Finally... an update!! Day of Surgery

Feb 23, 2009

I can't believe that I am almost 4 months post op already! Time flies!!  So, let me rewind and let you in on my surgery, my second surgery and recovery... :) Let's rewind 3+ months!

So I arrived at St. Joe's at 5:30 am on the day of surgery. I was so happy to be the first surgery of the day! Better for my nerves and my family's!  Troy brought me and we took some before pics, since I realized that I hadn't taken any for just that purpose.

I was brought to the pre-op waiting room and barely sat down when my name was called... They brought me back and I got changed, weighed (I lost 30 pounds the month before surgery), and hopped into bed.  My family (minus one sister who had to drop off my precious niece at daycare before she could come to the hosp.) arrived and they were nervous, but I think my happy mood and good attitude helped them.  The nurse had a hard time finding a good vein for an IV, so a Nurse Anesthest was called and he got one started.  I took some pics with my family (check out my profile pics) and I think we were ready to role. I remember getting the happy juice as I was being wheeled in and that's all she wrote. 

I don't remember post-op AT ALL! I woke up in my room with my family surrounding me... I was groggy, groggy, groggy, but felt ok otherwise!  They got me up to the bathroom and to take a couple sips of water.  I guess I was saying really funny things and my family still teases me about how "drunken" I was!

I took my first sip and it went down ok, but I had to burp everytime I sipped and it went down a little funny, but at this time, I didn't know quite what was normal yet.  I sipped as I was supposed to and slept on and off through the night. In the late morning I had some tomato protein soup which was awful and diluted apple juice.

I went home to my mom's house for Friday night... I slept ok but was having some trouple still with swallowing.  In the middle of Friday night, I started spitting up foamy white stuff... and on Sat morning, I threw up lots of foamy white stuff.   So I called Dr. Drew and he said that my pouch and anastamosis was probably inflammed and that I needed to come back in to be admitted so I could continue to get fluids while the swelling went down. 

So back to St. Joe's I went... check out the next blog :)


About Me
Surgery Date
May 31, 2008
Member Since

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Let the Countdown Begin... T -10 days
Take That!!
I didn't know I was a Hurdler...
One Month to Go!!
