Hello :) I'm 22 years old, I'm 5'0 -- 215-219 pounds, BMI- 43.4 Size I wear is about 20/22 X-large to XX-large all depends
I have been overweight since the age of 9-10... about 50 pounds... but ever since I had my son in 97' I have been a 100 pounds over weight and hating every minute!

I will be having Lap- R.N.Y On July 31st at Abbott NorhtWestern in Minneapolis, Mn.......

My friend Mandy O. Will be having surgery on Aug 8th... Both of us are very excited!


Date / Weights / Loss
7-15-01 ~~ 214 ~~
7-31-01 ~~ 212 ~~ -2 lb ---- went into surgery
8-01-01 ~~ 219 ~~ Gain +7 lb day after surgery
8-08-01 ~~ 200 ~~ -19 lb 8 days post-op
8-19-01 ~~ 197 ~~ -22 lb
9-02-01 ~~ 193 ~~ -26 lb
9-18-01 ~~ 187 ~~ -32 lb
9-22-01 ~~ 184 ~~ -35 lb
9-28-01 ~~ 183 ~~ -36 lb
9-30-01 ~~ 181 ~~ -38 lb *~* I'm no longer Morbid Obese *~*
10-8-01 ~~ 178 ~~ -41 lb
10-10-01 ~ 177 ~~ -42 lb
10-16-01 ~ 175 ~~ -44 lb
10-22-01 ~ 172 ~~ -47 lb
10-28-01 ~ 170 ~~ -49 lb
10-31-01 ~ 169 ~~ -50 lb *~* 3 months post-op *~*
11-10-01 ~ 167 ~~ -52 lbs
12-01-01 ~ 167 ~~ -52 lbs
02-25-02 ~ 163 ~~ -56 lbs
03-09-02 ~ 160 ~~ -59 lbs
03-22-02 ~ 158 ~~ -61 lbs
04-15-02 ~ 153 ~~ -66 lbs
12-25-04 ~ 140 ~~ -79 lbs
11-25-05 ~ 122 ~~ -97 lbs
03-04-07 ~ 115 ~~ -104 lbs

Weight: 200 (-19)

Well I'm On the OTHER SIDE! YES!!!! Well I'm 8 days post-op and I'm feeling alot better! I have been doing ok and starting to feel normal! lol..
My hospital stay was ok.. I had a tough second day... I'll start at the begining..
I went in to the hospital at 6am and started all my prep.. getting in gown and filling out paper work and take last minute blood work and stuff.. I went back alone for about 30-45 minutes while the nurses did all my prepping... blood presssure and vitals... she explained to me what was going to happen and what I was suppost to expect... I was soooo scared I was crying... My B/F came back to sit with me in my room before surgery... My Dr and nurses and people kept coming in to talk to me and I was soooo scared I wanted to run away... I was so prepared and my b/f was nervous before ..but when i went in I was crying and he kept tring to make me laugh and help me feel better... My surgery was not intell 8:30 and when It was time they gave me a shot of Valuim to help me relax and when I got that I felt like a million Bucks...You could have punched me in the face and I would have not cared.... Thenn they wheeled me into the room and I was laying there they gave me a mask over my face and said they gave me a shot and I would be gone and I was.... out!!! I woke up in the recovery room... I had pain but I was fine....They told me I would be in recovery for 2-3 hours... well I woke up so well I was gone in 50 minutes! WOW! They were all amazed! I was awake!
Well I got back to my room and there was cory... He was my ANGEL! I cant believe How much he's done for me in the past 2 weeks but I love him even more! I had very good staff the 1st day and night.... they helped me with pain control... kepted getting shots of moraphine... (I dont like it at all didnt help anything...) I was laying there and got a visiter about 5... Leah! She was great! She gave me a card and a bear! I started to almost cry... It was soooo nice! We talked for a while and she left... asking me a million Questions! I got up and walked later that after noon... got up alot! I went over to see Mary W... She had been out of surgery now for a while...Cory and I visited...She was doing great! She also had a gift fot me!
Then came day 2 in the hospital and it was terrible.... I was'nt on a pain pump... the nurses kept forgeting about me the hole day....They for got my breakfeast, I had to ask I got it about 11 am after we asked! They would not change my meds I was in alot of pain... moraphine didnt do a thing... I was scared for the ride home... I lived 2-1/2 hours away... and I knew I would'nt make it on what he was tring to give me for pain... he was going to send me home with Tylenol 3....HELL NO!!!! I was bitching and crying no one would help...me in or out of bed they expected Cory to do it.... my room mate got a shower I didnt my b/f had to help me with everything!!! I waited 5 hours to get discharged due to the fact it took that long to get a prescription.... Long story short I left with a pil of Percocet... I had a perscription for liquaid when I got home... well when I got home I went to every place and noone had it... SO I was in severe pain the 1st night home... It was HELL... The next day I went to my PCP and he gave me Pills and things became alot better..... But I hated the 2nd day It was horrible at the hospital.... I would hate to be with that staff again...
I'll update more later

