Update:  Its been almost 8 yrs since surgery, total weight lost was 90, I've gained 30 back.  I don't think my VSG worked very well compared to others, I still have restriction-a lot more than my friend with the same surgery, but I am still plus sized.  My friend on the other hand got down to an 8 and maintains a size 10.  I didn't have the usual weight loss for high weight patients which seems to be 100+.  My body does not want to stay small.

Health is still the same, cholesteral is a little higher, everything else normal, had a knee replacement and expecting another one when I have health insurance.  I'm morbidly obese again.

Looking at plastics now, need to get a TT to get rid of the low hanging belly and would love a thigh lift and some sort of face lift/neck lift to get rid of the jowls weight loss left behind.  I have the time to take to do it now but not the money, when I finally find a job and start working I'll have the money and not the time-sucks!

Overall not happy with my results considering the money I spent, but it's better than is was before surgery.


Original: Let's see, I haven't been over weight all my life, just the past 18 years--a little less than half my life.  I did have a few chubby years in elementary and thought I was big in high school, but would kill to be that size again!  If we only knew then what we know now...but that's a whole other subject.

I'm not fond of diets or healthy foods, I do not eat vegetables, picky kid turned picky adult.  Exercise is a major chore, I hate sweating so much and the time it takes away from other things I like to do.  Plus now it's too uncomfortable and/or painful.

That's why I'm looking into WLS.  I work for a moderatly sized city in S.E. Virginia.  There are thousands of people on the health plan and the coverage sucks. The city is 'self-funded', so none of the federal or state laws apply to it's
medical insurance

Looks like I'll be taking an overseas trip soon!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 11, 2009
Member Since

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