There's no place like home...

May 17, 2007

Well, I'm home! Dorothy was right! There's no place like it! My surgery was on Monday and it couldn't have gone better. I have tons of family and friends who came out to see me while I was in the hospital. It meant even more since my hospital was an hour away from where I live! So most of my friends had quite a drive to come see me. Most importantly my Mommy and my Angel were there with me too!  Not only was my Angel Penny there for me, but she was there keeping my mom sane for hours waiting on me! I think that everything went great! I feel pretty good. I'm eating liquids (but not the clear kinds!) You just don't know how much you'll appreciate a strained creamed soup until it's gone! I'm loving it now. I'm a little sore and a little tired, but nothing I can't handle! I have a ton of pictures to load, and I want to post a big thank you on the boards! Everyone was so great and encouraging on my surgery page! It was great!

I had a little bit of an outing today. Some walking and getting out did me some good! Nothing crazy, just enough to keep me from going stir crazy! I really can't wait to update everyone, and upload all the pictures, but right now, I just want to go sit on my but and sip me some water!!

I love you guys!!

'Twas the night before surgery...

May 13, 2007

Tomorrow's the day! This will be the shortest blog ever, but I just wanted to check in one last time before my surgery! I did the bowel prep today. Not as bad as I thought. I was pretty much empty by this afternoon!  I'm still getting my stuff together for the hospital, etc. I know I should be getting to bed soon, but I figure I'm gonna sleep all day tomorrow! ;) I'm really excited, but still a little nervous! 
Before I go, I just wanted to thank everyone on this site! Or the three people who will read this, whatever. All the messages have been so great! It means a lot to me to get all these encouraging messages! Especially from people who don't even know me! It makes me feel much better! I'm hoping that I feel well real soon, so I can come back on and update everyone! 


"You're goin' thru it, aren't you??"

May 10, 2007

I was telling my co-worker about everything I had to do/get before my surgery on monday. She just shook her head and said: "You're goin' thru it, aren't you??"  Yes, I am.  I just got off the phone with the woman from my surgeon's office who does all the scheduling. She's also the one you call when you're flipping out over details! So I cleared up one last thing (hopefully the last) with her.  It appears that I'm good to go. 

I had my pre-op appt yesterday. Everything went pretty well. My Dad came with me to keep me company. Everything moved pretty quickly, except the last appt with my surgeon. I was starting to get irritated after waiting for an hour after my appt, but I got over it. She had an emergency to deal with at the hospital. I told myself that when I'm in the hospital she could need to help me with something! I figured that it will all even out in the end! 

I did lose a pound a half more, which brings me to 19.5 so far. I was really releaved! Anyway, the only other stuff I learned was about the bowel prep, etc. So I'll spare you the details! I will just say that, this is gonna be a *fun* weekend! Oh, I also got an awesome package in the mail the other day! It's from one of my best friends who just moved to Cleveland for Law School. It was a present from and it had a card that read:

Dearest Kelly:
Consider this an early berfday/drug hazed recovery present! Nothing makes the pain of surgey go away quicker than some Franco... hmmm...

She got me the show Freaks and Geeks on DVD! It's one of my favorites and was way too expensive to buy for myself! It was so sweet of her! I've also gotten so many sweet posts on my surgery support page already! I love you guys! You're so sweet and thoughtful! Especially my Angel! Speaking of my Angel Penny! She met me and my Dad for lunch yesterday during my break from pre-op appts!  She's seriously the best Angel a girl could have! Her date is in June (Congratulations again!!!) I'm her Angel too! I only hope I can be as good to her as she has been to me!!

Well, I doubt I'll post before my surgery on Monday, so I guess I'll see everyone on the other side!!

I have to get back to work, since I only have two days left!!!


Chuggin' Along...

Apr 23, 2007

Well, I keep chuggin' along in this process! I had another appt w/my surgeon last Friday. I lost 4 more pounds (only 2 pounds away from where my surgeon wants me to be before surgery!) My surgery is still set for Monday, May 14th, but I also have my pre-op appt scheduled now! I go in on May 9th, pretty much for the whole day! 

I'm not following my pre-op diet as religiously as I was in the beginning, but I'm still losing enough pre-op weight to make my surgeon happy, and I'm still watching what I eat for sure! I think the thing that's helping me the most is all the walking. I've been walking w/my friends at work, and it has definately paid off. I just went to Las Vegas last week and I could tell that all that walking had really paid off! I would never have made it throught the busy exhausting Vegas trip just a month ago! I'm just getting soooo antsy! I want this next couple weeks to pass quickly!! 

Well, I just didn't want to vanish from OH because nothing exciting was happening! I hope that everyone is doing great no matter where they are in all this craziness!!


OMG!!! This is really happening!!

Mar 21, 2007

OMG!! I can't seem to make that OMG big enough!?!? I just talked to the patient coordinator at my surgeon's office and I'm so excited I am speechless!! I feel like Drew Barrymore in Never Been Kissed: "I'm speechless! I have no words!! That has never happened to me before!!" 

I am approved and I have a surgery date!!! I'm scheduled for May 14th!! Twenty minutes ago I felt like time was moving in slow motion... now I feel like everything is moving a million miles an hour all around me!! 