Weight: 197 (-22)

Hello :) I'm 19 days post-op and I feel wonderfull! I'm doing great.... My tummy still is sore, a little tender but i can lay on my side and sleep... My eating is going well.. I'm drinking my protien drinks 60gms a day.. plus what ever food I eat that has protien... its to hard to count protien in food so my main goal is to drink my 60gms a day and then if I eat more protien (which I do anyway) Great! I'm happy about my -22 lbs weight loss so far.. reminding my self to eat is hard I forget and then I realize I have to eat because I make my family food or just my son, my family and I eat way differently... My son eats way different stuff... It really doesnt bother me if my son has treats... I really thought I would have a harder time... I did at the beginging have a few days of depression of why did I do this? Was it worth it? I did get sad.. I wrote in my diary, I wrote 2 full pages on how I felt! It made me feel alot better.. I just have to go ot life now a day at a time.... Thats all I can really do.. My family is very supportive and that helps alot... Mandy (weight loss friend) had her surgery 7 days after me, and mandy and I are going to are 1st appt on 8-31-01, It worked out well.. My car is broken and she offerd me a ride with her if i could get an appt close to her's... our Dr's office really worked with me to get it... We are only 15 minutes appart in seeing our dr's...
Hopefully I start school this month on 8-24-01, tring to figure out transportation. I also can't wait for the ok to start working out... I really want to get a gym membership... I used to love working out.. it's been awhile since I have other then walking... It always mede me feel wonderfull after.. Well I have talked long enough.... TTFN = ta ta for now!!!

Weight: 193 (-26)

Hey... I can't believe its September 1st already... Time flys right by.. Well I just had my 3 week Dr's Appt yesterday with Kelly. ('m really 1 month post-op already..) Everything was perfect... Mandy and I went down together.. we had appts only 15 minutes appart.. It worked out great and I had fun with her..
I'm am officaly down -26 lbs.. YIPPPEEEEEE !! I'm at 194 lbs. over 1/4 the way to goal now... only about 74-84lbs left to go... give or take a few..
At the Dr's office I got a b-12 shot and they teach me how to give it to myself every month... fun... they also gave me the list on how much iron and calcium I should be taken... They gave me a perscription for my iron... and told me to try the liquid for of the calcium it would absorb better and not so hard on my tummy along with I should take it with like orange juice..
I need to have at least 1500 - 2000 mg of calcium Citrate a day
I need to take 1 multivitumin a day.. I take Centrum from A to Zinc.
I need to take 1 Iron pill a day..
I Have to go pick that up this morning at walgreens..
I Feel great now... I feel like my old self again... the only thing I still have is that numbing in my leg... My scars look good and I was a great healer she said... I have been getting 60+ grams of protien a day... 64 ozs of water a day.. and getting in my walking as well... But now I have the ok to go work out at the gym....YESSSS I love working out.. it makes me feel good... The problem is getting a good price for a membership.. Where I live in Duluth there really isn't a great selection like the south of me in the cities.. there are a ton of gyms... My goal for the next week is to find a good gym with a descent price...
I have already reached my 1st weight-loss goal.. I wanted to be undr the 200 lb mark.... now my next is to loss 25 lbs by the end of Oct.. by halloween... Hopefully I can do it... so that would take me down to the 168-170 lb mark... I Can do It.. My bigest goal is to try to be at the weight of 150lbs by my b-day at the end of January.. My b-day is Jan 27th.. Super Bowl Sunday this year... YEHHH the Vikings better be there this year.... lol
well I rambled on enough... bye

