Insurance Companies URGGGGG!!!

Apr 13, 2009

Hello all! So i waited all weekend to call my insurance company (BCBS of Michigan PPO)  to see what the changes were that Gwen at Dr. Verseman's Office had told me about. The insurance company just said that the doctor would determine if i was eligible. They wouldnt tell em anything! So no i have to wait untiil next week to found out at my appointment.

Here's my dilemma. My insurance will approve somebody right away with a BMI over 50. They dont have to wait, no hassle. But any one below 50 has to be on a supervised diet for six months before being approved. My BMI is 48-49. Is it wrong to want to gain weight? I am only a few lbs off from reaching 50, and could soon be scheduling my surgery. But i feel like trying to gain weight is going against the point. Maybe the changes that were said are to that policy.

Ever since i scheduled my consultation,  since thursday night i have not slept but for a few hours in the morning. I dont know if its just nerves, or excitment. Maybe its the metformin that always does funny things to my body and i had to up the dose! I am anxiously waiting next monday. 7 days in counting.  I hope everything is going well for all of yous! Please i need words of encouragement or something to keep my mind of next week!



Hello World!!!

Apr 11, 2009

Hi Everyone. My name is Kim, I'm a 22 year old student from michigan. I am just starting my WLS journey. It's taken me long time to decide to pursue the surgery, but i got alot of inspiration and comort from the posts i have read at and religiously watch Amelia on her YouTube Massagegoddess vlog. Ive never sent her a message or anything so if you read this Amelia, THANKS! 
   But anyway i went to Dr. Versemans seminar back in january and i just got around to sending in my paperwork last week. I had them ready, but i just made them sit in the bottom of purse, addressed stamped and everything, just didnt have the guts to send them in.  I was contacted by his staff yesterday, and they were so nice.  She explained what the first consultation consisted of and answered all of my questions. They even took care of getting the doctor refferal. She also told be that insurance company (bcbs of mi) just underwent changes this week, and it put me in a good position. So i have my first appointment on April 20th.
    Now that i actually sent the paperwork in and made the appointment, i am more excited than ever. Im even dreaming about it. I feel like this is gonna be the start of a whole new life for me. I look forward to talking to all of you about what i can expect in the upcoming months. Hope to talk to all of you soon!!!

Love, Kim

About Me
Kalamazoo, MI
Surgery Date
Apr 10, 2009
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