OPti-Fast Day 3 Surgery t- minus 18 days and counting

Mar 28, 2014

Rough night last night, really wanted to eats something. I am having trouble getting the Opti done, it is so sweet, it is cloying.

My headache wont go away, my sister, who has had this same surgery, same doctor, tells me it usually goes away around Day 5, I'm eager for that day to come.

Didn't sleep well last night, too much on mind, what with moving 10 days after surgery, and my job is getting very busy too, so that kept me awake a lot. My wife's snoring doesn't help, but I love her anyway.

Not to mention the dreams about giant hamburgers and plates of nachos. Also, have you noticed that many commercials on TV are about food, it is driving me to distraction. 


