Starting to get nervous.

May 28, 2009

Yeah, I really am.  I know it's not that big of a deal, but to me, it is.  It's a major, life changing event that I'm going to go though, and I'm so thankful and blessed that I have the friends and family that I have to support me through this.  I'm still waiting to hear someone tell me that I'm taking the "easy way out."  I've been working on my soccer skills, and they might get a good kick to the hoo-ha area.

My stomach is still really upset after I eat things.  For every meal, there's about 30 minutes spent in the bathroom, and that's not good when I'm at work.  My boss knows that I'm really upset and the medicine I'm on can cause this, so he's really understanding about it.  Unfortunately, my tummy problems are also causing me to have a very short fuse with EVERYTHING.  I hate hearing gum popping, and the girl behind me keeps doing it all night, hence why I keep my earphones in.  There's a lady at work that I already can't stand, and whenever I hear her cough, I just wanna jump up and strangle her from across the room.  Someone is listening to a comedy CD right now and laughing really beligerently.... i'm thinking that some anti-depressants and some Xanax should be in order....

On the plus side, I'm so excited to finally meet one of my OH friends.  I'm having a "send off" dinner on Saturday evening at my favorite restaurant, Michells, and Ed is coming to send me off :)  I'm so happy and excited to meet him! :)  I have a few close friends at work who are coming, too.  They are so supportive of me and my decision to make my life better, and so is my husband.  He tells me every day how proud of me that he is and how he admires my strength and my courage to do this.  I told him that it's not like being Superman, or Wonder Woman in my case, but I will feel that way just as soon as I make it through the pre-op diet.  If I can get through that, I can do anything!!!!