Hello--- I'm down 4 more lbs... so I'm down -30lbs now... yippy!!! I'm at 189 lbs I'm feeling great and happier... I'm going to try to go to the gym today... I dont have a membership yet... because I'm looking into the ymca.. So this is my goal today is to go to the gym... and by monday I should have a membership... I'm tring to get the best price... :)
When I was pre-op I was in a size 20/22.... no I'm down to a size 16 ....... YIPPPPEEEEE It makes me soooo happy...

Hello--- I took my measurements today... I will start to post my measurement loss at the bottom... I have lost a total of -35 inches total from my body since 7-31-01...

Well today I finally got a gym membership... I went and worked out for about an hour... when I got home I was tierd But, I feel great... I'm going to try for 5 days a week like I used to... I loved going to the gym.. It always made me feel super good... I loved going.. I walked awhile and rode on the bike for 10 miles then I did my fav the stair stepper ( I hate it..lol ) I hate walking up stairs but here I stay on it for 10minutes... it's tiring but I do it... the I did a little weight training for about 10 minutes.... I'm going slow working my way up... at the gym I go to has a track and 18 laps = 1 mile... I used to be able to job a mile easy... not any more...lol soon I will no prob... But I had to share today was great!!!

Well I'm sore today... My inner thighs hurt bad... lol ... But no pain no gain right... I'm hopefully going to go to the gym again today if Cory will watch Johnny will I go... I need day care... I can't bring Johnny... lol ... Hopefully I will go...

Weight: 187 (-32)

Well Good morning to all... I wish everyone a good day... I never got to go to the gym yesterday....My b/f was busy and had to do alot of stuff and so was my family so I had no day care for my wild 3 year old son... lol Well Its pretty early this morning while I type here... I'm up before everyone... Getting ready to go to the gym.. My mother who does my daycare on Mondays & Wenesdays is coming early... YA... So I'm packing my gym bag and everything else I need... My inner thighs still are very sore... lol I'm walking bull-legged... lol there very stiff... AS everyone see's I had a friend from here (obesityhelp) to help me add this great inches chart... also with my weight chart!! I couldn't have done it with out you, Kyla..!! Thank You!!! You are my angel~~~~

Weight: 184 (-34)

well...another day at the gym... Its getting better and better... I'm down to 184 lbs. I'm walking a at least 2 miles, 3 to 4 days a week... but I jog part of it... as much as a can.. When I go to the gym It makes me feel soooo good... It totaly helps me clear my head and think about stuff... I'm haveing a great day today... A old friend I havent seen In months saw me and she is very overweight herself and was shocked to see me.... she said I looked good and could tell I've lost weight and that she was jealous... It made me feel good someone noticed... I can't see it yet...but any word is great..

Gosh, Its cold out... Burrrr. Today I go to school, Fun...not.. Well My friend Angel and I saw each other yesterday. Its been months, well she wants this surgery now... So I'm helping her with all the process. Like helping find a good Dr, and helping her get everything organized. I'm happy that I'm helping her...