I can't thank my OH friends enough for all their support and kindness!! I would have surely gone crazy by now without you!!!


Grrrr. Arrrgh.

Mar 20, 2007

I'm frustrated. I met with my surgeon on 3/9/07. I had done everything that was asked of me. They told me they were going to put in for approval from my insurance. I think it's been about a week since they put the paper work in. I know that isn't that long, but it feels like a million and a half years!! I just can't stand the waiting. I've already called and bugged the poor patient coordinator, but I don't want to over do it. I know this rant is not going to do me any good, but I just can't help myself!!!  I'm planning on going to a WLS support group tonight. I think that'll be just what I need to get my head straight. 

I've been reading the blogs and getting really jealous of everyone that's headed to Irvine for the OH convention. I really wish I could go! I have a trip that week and really shouldn't drive 400 miles a couple of days before a business trip... still jealous though.

Here's hoping that the next blog is a happier blog!!

Now I wait....

Mar 12, 2007

Well, I had my appt with Dr. Foster on Friday. I was nervous. The first appointment my mom came with me. It just felt better to have someone there with me. I felt less nervous and alone. This time my mom couldn't make it. She lives 200 miles away and was already coming to help me move over the weekend. Her and her boyfriend were coming after work on Friday. So my fabulous friend and ANGEL Penny came out and waited with me. She knew that I was excited/nervous, and she was really there for me. OH helped me to make this awesome friend, so thank you OH!!! To make matters more difficult, my Dr. was very behind that afternoon. So Penny was there waiting with me for hours! I finally got in and got weighed. Since my last visit with her on 2/9/07 I've lost 14 lbs! That put me at 299! I'm glad to be back under the 300 mark! That was a load off! I've still got 6 lbs to go before surgery, but the weight I've lost is enough to get me a surgery date. They are putting in the approval this week and I should have a date within a week. I was so glad that after I got the good news from my Dr. I had someone waiting outside to congratulate me and give me a big hug! Thanks Pen!

In other news, the move was this weekend! I'm so glad it's over. Of course I still have the cleaning of the old apartment which is tomorrow! At least the actual moving is done. I had lots of help. Again, thanks to OH! Penny and her awesome husband and boys were so great. And my new friend Alycia came as well! I can't thank them enough!!! They are so special to me!  Well, I have to get back to work! But luckily my internet service is up and running at my new place already, so I can check the boards from home too!!!  

Can't wait to post my "I have a date..." bulletin!!

Bout Time...

Mar 07, 2007

So, things are moving along quicker than I thought they would and I haven't done blog one! I've always been horrible with things like this. I always end up feeling so guilty! When I was a kid I used to apologize to my diary as though it was someone I had made plans with and then ditched! "Dear Diary, I'm sorry I haven't written in you for 3 weeks, but I've been so busy..."  Well, I feel like I've been up and down so many times already and I'm still pre-op! I figured now is the time to get this stuff down. 

I had my consultation with my surgeon on 2/9/07. I saw my PCP that same day. They both weighed me and they numbers didn't sinc up. The surgeon's scale said 313 and the PCP's scale said 315.... Guess which one I'm gonna go with?? ;) I loved my surgeon! Everything that I've read about Dr. Foster was true: She's no nonsense and direct. But I really did feel comfortable with her. My mom went with me, thank God. I needed her there to remember anything I might have blocked out of nervousness. She wants me to lose 20 lbs before the surgery. She did say that she would "meet me half way." If I lose 10 lbs she'll give me a date and let me lose the rest before surgery. I'm like, SOLD! 

Since that appointment I've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off! I waited about a week before I started my pre-op diet. Trying to get my head in the right place. I did the rest of the blood work they wanted. I did a sleep study. That was ridiculous. More study than sleep, that's what I say. I did my consultation with the nutritionist. I really liked her! She was very supportive and helpful, and I really hope I can see her post-op. The last thing I needed was the Psych. That was almost a battle. My insurance has three levels, but I've been doing my best to keep it all on the HMO. I'm trying to avoid any unexpected costs jumping out at me. Anyway, trying to nail down a Psych person that would do an evaluation for WLS was hell. With one office in particular I had to call their new patient coordinator every single day for a week. Just as I was giving up on her she called me back. It was like a different girl. Now she's my buddy. She got me in for my appt in less than a week, and that was a few days ago. That was my last pre-op appt! Pheww!!

Now I'm waiting for my next appt w/my surgeon which is this friday. I've been doing what I'm supposed to do. Low carbs, Low fat, smaller portions, water, walking. I know that I've lost weight, but I can't say how much. I have a scale at home, but scales can be so different. I want to wait until I have a number from the surgeon's office. So this week is stress week. I'm just really excited to get things going. I turn 30 on the last day of May, and I really want to have it before that! But I know that everything happens for a reason. I really believe that. So, if it should be delayed, I'll try not to be too dissappointed. 

So that was the first blog... not too painful..  I'll try to do it again soon!

P.S. I made one of those tickers... I'm not changing that weight until after my appt on Friday! ;)


About Me
San Jose, CA
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2007
Member Since

Friends 44

Latest Blog 18
Things that are good....
Good day....
Monday, weigh in day!
I'm a 22.
What time is it? New pants time!
Just the regular kind of obese...
More stuff to get used to...
