almost 3 weeks!

Dec 29, 2008

Tomarrow I go for the official weigh in at the Dr office, but unofficially I am down 24 lbs in not quite 3 weeks.  That is the equivlancy of my daughter right now.  I have a lot more energy, and look forward to being able to go to the gym to start workouts.  Meals are going good, protein is a little hard sometimes, as I don't like the powders added to anything.  I think the only real complaint is consipation from all the dairy products.  A little corectal is working on that issue though.
1 comment

I'm home

Dec 11, 2008

I'm up and about.  I get tired really easy, but I think thats from the anastesia.  I am drinking lots of fluids and walking every 2 hours around the house.  I had some great hospital staff to care for me overnight, and the pain fluxuates between a 1 and a 4 - mostly at the port site.  The elastice waist band I am wearing gives wonderful support, and makes getting up and down easier.

ready to be a big loser!

Dec 09, 2008

I have been on liquids since Nov 28th ( with the exception of my 1 cheat of a side salad on day 3) - 12 days, and am totally starving!  I drank my Milk of Magnesia tonight as part of my pre-op, and it is not pretty.  My bag is packed for the hospital, and I am making a list and checking it twice for the people my hubby needs to contact.  I am a little nervous, and a little excited, so I feel more like I'm running down the middle of the road.  I can't wait for soft foods starting Christmas Eve!  I think I have lost about 15 lbs since Thanksgiving, so I am in the zone tht my surgeon wanted.  Well, I better get to bed - 4 am will be here beofre I know it!

starting today

Nov 11, 2008

Ok, so I seen the surgeon yesterday, and I am a go for Dec 10th.  I am a little nerveous, but excited.  I think my mom is more excited than I am.  She had RNY in 2004, and lost a whole person, and is managing to keep it off.  Since we have stomach pollips in our family, I opted for the band, so if I develop them, they can still be managed easily enough.

Things I think will be difficult for me:
1. drinking throughout the day - I am practicing now, but I only drink with meals, so I need to change that completely around
2. giving up breads for a while - I'm a carb feind!
3. giving up membership to the empty plate club - it took many years of parental disapline to get me into that club!
4. small bites - I have a big mouth, enough said

Things I think will be easy for me:
1. fills - 5 years of infertility changed my outlook on needles
2. bites every 5 or so minutes - I already take time between bites to stop mealtime fights

It has taken me many years to come to this decision because I am happy with the way I look (mostly).  Having 2 small kids is really what has pushed it over the edge.  I want to be healthy enough to enjoy them as kids, and live long enough to have grandkids.

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 11, 2008
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 4
I'm home
ready to be a big loser!
starting today