Hello..., Good Morning everyone... My body has been on strike... lol.. Its doesnt want to lose any weight... its stuck.. Hey but its ok... I'll try to be calm... Well my really good freind Angel got all her appt's made for begining her WLS journey... I'm so happy for her... she might be able to have sugery in the 1st week of Nov. 01 -- this year... I guess her surgeon has now waiting list... annd I'm soooo excited to help her..!!! I feel I have a great purpose... she came up to me and asked for help and I love doing this...!!! I'm going to try t get her on this site to start her wls journal...

Weight: 183 (-36)

Well Hello--- My body is off its strike now for a few days...lol I have to expect this, I take it all in stride. It doesnt bother me at all.. It makes me laugh because before I had this surgery I would have givin up on my diet by now... I'm 2 months post-op and I feel great!! I'm very excited I had this surgery.. I'm down -36lbs and TONS of inches, Hopefully today I will go to Walgreens and hand in my Film of all my pre-op pics.. I took them 12 days before surgery. I want to post them on my Web-page and one on here... So hopefully I'll have them up here by the end of next week.. The pre-op pics of me, I was wearing my sports bra and spandex... lol I would never wear that in public or show anyone but I wanted myself and everyone else see exactly how big I was.
*~*~*~*~* I lost 2 more lbs today... I'm 181 lbs Yippeee~~~~ I'm No longer Morbid Obese... I'm just very Overweight now!!!! Yippeee *~*~*~*~*

*~*~* GOOD MoRnInG *~*~* Nothing new to say... Just wanted to say that everything is going good... Looking for a car to buy, cuz my old one I cant afford to get it fixed... its sad... So I'm out shopping around.. I saw 1 that I think I'm going to buy... It's a 96 Geo Prism, 118,000 miles but its cheap... wish me good luck... I hope to get it and talk him down a few bucks... cuz it needs a few things :)~ So I'm going to school today, I have to BIG tests... YUK!!!! Gotta go...

