a result from the surgery.  I'm having surgery on that 10-1-07 to have it fixed.  Dr. Baker is repairing that.  He's also the one that did my gastric bypass.

I'll keep you posted on how things continue in my life.  Right now all I can say is that having the surgery changed my life.  I now am happily married and have a beautiful step daughter.  I don't think my life would have been the same had I not made the decision to have the gastric bypass.  God Bless!

August 13, 2007
Weight today 120lbs.  Down 111 lbs!!!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 05, 2007
Member Since

Friends 1