Weight: 180 (-39)

~~~I lost another lb today.... Yippppeeeee that brings me to 180 lbs... I'm almost in the 70's yes!!! and 1 more lbs will give me a 40lb loss...
*~*~*~* Well today is the big day fokes... I'm going to try to buy a 96 Geo prism!!! Yippeee... After my son John gets home from speech, (he goes to a special school on fridays for 1 hr). We are going to go pick up my car (not yet, lol) at the lot and take it to a privete mechanic,... I hope this will work out... I really need a car.. I haven't had one for months.... everyone cross there fingers...

Weight: 178 lbs (-41)

*~*~*~* I'm in the 70's !!!! YES!!! I'm 178lbs today~~~ Another 2lb's gone forever... Well lets see, I have 63 lbs more to go for my personal goal, I would like to weight 115lbs, My Dr's goal for me is 125-130, So for that goal, I have 48-53lbs left to lose, But personaly I want to be at 115-lbs..
*~*~*~* Yet another good thing happened on 10-05-01 I found a car.... YES, Thank god.. My family has been with out a car for months... I'm sooo happy.. Everyone on here and my support groups have been wonderfull... Now I can only pray that this one will be reliable and last, and I wont have so many problems.

Weight: 177 lbs (-42)

*~*~* Good morning nothing new to say other than I lost another lb, Plus, I'm getting my new car fixed today... I got a great deal on it... But, it needs brakes and a couple other things.. I'm doing the oil change, put new spark plugs in ect... Fun stuff... :)

*~*~* Well Good day to everyone.. I'm loving my weight-loss so far... I have my goal of 115lbs to get down to and I'm 41% there.. I can't believe that I'm doing so good.. I'm super happy that I got a car... I bought a 96 Geo Prism. It's GREAT!!! I'm super duper happy!! *~*~*

*~*~* Hello--- Nothing new to report other than I forgot to write down my weight loss goal, I'll be 3 months post-op on 10-31-01, this month, I want to lose a total of 50 lbs by then... So I have 8 lbs to go for my goal... I've lost -42lbs so far... but I want to reach that personal goal for myself... I can do it! I'm strong enough... I can & I will... *~*~*

Weight: 175 lbs (-44)

*~*~* YIPPPEEEE 2 more pounds Gone...Yippppeeee!!! that makes me happy :).. I wanted to say Congrats to Leah for her Great weight Loss...Good Job, Leah*~*~*~*

Weight: 172 lbs (-47)

*~*~*~* Hello,.. I lost 3 more lbs... yippeee.. I'm almost halfway to my goal.... Only 57 lbs left to go... Wow.. I'm feeling good... I'm fitting into a lot of clothes ..finally... lol.. I still can't believe.. I've lost 47lbs in a little over 2-1/2 months... wow.. I can't believe it... It doesn't seem possible... It feels like just yesterday I was trying to get a surgery date... But I would do this over and over again, If I needed to.... Tata for now.... I only need to loss 3 more pounds for my 3 month goal weight loss of 50 lbs... I hope I can do it!! *~*~*~*

Weight: 170 lbs (-49)

*~* Well Its another day... I'm finaly at 170lbs.. I only have 1 more lb to reach my goal of -50 lost in 3 months... I'm excited that it will happen... Another VERY important thing happened this morning... I was going threw my closet to look for something to wear... I only had 1 pair of jeans I could wear before... well I tried on all 10 pairs of my jeans I wore along time ago..---- size 14... they ALL FIT... I WAS SOOOO HAPPY~~~ It really nice when you can actually have a choice of what I can wear day by day... Oh boy.. It makes me soooo happy... All I can do is Thank God For giving me this chance to change my life... I can't even express how I feel... I'm sooo gitty... :) *~*~*

Weight: 169 lbs (-50) YIPPPEEE

*~*~*~* Well I'm 3 months post-op now... I weight 169 lbs this morning... Yipppeeee I did it.. I lost 50 lbs in 3 months... I will be updateing my measurement chart today sometime... I've lost alot of inches... Yeah!!!

Weight: 167 lbs (-52)

*~*~* My measurements are updated... 59.5 inches lost--- wow!! Gosh I'm super tiered today... I have been sitting at the computer all day typing my papers for school ... my head hurts.. I wish I was at the gym... well i guess I could call around to see if someone would watch john while I go workout for an hour... hmmmm maybe I'll try that...

Weight: 167 lbs (-52)
*~* well everything is going ok... I want the rest of my 52 lbs to come off... gosh I'm inpatient but boy I want it sooo bad.. I can taste it.. lol well maybe not... Ya today I go have a physical done for a new job I got. ya for me... I'll be working nights.. 10 pm - 8 am.. With 4 days on and 4 days off... I hope that this job will go good.. ya... its been kinda boring here.. nothing to do... other then house work and studing and playing with my 3 year old... On Dec 7th he'll be 4...I cant believe how fast he's growing up... I feel old..

Weight: 167 lbs (-52)
*~*~* Hello--- and Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has a happy turkey day... Well I'm on a Plateau From HELL!!!! I haven't lost anything for a long time--- I'm back at the gym so hopefully that will help it... I haven't been there since Oct 31st due to money problems.. I got money from my honey-- so I started that this week... Hopefully it will break.. I go in for my 4th month appt to see my Dr on Nov. 29th.. I will be having labs done... I already went to my PCP and had labs done because he wanted to make sure I was ok... :) but I'm getting them again a month and a half later. Hopefully they will be good.. I'm soooo tierd today... No energy... I'm going to take a nap today with my 4 year old... I hope that helps..

*~*~* Well Hello--- I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, At least this year, my New Years Resalotion is coming true.. I have been stuck at my weight now for a long time--- I had stoped working out as much and fell off the excersize horse~~ lol... Well I jumped back on... And I'm back in the program... I'm happy that I'm half way to my goal though... I have an appt with my plastic surgeon on Dec 31st at 1:30 pm. I'm going to start talking about a Tummy Tuck, and Breast Job... I know you think its to early... but I want to be informed of my options and know what I can do... I have had my Apron for most of my life... even when I was smaller, So I know that I'll be having a TT sooner or later... I'm sooo excited I had this surgery... I'm on Christmas break for college, I go back on Jan 15th... And my birthday is Jan 27th and I'll be 23... wow I'm getting old.. lol I hope to be down 10 more lbs by then... I would love to be in the 150's by then.... But everything is going good, other then my weight loss is stoped... but its just a short time... I'll update soon... *~*~*

Weight: 163 lbs (-56) About 33 lbs till goal! YEAH!

*~*~* Well just a fast update---- Everything is going good... Its wonderfull how I feel... I have tons of energy.. I'm looking into having a tummy tuck later down the road... I'm not loseing my belly... everything else is getting little buy my belly--- I went to see a P/S, the other day and he says I'm a perfect person for it.... But of course I need to be close to my goal weight as possible... (duh) I already knew that...lol so I'm working hard to get there... my dr's goal is 135 I'm shooting for 115 to 130 --- so I have about 33 lbs till goal.. I'm not scared to have a tummy tuck--- I'm really excited... I want to get rid of this big ol' Tummy!!! ----- Oh yeah-- I'll be putting before and after pics on here soon--- so look forward to them---lol

Weight: 153 lbs (-66) About 23 lbs till goal YEAH

*~*~* Well Boy oh boy--- It's been awhile since I last updated... Sorry for that--- I have some GREAT news --- I just got approved for my Panni / TT.... I'm sooo excited... I cant believe they said yes... I was denied the 1st time because I was not organized nor had I got all prepared like I did for my WLS.. But, I got some help from one of my groups on line and she sent me copies of all her attemps and appeal letters.. I got all my info together.. got all the documents I needed and then I wrote a 3 page appeal letter and within 4 days they approved me--- I'm soooo HAPPY--- Doing the HAPPY DANCE---- My Pre-op Appt is for May 7th @ 3:15 pm.... There of course we will go over the procedure again.. bla bla bla... Then any where from 2 weeks after that I could have my surgery!!!!! I'm amazed... I can't believe it... I had called my Dr's nurse Sue last week about some Q's ?? I had but, they were on vacation... So she called today and answered them and told me do I want to set up an appt? I said for what...??? She said didn't I know?? Know what I said..>??? Sue told me I was approved.... OMG!! I was jumping up and down and then I started to cry--- lol ... I didnt believe it.. I still don't.. But I'm not afraid yet.. But I will probably... I'm going to work out twice as hard to reach my goal of 130... and I'm loading up on my protien so I won't have the hair loss and My body will be ready---- I can't even tell you all how I feel.. It felt like the way I felt about WLS ... But, this is better... I have NEVER had a flat stomach... I've always had a huge belly :)~ But I had to share this with everyone. *~*~*


*~*~* Well Nothing has really changed since the last post... I start a new Job tomarrow.. Happy.. Happy.. Joy.. Joy,... Well and My pre-op appt is coming up soon... I'm kinda changing my mind about surgeron... I ran into my son's fathers sister in-law a few days ago... She is VERY Obese and she had a Panni done by him just to remove all her hanging skin (she had skin hanging to her knee's almost) and she said he did a really bad job and he had poor out paitent care... This gets me nervous.. So I'm going to call a different surgeon's office tomarrow to see how and If I can transfer my approvel over to there office to get a dfferent Dr.... I feel this is what I want and I want it done right.. Yes I might not be paying for it cash out of pocket, but My insurence company is... So I think I should have rights? or should I???? I hope I can try... I want a little Lipo done with this procedure... I will have to pay extra but want it really bad... I will need to get financing done...which I wonder who will help me? I need this done sooooo bad... I will need a co-signer... What do I do? Qestions???? I wish it was easier.... What to do? What to do??? Gosh everything is so complicated...


*~*~* Well Things are going ok-- I switched to a different surgeon, I did'nt feel good about the one I had...SO I went to a whole different place.. I'm seeing a new Dr on May 2nd @ 2pm.. I switched insurence over to the new Dr and everything went smoother.. I will update again when I come back from my consult with my new dr... He's at Northland Plastic Surgery / Lake Walk Surgery Center.... Dr Baertsch is my new surgeon... I'm excited... well I'm off to do stuff.... TTFN


*~*~* GUESS WHAT !!!! I HAVE A DATE!!!! I will be having my Tummy Tuck / Liposuction on June 5th @ noon at the Lakewalk Surgery Center in Duluth, I will be having out patient surgery that day... Dr Baertsch said my surgery will take 1-3 hours then I'll be in recovery for 1-1/2 to 2 hours... I'm SOOOOOO EXCITED... DOING THE HAPPY DANCE!!! :) Yes, he is very nice...HE is also totaly hot... He looks like Antonio Vandaras (sorry can't spell it...lol) He said that he will do a smiley type cut but kinda square-ish... Like this _/ like that... well lol its kinda smiley... lol whatever... I'm just so excited...he'll cute off all the fat on the botton where my panni is then he said he's going to liposuction on my upper stomach and my sides to balance me out! also will tighten muscles..:) ... I'm scared but can't wait... I have talked to many people about this and some told me the pain was managable others told me its the worst pain I'll ever be in.. So All I can do is wait and take it... My dad is going to take my son for a week and I will be having my 2 best friends watch over me for a week... Some one HAS to be with me at home for the 1st 24 hours I guess... but I have to run...talk to everyone later... ttfn


*~*~* WELL I made it on the other side again!!! Its been 3+ days since my Tummy Tuck w/Lipo... I jsut wanted a quick update... It is alot easier then having the WLS... The thing that bothers me the most is The iching and the 2 Huge stupid drain plugs that hang from your belly... They get in the way and I can't Fu**ing stand them... lol.. I see the Dr again on Thursday May 30th @ 1:30... Hopefully he'll take them out.. I had to wait 48 hours to take a shower.. I have a very tight tummy and It very swollen and Black and blue.. The right side is more black and blue then the lest... but lol the left iches more.. So I can't win.. The surgery went great and I would reccomend my Surgeon Dr A. Baertsch @ Northland center for Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.. ( Lakewalk Center ) I went in right on time... the staff nurse was great... and it was great place.. They all made me feel right at home... But I'm going to run and lie down... I cant stand to one spot for so long..
*~*~* I cant wait to see the total results... I can see my toes and every thing else now... I mean I see a drastic difference BUT, there is soooo much swelling that its hard to like or dislike it yet... :)

I had Breast agmentation today.. I lost so much weight in my chest that I lost it all.. I was a 36 b 36 c small flat.. both.. for the 1st time in my whole life.. I am really happy with my body.. I went to a 34 DD.. very happy yeah. It was a VERY fast surgery.. Done on the nipple line, no scar at all VERY happy with the surgeon and what he did.... go DOC...

Kiara's Measurement Chart


1 Year

Bra Line43.539.536.5N/AN/A7
Right Thigh292725.5N/AN/A3.25
Left Thigh29.252624.5N/AN/A5.25
Right Calf17.516.515.75N/AN/A1.75
Left Calf171615.5N/AN/A1.5
Right Arm171514N/AN/A3
Left Arm171513.5N/AN/A3.5
Grand Total59.5

My Weight Chart:

Current Weight : 140 lbs on 12/25/04
Starting Weight: 219 lbs on 7/27/01
Total Weight Loss to Date: -79 lbs
Distance from Goal : 25 lbs

About Me
Duluth, Mn
Surgery Date
Apr 09, 2001
Member Since
